Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1140 Ye Yang's International Power

"How can Ye Yang alone impose counter-sanctions on European and American chaebols?"

"What can he do? Does he really think he can successfully resist the siege of so many super chaebols!?"

"Too funny..."

Many people turned a deaf ear to this reputation and laughed out loud.

Even ordinary people think so, not to mention the heads of these top chaebols, who immediately shook their heads and laughed.

"Is Ye Yang trying to make me laugh to death!?"

"This is too funny!"

"Sanction us? It's really interesting. I want to see where he can sanction us."


However, before they laughed too long.

Ye Yang's strategic announcement came out...

The first target is the six chaebols in Japan!

They have monopolized Japan's business for too long, and there are countless people in Japan waiting for an opportunity to overthrow them.

After all, before, if you don't respect the six chaebols in Japan, you will never be able to grow big.

When they are almost done, they will be acquired by the six chaebols again...

This time, they finally see hope and opportunity!!!

Ye Yang directly transferred all the profits in Japan to all the competitors of the six chaebols...

Originally, these competitors could not compete with the six chaebols, but with Ye Yang's support, they expanded rapidly.

The growth rate is very fast!

In addition, Ye Yang also issued the same announcement, interrupting all business cooperation with the six chaebols and cutting off all the business and orders being negotiated by the six chaebols.

And posted a message that all companies that cooperate with the six chaebols can get an extra 5% profit if they turn to cooperate with him.

Further down, there is a detailed list of companies and specific countermeasures and measures...

It is a long and eloquent article.

When this announcement came out, the world business community was shocked.

Although this post caused the greatest damage to the six chaebols in Japan, it also played a fatal role on several other super chaebols.

In addition to the fact that the business environment in foreign countries is different from that in Japan, they do not have so many opposing opponents, and all the sanctions clauses are the same for them.

"Sure enough, they're targeting me."

The head of the Japanese Sanling Group looked pale. If it weren't for the fact that he and several other super groups were restricting Ye Yang this time, he would definitely not have the courage to confront Ye Yang.

The assets controlled by Ye Yang are now too huge and amazing. Any single group seems a little weak in front of him.

The six Japanese chaebols tied together are not as influential as Ye Yang in the world.

At the same moment, France, England, Dubai, Russia...

The heads of some representative groups of many countries all followed suit.

"Unconsciously, Ye Yang has made so many friends internationally."

"Even our European chaebols have been disintegrated by him, and some of them support Ye Yang!"

"They actually stabbed us in the back!?"

"There is only one word of profit in the world, they just think that there are more benefits with Ye Yang!"

"Oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metals, rare earths... He actually controls so many energy sources..."

"Not only you in Europe, but even some powerful companies in our country of America are supporting Ye Yang, but not us! New alloys... medicine... military industry... Gulfstream aircraft... When did these get into his hands!!! There was no news before..."

Several heads of the consortium were dumbfounded.

You don't know until you fight, this Ye Yang's hidden power, once exposed, is so intimidating!

Many of the heads of these financial groups thought that the things they controlled were all inexplicably used to help Ye Yang...

"If such a trade war broke out a few years ago, many countries would definitely choose to help us..."

"Is it really that we live in the glory of the past and can't keep up with the changes of the times!?"

Some people sighed.


For a while, everyone was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang had so many assets and friends in foreign countries!

This is amazing!

This is completely different from their expectations!


For a while, the voices of slapping in the face came one after another internationally, and I don't know how many people felt their faces burning...

As time went on, various opinions emerged on the Internet.

"No wonder Ye Yang dares to fight these super consortiums! He is really confident!"

"I originally expected Ye Yang to be defeated, but now I didn't expect that he would fall into a balance... This kind of sanctions and counter-sanctions now seem to be evenly matched!"

"Both sides should have suffered great losses, and Ye Yang's side seems to be more united. If they really continue to fight, maybe Ye Yang will win in the end!"

"Hehe, the consortiums haven't used the final means yet! You made a decision too early! The consortiums can control the lifeline of the world, and their ability is not exaggerated!"

"Hehe, Ye Shenhao is invincible! No matter what you say, Ye Shenhao will definitely win in the end!"


As time goes by, many companies even begin to turn to Ye Yang more and more.

This is something no one expected.

But insiders know something.

What Ye Yang holds in his hands represents the future!

Giving up the two consortiums of America and Europe and embracing the future may be a very right choice.

More and more people are aware of this.

Moreover, these super consortiums don't represent anything at all.

Although they represent the power of the old era to a certain extent, there are only these few after all. After seeing that many European and American groups and companies have stabbed these super consortiums in the back, many companies and groups have turned against them.

Especially in the purchase of nuclear fusion power resources...


The heads of the consortiums turned black.

Originally, it was thought that sanctioning Ye Yang would be a piece of cake, but now it seems to be extremely difficult.

Even, if things go wrong, they will lose!

"It's unreasonable! How can you control so many companies quietly internationally!?"

"Damn nuclear fusion, damn new metals, damn new coding systems!"

They all cursed.

Whether it is energy, materials or Internet technology, Ye Yang now has the capital to compete with them.

And they can't play rogue like before.

Directly rob money and the like.

After all, Ye Yang's military deterrence is there, and he is not afraid at all. If you are shameless, he will fight back.

"Originally, the biggest sanction against China was to cut off the supply of cutting-edge technologies such as wafers, but now they already have the self-developed wafers of the Falcon series, which are leading in performance. Now we have to worry about whether we will be sanctioned in return..."

"I thought this war was launched early enough, but I didn't expect it to be too late."

"Attack and defense aliens!"

All the representatives of the consortium realized this, but they didn't dare to say it out loud to dampen morale, and could only sigh in their hearts.

(First update)

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