Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1141 The Final Resort

"Really drunk."

"This is not to punish him, it is clearly to make myself suffer..."

Several consortium leaders all reacted.

"It seems that we can only use the last resort!"

"That's right! Burn money! Burn him to death directly!"

"I don't believe that he, an emerging wealth power, can accumulate cash flow comparable to our profound foundation! Burn him to death!!!"

Several major financial groups finally resorted to the last tough measures.

This is the toughest shopping stage after the business war has heated up.

With the previous sanctions, etc., the losses can still be controlled.

And according to previous practice, European and American consortiums generally won't lose anything when imposing sanctions. After all, they will cheat and steal your money directly.

If they hadn't encountered such a tyrannical and crazy opponent like Ye Yang, they could still have won at this stage this time.

Once it reaches the stage of burning money, the competition is all about foundation. Whoever's cash flow is burned out first will lose! ! !

The reason why these consortiums are so confident is because of their feelings.

As long as it comes to the final fight for the bottom line, Ye Yang will definitely not be able to fight them!

No matter how strong Ye Yang is, he has only developed for two or three years. Compared with the capital reserves and burning money, he can still burn through the four major super consortiums! ?

If Ye Yang won all this, it would be a fantasy!

Totally impossible!

They all have calm eyes and are determined to bring the economic war to its final climax.

Japan's six chaebols are all relieved. If they don't enter the final stage of bayonet fighting, they will really be exhausted by this sanction.

Their situation recently has been extremely tragic.

It was an uncomfortable day.

"That Ye Yang, hasn't left Japan yet?"

The leader of Japan's six chaebols asked calmly.


The person next to him nodded.

"What a determined person! He has dealt with us, Japan's Six Richest Conglomerates, and still sits firmly on our territory. This is because he doesn't care about our deterrence at all! He is not afraid of our anger..."

Among the six chaebols, a representative said with a stern face.

"I am in the country of Yue, facing all the assassins in the world, killing so hard that no one will do it again, and killing myself to the point of becoming a taboo in the world of killers. Is it possible that the six Japanese consortiums can still launch a more murderous robbery than the last time with a reward of 600 billion?" Is it a serious killing?"

someone asked with a sneer.

The one who spoke was naturally a member of the Balor Consortium. He thought of the time a few days ago when Black Source offered a reward of 300 billion U.S. dollars and they offered a reward of 300 billion euros.

Countless killers swarmed in, and the result was that Ye Yang became famous in the killer world for a lifetime.

"I guess your Japanese killer organization was also there at that time, right?"

Sethis Balor didn't have a good face. After all, when he mentioned this matter, he could not help but think of the Balor consortium leader who was killed by Ye Yang and suffered a huge loss, but there was no evidence that it was Ye Yang who did it.


The Japanese chaebol representative who made the suggestion felt frustrated and did not dare to talk back. After all, this was indeed a fact.

Those who play dirty tricks with Ye Yang, he is more dirty and ruthless than you, and he could even risk his own life if he is not careful!

Thinking of this, he shook his head. Losing money is a small matter, but losing lives is a big deal.

It’s better to play serious business confrontation and fight within the rules...

After all, he was confident that if he really wanted to use formal means, Ye Yang would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Compared with burning money, Ye Yang would definitely not be able to burn them.

After all, there are so many financial groups here, and one person's spit is enough to drown Ye Yang.

"Okay, then let's make a detailed plan and see how to deal with this Ye Yang!"

"Okay! This battle must be settled as soon as possible."

The heads of many financial groups have dark eyes.

After all, they had planned to deal with Ye Yang within three days of the war.

But after two rounds, it has been almost twenty days, and Ye Yang still has not been defeated. Instead, it has given the opponent a slight tendency to turn defeat into victory.

This made the heads of these consortiums look extremely ugly.

Many forces in the world are sarcastic, feeling that the days when European and American consortiums dominated the world are gone forever, and that there will be a new world in the future!

These words were extremely heartbreaking to hear in their ears.

Also extremely anxious.

"If we don't kill him completely, our hegemonic voice will really fall from the altar!"

Milo Sayles slapped the table angrily: "He must die!"

"That's all we can do."


the next day.

The second round of mutual restraint of sanctions has finally come to an end.

The consortium's position began a crazy counterattack!

The money-burning war has officially begun!

Target all the companies that Ye Yang can target, lower profits, rush for orders, destroy the market balance, engage in price wars, and consume each other regardless of cost!

"These consortiums are serious!"

"I don't know if Mr. Ye can win this round."

"Don't talk about winning, as long as we can hold on, there will be no existence in the future world that can restrict the development of Mr. Ye! Joining forces will not work! As long as there is no real artillery war or economic war in the future, no one will There is nothing I can do about him, he is truly invincible in the world!”

"I don't think so? These are just the four major super consortiums. If the top ten conglomerates in the United States, the top ten conglomerates in Europe, the six conglomerates in Japan, plus the Dahan Ming Kingdom and many other conglomerates all join forces to sanction him, it will not be as terrifying as this time too much?"

"That's almost impossible. These conglomerates are not monolithic. The four super conglomerates joining together is rare in history. If it were so easy for super conglomerates to join forces, they would probably fight economic wars and swallow each other up every day!"

"That's right... the interests are too complicated. The conglomerates are in a competitive relationship, and their relationships are delicate, both enemies and friends. It's impossible for them to unite. For example, among the top ten conglomerates in the United States, two of them have feuds."


"This should be the last battle before Mr. Ye can truly conquer the world!"

"After this battle, no one can stop him from becoming the world's number one rich man!"

"I'm really looking forward to that day! Is China finally going to go global? ? "


In China, the wind is blowing in a good direction, because everyone has seen the battles between Ye Yang and these financial groups in the past half month, and has seen Ye Yang's strength, and has seen that these financial groups that are said to control the world are not as scary as imagined...

"Haha, that's it! Ye Yang will definitely not be able to survive the third round!"

"This is a battle of pure foundation! He has only risen for a few years, how can he compare with these ancient financial groups that have dominated the world's economic structure for many years! The reserve gold of these companies alone is probably enough to burn Ye Yang to death! ! ! "

There are also many people who are hostile to Ye Yang and shout...

(Second update)

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