Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1142: 7 trillion Chinese yuan and 1.4 trillion euros

"Has the day finally come?"

Ye Yang took a sip of Jade Dew green tea, his eyes calm but with an edge.

He has been waiting for this day.

From the beginning, he knew that there would be this final money-burning link.

However, recently, when he spent money, the system no longer directly refunded cash, but instead refunded some technology cards and the like, so he was also a little stressed before the war started.

This kind of conquest among large consortiums is terrible for burning money.

Once a certain cashback does not return cash, it is likely that the cash flow will be interrupted.

The things he has done recently cost too much money. Any big project will cost trillions of dollars!

Although he had accumulated a large amount of cash through several bets.

But now, there are not many left.

Even if you include the original cash flow of other assets and the huge cash flow of Shentu Company, it is estimated that the scale will be less than about 7 trillion Huaxia coins.

That's why he cares so much about these 900 billion euros.

Once these 900 billion euros are obtained, it will be equivalent to a direct expansion of cash flow by nearly double!

There are so many things that can be done...

Not to mention that if we win this time, it will be 1.2 trillion euros, more than double the amount! ! !

It was enough to bring his cash flow to an extremely terrifying level.

Converted into Chinese coins, it is far more than 10 trillion!

This is an extremely terrifying number, enough to influence the lifeline of the world economy...

At that time, he finally had enough strength to develop some final plans.

Therefore, this battle must be won!


The combined cash flow of these companies must be more than his.

There is no doubt about this.

Moreover, all of these 7 trillion yuan must not be burned. A large part must be used to maintain normal business operations.

If you spend too much, the company will partially collapse.

If there are too many holes, the whole economy will collapse. Even if the economic war is lost, the economy will end in disgrace.

"We can only gamble on the fate of mankind."

Ye Yang's eyes were calm, everything was being executed according to plan...

Various consortium conference centers.

"We, the Balor Consortium, will do our best this time and invest 600 billion euros."

Seth Balor was the first to speak out.

Although the four major super consortiums have temporarily formed an alliance, their previous relationships with each other were extremely complicated.

Europe is suppressed by the United States and is also on guard against the United States.

The United States is afraid that Europe will lose control, so the two sides have dissatisfaction with each other.

The same is true between Japan, Great Cold Underworld and America.

Due to their geo-economic relationship, Japan and the Great Cold Underworld were both enemies and friends. Sometimes they were superficial allies, and sometimes they fought to the death. In addition, the American consortium was instigated, and on several occasions the big consortiums on both sides even went to full-scale war.

Therefore, the four major super consortiums are originally afraid of each other.

If it weren't for Ye Yang, it would be impossible for the four of them to stand on a united front.

The Balor Consortium also saw this, fearing that these consortiums would be wary of each other and not daring to cut their flesh and burn money, so they directly spent a lot of money, hoping that the other three would also be happy.

"After all, the Sals Consortium is not one of the top ten consortiums in the world. It has little wealth, and was cheated out of a lot of money by Ye Yang's gambling. This time we will do our best and prepare to invest 150 billion US dollars for the final fight! "

Milo Sars said lightly.

"Miluo! The Sars Consortium can afford at least 300 billion U.S. dollars!"

Sethis Balor didn't expect that after he had already spent 600 billion euros, the other party would be so conservative, which made him angry.

"Does the head of the Balor family know the financial situation of our consortium better than I do?"

Milo Sars said lightly.


Sethis Balor gritted his teeth and looked at the representative of Sanxing.

"Our Sanxing Consortium... is the same. We have been cheated by Ye Yang before and have no cash reserves. In addition, we have to maintain the cash flow of most enterprises to operate normally. This time we can provide 150 billion euros. "

Representatives of Sanxing said repeatedly.


Sesis Balor was displeased and looked at the last representative of Japan's six chaebols.

"Haha, isn't Dahan Ming Kingdom known as the Divine Kingdom of the Universe? The Sanxing Consortium is even known as the actual ruler of the Divine Kingdom. Why are they prepared to spend 150 billion euros?"

The representative of Japan's six chaebols shook his head: "Although our six chaebols are not talented, we are still prepared to spend 300 billion US dollars to participate in this encirclement and suppression!"

The representatives of the six chaebols did not dare to scold the father of the United States, but they still had the confidence to confront the Great Hanming Kingdom.

"We offer 50 billion..."

"For us, eighty billion..."

The remaining families all spoke out one after another.

Sethis Balor's eyes were cold and sharp.

Calculated in this way, the total amount is only about 1350 billion euros.

He felt that it would be difficult to completely crush Ye Yang.

Before the war started, they naturally evaluated Ye Yang's assets. They estimated that Ye Yang had a cash flow of approximately four trillion Chinese coins.

To achieve a crushing situation, an offensive of at least twelve trillion Chinese coins is required, which is close to two trillion euros.

The current total amount is a full one-third short of this goal!

Moreover, Ye Yang has exposed so many new assets, each one of which is terrifying.

Even two trillion euros may not be enough...

"Don't underestimate Ye Yang! This person is not that easy to deal with. If we don't do our best, we can't really kill him!"

He persuaded again and again.

"Have we tried our best?"

The Sals Consortium and the Sanxing Consortium both showed their hands, expressing their incompetence.

"You are lying! I, the Balor Consortium, can afford 600 billion euros! Even if you have lost some money to Ye Yang before, it is absolutely impossible that you can only afford 150 billion euros. To what extent?”

Sethus Balor asked angrily.

"Don't go too far! Do you have to say it clearly!?"

Milo Sars has been the shadow emperor for many years and has his own majesty. When he saw Sethis questioning him like this, he was naturally angry and said coldly.

"Your Balor Consortium originally owed Ye Yang 600 billion euros! Now you are just using this money to engage in a money-burning war! You should be the most anxious this time! You should at least pay this 600 billion euros EUR!"

"And we, the Sals and Sanxing consortium, originally only signed a 100 billion U.S. dollars each in the bet! Now we have raised 150 billion euros for this war. We have already raised the price ourselves. Responsibility ratio!

You, the Balor Consortium, and you, the Six Richest Conglomerates of Japan, stop taking advantage and acting like a good boy! "

The few ordinary consortiums nearby obviously thought the same way, and they all kept nodding. After all, at first glance, this theory sounds quite right...

(First update)

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