Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1145 A shocking reversal?

"Don't be depressed!"

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Everyone present looked over and their expressions were shocked.

"The assimilation plan has begun."

Ye Yang said lightly.

He directly pulled the cash flow reserve into his bank card.

"Success or failure depends on this."

He took a deep breath.

He wants to take out two trillion in cash and spend it!

Only one trillion Huaxia coins are left for cash flow maintenance...

This is an extremely crazy move! ! !

"I'll bet that spending two trillion yuan in cash can give me a cash flow of more than two trillion yuan."

Ye Yang said lightly.

As for what can be measured in trillions, it is naturally those multinational super companies!

He wants to use money to knock down several enemy groups and companies first.

In this way, even if there is no cash rebate, the enemy's power will be weakened!

He divided the money into five parts, with a minimum of 100 billion Chinese coins and a maximum of 800 billion Chinese coins.

They were injected into several company shares of the Super Consortium Alliance!

Crazy harvesting of scattered shares, and began to use means to carry out equity attacks.

This kind of international company usually has a board of directors. The relationships within the board of directors are complicated and there are always overt and covert conflicts.

Even the chairman of these large companies only holds 5% or even 2% of the equity shares.

He just used money to throw away the control of a company with hundreds of billions of cash, so he had a lot of room for maneuver!

However, things were much easier than he imagined...

He just bought tens of billions of stocks in each of these companies.

A ding-ding-ding sound sounded from the system...

"Ding! It was detected that the host spent 30 billion to purchase shares of Ike Mobil Oil Group, and was rewarded with 51% of the equity of Ike Mobil Oil Group."

"Ding! It was detected that the host spent 50 billion to purchase shares of Kesani Education Group, and was rewarded with the full controlling status of Kesani Education Group."

"Ding! Detected..."




Ye Yang was stunned, but the next moment, he was ecstatic.

The system is really timely!


Not only did this relieve his urgent need, it could even be said that the four major super consortiums were beaten to death!

These companies are the main profit makers of several major consortiums. They already have abundant cash flow. Now the main cash flow of the four major consortiums is provided by these companies.

With these five companies in his hands, his cash flow instantly became abundant.

On the other side of the Consortium Alliance, it's like their aorta has been cut, and they are about to die...


Even with his current determination and identity, he couldn't help but exclaim, his eyes filled with ecstasy! ! !

he knows……

The outcome is decided!

Originally, both sides were holding on for dear life now...

It all depends on who can survive first. The capital chain of Balor Consortium and Japan Sixth Consortium was broken two days ago, and now it is almost completely collapsed.

Ye Yang was about to collapse, but he recovered instantly...

Is this the feeling of cheating? !

He felt relieved suddenly and smiled.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Yu Mo couldn't help but asked a little confidently.

"If I told you that the opponent's five main groups are all secret moves that I have already laid out, would you believe it?"

Ye Yang smiled.

Yu Momo was stunned.


"Now, these five major groups are already owned by us, and we quickly dispatched corresponding teams to take over and connect them."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and named Mobil Company and other names one after another.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone feels like they are in a dream at this moment.

Although they couldn't believe it, these words were said by the boss who had created endless miracles!


If it were anyone else, they would definitely think that Ye Yang was overwhelmed by the huge pressure and went crazy.

But Yu Momo had unreserved trust in Ye Yang. He immediately turned around and began to organize a team of personnel to connect with the five major companies according to what Ye Yang said.

Until news came from there confirming the start of docking.

Everyone present still had their mouths open, and the shock could not subside for a long time...

"The victory or defeat is decided!!!"

Yu Mo clenched his fists, and the worries in his heart these days were swept away. He showed a heartfelt smile, jumped directly to Ye Yang, hung his legs around his waist, and kissed Ye Yang's cheek hard.

"Haha, don't be so excited, everything is under my control."

Ye Yang laughed and felt relieved inside.

In the past few days, he has maintained the momentum of being in control of the overall situation.

After all, as a leader, you must not show any pessimism or panic until the last moment.

Otherwise, the next step will be a crushing defeat! ! !

However, at this moment, he was finally able to show his sincere smile that he was in control of the overall situation.

From the outside world, all kinds of discussions surged.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of discussion about this unprecedented economic war.

"You have heard that Ye Yang has begun to collapse! It seems that he can't hold on anymore!"

"To be able to last so many days is far beyond our expectations."

"Yes, according to the prediction, if the strength gap between the two sides is so serious, then it would be good if Ye Yang can persist for three days! It is only on the ninth day that it starts to collapse. It is already amazing."

"The Balor Group and the six Japanese financial groups have already begun to collapse! One against four, dragging down two, who would have believed it in the past?! I think we should unite and stop hesitating! This time, maybe we can really win!"

Just when everyone was arguing, a shocking news suddenly broke out...

(Second update)

The reversal began!

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