Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1143: Fighting for seven days and seven nights

"That's right, we are all taking higher risks! You can invest as much as you want to lose in the bet. It is obvious that we are helping you bear the risk!"

An ordinary consortium followed up and helped the Sals consortium speak up.

After all, they did not try their best to suppress it, and only paid tens of billions of shares.


Seth Balor was so angry that the corners of his mouth trembled: "That's because our cash reserves, which can be used, are only 600 billion euros! It is difficult to get more! Since we are an alliance, of course we must be of the same mind If we work together, once Ye Yang rises, he will be the biggest threat to your country, right?"

Milo Sals sneered: "The top ten financial groups in the United States, and my Sals consortium is just an ordinary one among them!

But in this battlefield to suppress Ye Yang, I was the only one charging forward, while the other nine people were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai! This responsibility does not need to be entirely shied away from me! "

"That's right, we are just here to help out this time, so we need more help from the Balor Consortium!"

The representative of the Sanxing Consortium smiled and smoothed things over, but his tone always gave people a strange feeling.

"Sanxing Consortium is still so irresponsible!"

The Six Japanese Conglomerates couldn't stand it, and they directly retorted: "Since we are an alliance, we should advance and retreat together, and the funds we provide should be the same! We, the Six Conglomerates, cannot accept such a disparity!"

"Stop being so pretentious, how are you, Japan's Six Conglomerates, better than the Balor Consortium? You also had to pay 300 billion U.S. dollars in compensation, weren't you!?"

The representative of the Sanxing Foundation sneered.

"Didn't you force me into the game!? Otherwise, why would I take the initiative to offend Mr. Ye!!! China is by our side, why should we create such a formidable enemy for ourselves!?"

The Six Japanese Financial Groups were so angry that they were furious.

Three hundred billion US dollars is almost the limit of the cash flow they can use.

"I didn't pull you, you took the initiative."

Several denied it.


The representative of Japan's six chaebols stood up and stamped his feet angrily, but then his head dropped and he had nothing to say.

The American consortium always likes to play this throwaway trick, but you still have no evidence. They control your lifeline and handle from the beginning. There is no choice at all. Everything has been decided long ago. Afterwards, they will say that they did not force you.


"Okay, each of our two families will add another 25 billion euros! Is this sincerity enough?"

Milo Sars said lightly.

The representative of the Sanxing Consortium opened his mouth. This guy hasn't asked for his opinion yet?

However, he was also used to the United States making decisions for them without consulting them, so he acquiesced.


The Balor Consortium snorted and nodded.

In this way, the final amount was finalized.

A total of 1.4 trillion euros.

After calculation, it’s about more than nine trillion Chinese coins!

This is a terrifying cash flow. Wherever it is placed, it can sweep across the world. Even big countries will tremble in the face of such an offensive.

Only two superpowers in the world can face this crazy financial offensive calmly.

This is not surprising, after all, it is the four world-class super consortiums, combined with some other consortiums, to do their best.

It accounts for nearly half of the financial deterrents of all financial consortiums in the United States, and also accounts for nearly half of the cash flow of all financial consortiums in Europe.

When it comes to Europe and the United States, this financial power is enough to sweep the world.

It is difficult to find an existence that can compete...

The international financial market is in turmoil at this moment.

Converted into Chinese currency, the combined cash flow of both parties exceeds 15 trillion, which is enough to affect changes in the world economic structure! ! !

You must know that the total amount of Huaxia coins in all forms in China, including deposits, circulating currency, electronic money, loans, etc., added together, is less than 45 trillion.

Economic aggregate is economic aggregate, and cash is cash, which is not the same concept at all.

The total economic volume has long exceeded one hundred billion, but the cash flow is probably a few billion.

In this economic war, both sides have used more than 15 trillion in cash flow.

It is enough to be called an unprecedented and unprecedented battle.

"The battle for national destiny!"

Many discerning people have seen the significance of this battle.

"One battle will determine life or death! Whether we can go east to conquer Liuhe in the future depends on this battle!"


There was a lot of pressure on Ye Yang's shoulders.

Cash flows were transferred from assets around the world, pursued and intercepted in various ways, and this huge amount of funds had to be micro-managed.

Although many things can be solved by Yu Momo's secretary system.

But many of the decisions that determine the real direction have to be made by him. If he makes a mistake in judgment, the loss will be calculated in hundreds of billions of Chinese coins.


People from all walks of life in China contacted him and expressed their willingness to support him and help him win this battle. After all, this time it was not Ye Yang's personal victory or defeat.

It also represents a complete change in the economic structure...

As long as they identify themselves as being on the side of China, or in other words, on the side of the new forces, they will all stand on Ye Yang's side.

They have been squeezed by the European and American financial systems for too long...

Internationally, there are also many friends and comrades who have spontaneously joined in this big change...

Many old power conglomerates in the United States and Europe say they won't help, but in fact they secretly provide channels and provide all help.

This struggle is far more massive and magnificent than it seems! ! !


For a time, the international economic market was full of smoke and blood everywhere.

The prelude to the crazy economic war was opened...

Every moment, there are hundreds of billions or even trillions of transactions going on.

Ye Yang only slept twice in the past seven days. Fortunately, his blood and qi are like a dragon, his breath is long, and his energy can withstand it.

After seven days and seven nights of fierce fighting, he is still vigorous.

"Isn't the Great Harmony Plan going to start yet? We...are under increasing pressure."

A member of the maid group and secretary group said repeatedly.

"No, wait a little longer..."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.

The Great Harmony Plan is his craziest idea. If it succeeds, it will be a strategic victory.

However, the system's rewards are not very reliable now, and he cannot guarantee the feasibility of this plan.

He is not going to put this plan into practice until the last moment.

After all, by that time, if they didn't succeed, they would die...

"Haha, although we have fought hard these days, we have gained a lot! Ye Yang has already shown some signs of decline! He is going to be finished!"

The heads of several major financial groups all had bloodshot eyes, and they looked exhausted and black.

They are not Ye Yang, mortals, and many decisions require them to stay awake. After seven days, they are almost exhausted.

Now they are just trying to hold on...

(Second update)

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