Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1144: Nine-day critical period, successive collapses

"Step up the offensive!"

Originally, there were several of them and they could make their own decisions.

However, they are not confident in handing over all decision-making power to other consortium owners in the alliance. After all, if they are handed over to the other party, they will definitely choose to sacrifice the interests of the party that has gone to rest to preserve their own interests.

In the past few days, dozens of quarrels have broken out within the alliance.

Coupled with mental weakness, they now looked at each other with anger rising.

But at the same time, they were terrified.

Nowadays, companies all over the world are fighting against each other. Thousands of small wars break out every day. Several of them are busy from morning to night, but they may not be able to see through it.

Just listening to the secretary's daily report on what's happening today is already overwhelming.

How on earth did Ye Yang sustain himself? ?

After all, on the Chinese side, Ye Yang is the only backbone!

For seven days and seven nights, he actually managed to survive!

It’s simply unbelievable!

"Let's carry out the final encirclement and suppression! We have launched a costly war. We haven't captured Ye Yang for a week, and he is already the laughing stock of the world. If we can't capture him in three days, even if we win miserably in the end, we will be defeated by the world. People laugh at us and think that everyone is capable of provoking us!”

Saisis Balor said angrily.

"Yes, we must do it as soon as possible..."

Milo Sails frowned.

Recently, there are some gossips at the International Economic Forum, which indicate that many groups are erratic and are very likely to turn against Ye Yang!

Nowadays, the super consortium alliance is already fragile, and its lead over Ye Yang is not that big, so it cannot be defeated for such a long time.

Under the premise that everyone believes that the super consortium alliance's money-burning war can crush Ye Yang, it is very likely that some wait-and-see forces will lose confidence in the super consortium and turn to Ye Yang!

If this is the case, the already weak advantage of the super consortium alliance will collapse!

They might really be defeated by Ye Yang!

This is absolutely not allowed by them! ! !

Their eyes were red.

Prepare for the final round of impact...

"The other side has stepped up their offensive!"

Yu said silently.

"In terms of military industry, energy, wafers, etc., we have stepped up efforts to lower prices. Some of our overseas markets have already been captured by the other party."

Ye Yang nodded.

"They spent about 100 billion US dollars to attack the energy sector and our stock price in overseas stock markets. We made three plans. The corresponding possible consequences and pros and cons were all written in the plan, and we asked the boss to make a decision."

Ye Yang quickly scanned the plans and chose Plan B.

After several years of standing at the top, he has already learned these relevant knowledge thoroughly with his now developed brain.

Not to mention that these secretaries and think tanks had already analyzed everything thoroughly for him.

The Chinese official cannot directly provide huge amounts of funds for assistance, otherwise it will be easy to detect economic flow violations, but it has also provided all channels and China Shipping's top think tank for assistance...

"The other party announced a huge feedback campaign in the clothing field. Fifteen luxury brands are almost all discounted to 10% off the previous price. Are we going to follow?"

A maid in charge of clothing asked.

Ye Yang nodded: "Follow!"

"Boss, Tang Han Zhihui's capital chain is about to be broken! We suggest supporting 50 billion Chinese coins to replenish it."

A maid asked again and again.


Ye Yang nodded.

These normal business transactions from companies under his name will not generate rebate income.

Just like the Yida Group under his name, which spends money to build real estate, the money will not be rebates, otherwise his personal wealth would have surpassed the collection of wealth in the world.

"After allocating 50 billion, we still have 345.6 billion in cash reserves, and another 456 billion in cash reserves, which has reached the dangerous warning level."

Yu said silently.


Ye Yang nodded, with some worry flashing in his eyes.

Reaching the danger warning line means that the overall capital chain of all groups and companies under his name may be difficult to fully operate normally.

Various major loopholes will begin to appear, and collapse is not far away...

Every moment, there is news that requires him to make a decision. This state has lasted for several days...

This is a multiple ultimate test of energy, physical strength, and mental strength! ! !

Multi-consortium alliance.

"According to our estimation, Ye Yang should have burned through his cash reserves long ago! Why does it feel like there is no bottom!? Still holding on!? More than half of our funds have been burned..."

Sethus Balor was spinning around anxiously.

I can no longer remain calm.

Six hundred billion euros is almost all the cash flow reserves of the Balor Consortium.

Once it falls below 300 billion euros, there will be a risk of collapse of the consortium.

We have completely reached the danger line just now...

Sals and Sanxing were both calm.

They did not try their best, and the 350 billion US dollars they jointly spent can be completely squandered. Of course, they are very smart. They keep an eye on the Six Japanese Conglomerates and the Balor Consortium and invest their money in equal proportions. .

The Balor Consortium has invested 300 billion euros, and Salz and Sanxing have now spent just half of it.

"damn it."

Sesis Balor was furious. These two families looked shrewd. If they really lost this economic war in the end, they would cry!

Japan's six chaebols have also reached a limit and begun to reach the vulnerability warning line...

They are the worst among the four super consortiums, because the situation in Japan itself is complicated, and Ye Yang is mainly attacking them.

"If the funds of the two of you do not give priority to the future battlefield, we, Japan's six chaebols, will withdraw from this economic war!"

The representatives of the six chaebols threatened that they really couldn't stand it anymore.

"How dare you!"

Milo Sails shouted angrily.


Japan's Six Conglomerates wanted to be more assertive, but they immediately gave up.

The United States is a domineering country. They dare not disobey. They have tried to resist many times, but they cannot persist every time...

After being scolded by Ba Ba, he immediately became intimidated.

"Ye Yang himself is standing opposite the rightists. You yourself are standing with the rightists. Now that you have given up, your status is definitely not guaranteed. I advise you to be aware of current affairs. If you can survive this time, I will allow you to The National Six chaebols should pay less protection fees to our top ten conglomerates in the United States!”

Slapping him in the face and giving him a sweet date is an old trick.

After Milo Sayers finished speaking.

The eyes of the six chaebols became firm.

Yes, Ye Yang wants to kill them!

American daddy is right! I would rather die than surrender!

Just like that, they were deceived again.


The ninth day.

Ye Yang's capital reserves completely fell below the warning line, cracks began to appear in the capital chain, and there was a danger of collapse at any time.

This is the super consortium alliance.

Except for the Sals Consortium and the Sanko Consortium, which can still look calmer, the cash flow of the Balor Consortium and the Six Japanese Conglomerates has experienced various collapses since yesterday.

One against four, without any other means, just drag two to death!

This is enough to be called a miracle. If anyone were to fight this economic war, they would not be able to do better than Ye Yang...

He has proven that he has the strength to sit in this position, and that he has the determination and courage to match the status of a world-class wealth backbone.

"The boss... is starting to show signs of collapse..."

Yu silently bit her lip, blaming herself.

Ye Yang stood up, looked at everyone present who had been fighting for nine days, and patted Yu Momo's shoulder: "You are already great. There will be no better secretarial team or think tank than you in the world."

"It is already a miracle that we can single-handedly fight against the four major super consortiums in the world today, as well as the joint efforts of some first-class consortiums to suppress them."


The maids don't want to see Ye Yang lose. They know how serious the consequences Ye Yang will face if he loses this economic war...

(First update)

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