"The five main companies in the super consortium alliance turned against each other and jointly announced that they would join Ye Yang's name!"


This news came out of nowhere and caused the entire Internet to fall into silence.

The international financial community was shaken by this news.

Everyone was blinded.

I couldn't believe the news I heard.

"The five major companies all turned against each other!?"

"real or fake!?"

"I'll go, isn't Ye Yang invincible!?"

"How is this possible!? I don't believe it anyway! Is this magic!? What reason do these five companies have to rebel!?"

"It is said that Ye Shenhao personally manipulated the stock market and used two trillion Chinese coins to attack the stocks of the five major companies. Under his brilliant operation, he took the controlling rights of those five companies!"

"???Twenty thousand Chinese coins!? How heroic! His cash bank is really bottomless!!! After fighting with the super consortium alliance for so long, he can still wave two trillion Chinese coins Money flow! ”

"To put it this way, it's really scary..."

"That's not enough! If a mere two trillion Chinese coins can take care of these five major companies, then he should have taken action long ago, and he should never delay it until now!"

"It's a rumor!? This is too fantasy!"

"It feels like you should take the risk! Most things in the world are like this. Many people just lack the courage to try and are unwilling to take risks."

"Haha, why don't you try it? You'll die if you try it!"

"No matter what, this time Ye Shenhao risked his life and survived, and it seems that he succeeded. I am really lucky for China!!!"

"I come here every day and read the news about this business war. Although my monthly salary is only more than 3,000, I like to read these!"

"I have been worried about Ye Shenhao for so many days, will there finally be results..."

There is a lot of discussion from the outside world.

Consortium Alliance interior.

There was dead silence.

The owners and representatives of the consortium stared at each other, and no one was willing to speak.

"what happened?"

The representatives of Japan's six chaebols who were under the greatest pressure finally couldn't help but speak.

Having lost the leading company with the largest cash flow under their name, their capital chain, which had already begun to collapse, has begun to completely collapse. Every second is time. If the decline is not restored in time, it will no longer be a matter of victory or defeat. The entire The six chaebols of Japan will all fall apart and become history...

"Ye Yang is extremely lucky. He has been successful in extreme operations in the stock market these days."

"Isn't that enough? It's just some stock equity. It's impossible for him to take over our company overnight.

Even if he really spends a lot of money to lose the equity, with our control over the main company, we can definitely delay him for three to five days until he is defeated. This so-called acquisition will naturally become empty talk! "

Milo Sars frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Is it possible that the opponent has a deep layout and knows that sooner or later he will have a battle with us, so he has already laid out his power chess pieces among the five major companies?!"

"Impossible! These companies are the core of our consortium! The senior staff have been screened at all levels, how could it be possible so quickly?!"

"Perhaps the weak forces in the company colluded with Ye Yang to launch a counterattack and successfully seize power."

Several major consortiums have intertwined influence within these companies, even though Ye Yang's team is now cleaning up these forces.

But it still cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Therefore, these major consortiums can still receive internal information from these companies.

But now, it would be a good thing for them if they can't receive it...

Because, every moment, there is news that the cash flow of these companies has been expropriated, and they are being attacked in turn.

This feels like...

I finally raised several sons, but they were all stolen by others. Now I not only regard thieves as my father, but I also beat them in turn!

Not to mention how wronged and uncomfortable I felt!

"Ahhh! I can't accept it!!!"

The representatives of the six consortiums in Japan almost overturned the table, they were so angry that they stood on end and were filled with hatred! ! !


Originally, Ye Yang was already a dying insect. Unexpectedly, with a few operations, he turned death into life and became a dragon!

Now, their situation is critical and they are beginning to fall into the abyss!

"I really didn't expect that he could actually play such a skill. It's really crazy..."

"If he fails this time, he will die immediately. He needs to give up at least one-third of his assets in order to recover and stabilize."

"What a madman...Only a madman would dare to act like this..."

The heads of several financial groups were all sighing.

Ever since they came into contact with Ye Yang, they often felt helpless.

It is generally difficult for a madman to succeed. If he makes one mistake, he will die.

But Ye Yang, this madman, succeeded...

It immediately became the most terrifying existence in the international economic community.

He has both strength and crazy flesh and blood. The most important thing is that such a person is their innate enemy.

He is a representative of the new era...

Such people make them gnash their teeth with hatred, but there is not much they can do about it.

They knew that this hunt was basically the last chance to suppress Ye Yang, but now it seemed that maybe they were going to lose...

"That's it! Let's fight!"

Milo Sayers slammed the table, his face turned livid, he couldn't lose this time!

Once we lose, the world economic structure will change! ! !

Their core interests will disappear! ! !

We must give our all...

He looked at the Sanxing representative: "You, invest another 100 billion US dollars for me! Support the Japanese Six Chaebols, let them stabilize, and never let them collapse. I will make the decision after this matter is over. In addition to paying back the money, the Japanese Six Chaebols will transfer the two 100 billion companies you have been thinking about to Sanxing."


The Japanese Six Chaebols gnashed their teeth. Isn't this bullying an honest son!

The Sanxing representative also looked unhappy. The funds they had taken out were above the warning line. If they invested another 100 billion US dollars, they would fall below the warning line...

Milo*Sals didn't bother to care about their thoughts.

In his eyes, they were just two dogs. If they didn't obey, they would be killed directly.

Then, he looked at the Balor Group: "I will invest 80 billion US dollars to support you, but you have to pay us 120 billion US dollars afterwards!"

The Balor Group sneered: "You are finally panicking? It's really funny. You are still thinking about taking advantage of us! If you are willing to support us, then support us! At worst, we will lose this economic war and let Ye Yang become the uncrowned king of the international economic world!!!"

"Hahaha... It's useless for you to tell me this."

Miro sneered: "If you lose this time, your Balor Group will completely fall apart. You have burned so much money. You can't take out 600 billion euros to bet, right? Think about it!"

"Only raise interest rates by 10 billion US dollars, no more to talk about!"

Sesis*Balor was angry and directly threw out his bottom line.


Miro*Sals pondered for a while and nodded. Now killing Ye Yang is the top priority: "That's it!"

(First update)

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