Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1139 Ruiye Bank, suddenly appears

"How dare he!?"

"Is China just going to let him do whatever he wants!?"

"Is it true that you don't even consider starting a war!? Isn't he afraid!?"

"Do you really think that bullshit Lieyang One is invincible!?"

“They simply don’t take our intimidation into consideration!!!”

Many consortium owners have lived for so many years, and this is the first time they see such a terrifying existence like Ye Yang.

Not only crazy, but also crazy powerful.

"He is really a lunatic...I's better to withdraw this decision..."

"He really dares to blow up! If we push him too hard, he might really blow us up in a fit of anger..."

"Yes, that old council member of your Balor Consortium...wasn't he killed so quietly?"

Many representatives were trembling in their hearts and kept talking.

"Are you scared!?"

Sethis Balor roared: "We, the super conglomerates, haven't said anything yet, what do you have to be afraid of!?"

But despite his tough words, he still felt fear in his heart.

This Ye Yang is really terrifying!

It makes absolutely no sense!

Other big guys who stand at the top of the world are extremely cautious in the use of military weapons. Ye Yang doesn't care at all... as if he is telling them: "If the war starts, then the war will start. I don't care!"

"Damn it!"

He banged the table angrily.

The death of countless innocent people will not make them feel any heartache. The hearts of capital tycoons are made of steel. They have no emotions for a long time and only the word "interest" is engraved on them.

But when it comes to their own lives, they are afraid.

After all, living and making money are the only things that make sense.

After death, there are trillions, but it is all in vain.

They have no doubt that with the character Ye Yang is showing now, if they go further, the other party will really send a few bombs to blow them up...

"If you're afraid, just follow the rules."

"Tell the other banks that there is no need to freeze their assets according to our established plan..."


In the end, even several super consortiums had to compromise.

They still have the confidence to fight the economic war.

However, a real military war would be too terrifying, and not everyone can afford it...

Coupled with the ruthless methods Ye Yang has shown now, if there is a real fight, Ye Yang doesn't know whether he will lose or not, they will all die.

"Don't say you didn't predict what you said."

Thinking of Ye Yang's public words, everyone broke out in cold sweat and felt scared.

This incident soon shocked the world.

Everyone is talking.

"Did Ye Shenhao really send someone to do this!?"

"Isn't this too relaxing!?"

"In this world, for so many years, the only one who has the strength and dares to do this to European and American consortiums is Ye Shenhao!!!"

"Ye Shenhao is invincible!!!"

I don't know how many people were shouting happily.

Even people in neighboring countries were excited and shouted hurrah.

Cheer for Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, he had already expected this.

Most of the European and American consortiums were powerful foreigners and internal leaders, especially the Balor Consortium, who did not dare to really start a war and retreated after being frightened.

The only one who has the confidence and is not afraid of his force is the Sayles Consortium in the United States.

After all, American consortiums are more or less involved in the military industry, and they are all eager to start a fight so that they can make war fortune with human blood on their buns.

But this time the Sayles Consortium is not the leader after all.

Many people scolded Ye Yang, but there was nothing they could do against him.

After all, the bomber formation belonged to the Hurricane, and there was no connection at all with Hua Xia and Ye Yang.

As for the solid evidence that Ye Yang is the controller of Hurricane, that is the ultimate secret of Hurricane, and it cannot be unearthed so easily...

It was impossible before, but now with top hackers and the galactic black hole guarding it, it is even more impossible.

Therefore, even if everyone knows it, there is no actual evidence!

Even the honest condemnation and scolding could not be uttered, so he could only hold it in his stomach, which made the owners of several major financial groups burn with anger.

In this way, a world with only the Swiss-Turkish Bank injured was born...

Inexplicably, he was tricked by the European and American consortium, and finally was blown up by a hurricane and the money was taken away.

He also lost credibility in the world and was cast aside by others.

Their managers all looked dejected. They regretted that they should have listened to the instigation of those rubbish European and American consortiums! ! !

They were in agony.

Immediately, amid the condemnation of many wealthy businessmen around the world, they could only turn to begging Ye Yang to deposit the money back again, and even offered an irresistible interest rate! ! !

"Well, the attitude of admitting mistakes is not bad."

Ye Yang nodded.

Swiss Bank breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, I refuse!"

Ye Yang's next words made them hold back their relieved breath and blush...

The next day, a local Swiss bank supported by a company under Ye Yang's name emerged, spurred by Ye Yang's assets investing tens of billions of euros in foreign exchange.

Many people were moved.

"Our bank will definitely protect the safety of personal property, and the means of protection include but are not limited to dispatching aircraft, tanks, submarines, etc..."

This one directly moved everyone's heart.

This bank is awesome!

The only one in the world!

Which bank can be as awesome as the Ruiye Bank? If there is a problem with the property, they will send a plane directly!

Moreover, this is not a lie. Although it cannot be said explicitly, everyone knows who is behind this bank!

That boss can do anything, and he can do what he says. He has never broken his promise in the international arena!

With this kind of power and credibility guarantee, countless friends of Ye Yang and international bigwigs with whom he has friendly relations, such as Prince Abdullah of Dubai, have all transferred their assets in Switzerland to the Ruiye Bank...

The general trend is unstoppable. Many world tycoons and chaebols from various countries who were previously disgusted by the Swiss bank's operations all began to consider transferring.

For a time, the funds stored in the Ruiye Bank skyrocketed.

Becoming the world's top bank is just a world problem!!!

"This is crazy!"

"Unconsciously, Mr. Ye has such an appeal in the international arena..."


Just when everyone was amazed at the prosperity of the Ruiye Bank.

A shocking piece of news shocked everyone again...

Ye Yang officially announced that he would launch counter-sanctions against several European and American financial groups that participated in the war!!!

(Second update)

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