Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1147: The Defeat of the Six Financial Groups

Just like that, with the injection of 200 billion US dollars.

The shaky consortium alliance, which had been counterattacked, actually held on for the time being.

However, they were still losing ground in the market and no longer had the momentum to overpower Ye Yang.

The next few days were spent in a close fight...

During this process, more and more neutral forces and financial groups began to take sides and express their stance.

All kinds of secret help, providing channels, cheap prices and discounts.

This is no longer a simple fight between the forces under Ye Yang's name and the super consortium alliance, but a game between old and new economic forces! ! !


In the past few days, Ye Yang made three more attempts, and only succeeded in capturing one company through money offensive. Although the other two companies obtained some equity shares through trading.

But the holding could not be completed.

The system no longer had equity rewards like the first wave. After three rounds, Ye Yang had an additional directional black technology card, a Lucky Wheel draw card, and a mechanical master skill.


Regarding these rewards, Ye Yang also shook his head.

In normal times, this kind of reward is naturally very good.

But what he lacks now is money and equity.

However, he also understands that luck cannot continue to be good. The first wave of direct return of controlling shares of the five major companies is already extremely lucky.

He also put away his greed and stopped trying.

Now that he has the cards in his hand, if he plays steadily, he should be able to win in the end, and there is no need to take any more risks.

Four super consortiums, plus several world-class consortiums.

The trees are big and have deep roots, and a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if it falls into some decline, it cannot be defeated in a short while.

This battle lasted for a month.

Of course, the situation later became even, and both sides adapted to the rhythm of the fight, no longer as tense and painful as the previous nine days.

The war officially started on the 31st day.

"Mr. Ye has been fighting hard for a month, but he has not been suppressed by the super consortium, and there is not even a sign of failure! Faintly, he actually overwhelms the super consortium alliance!"

"We were one against four, and we had to deal with the followers of these four giants, but they actually survived! This... is really the biggest miracle in the past three hundred years!"

"Mr. Ye, awesome!!!"

"What are we waiting for!? We have endured it for so many years and been exploited by the United States, and the world has suffered for a long time! Now that Mr. Ye has the power to change the situation, how can we not wait!?"

Many people are showing support everywhere.

Originally they were only helping secretly, but a month later, they became so arrogant that they expressed their support openly and openly in international forums! ! !

To express support in public is to fully express your stance!

As they stand opposite the established chaebol forces, they must spare no effort to help Ye Yang win!

In addition to not being able to directly provide cash flow, I wanted to help him by selling all the company's orders to Ye Yang at a low price.

"Presumptuous! So presumptuous!!!"

“These previous broken settlements have all been reversed!!!”

"Baga!!! Die to death!"

The giants were all extremely angry and wanted to suppress and liquidate the wealth forces who resisted them as before.

But they found that there was nothing they could do...

For a month, they had been fighting Ye Yang, and they were exhausted and unable to care about him anymore.

"These young people didn't dare to jump out before, but now they are jumping out to show off. If before, I would crush them all to death with just one finger!"

This time, all the four super consortium leaders are here.

The Lord of Sanxing's face was extremely ugly, and he was obviously being targeted by many people who he had completely ignored before.

"It's so funny! How dare they! Do you really think that Ye Yang can support them all by himself!?"

The leader of Japan's six chaebols, the Misuzu Consortium, slapped the table angrily.

"Today is different from the past. Times may really be changing..."

Sesis Balor carries a sense of endless exhaustion.

Originally he thought that he might be the most failed owner of the Balor Consortium, but now it seems that he might be the last one...

After this battle, if Ye Yang doesn't give them a chance to breathe, the Balor Consortium will probably be wiped out.


The atmosphere was depressing.

The Balor Consortium has been torn apart, and there are now various holes in the capital chain.

Not to mention Japan's six chaebols, they all lost nearly 40% of the market in Japan. Many of their businesses and companies went bankrupt, they were short of funds, and their stocks plummeted.

If Milo hadn't wanted to see him collapse and occasionally supported a wave of funds, Japan's six chaebols would have completely collapsed ten days ago...

"I'm not willing to give in..."

Sethus sighed.

He knew that the building was about to collapse, and he had no power to stop it...

It was the first time since he became the leader of a super consortium that he felt so powerless.

"Ding ding ding..."

After the leader of the Misuzu Zaibatsu received a call, his face turned completely gloomy. He stood up directly and left the meeting in a hurry under the stunned eyes of everyone.


The thirty-second day of the economic war.

The Six Conglomerates of Japan announced their formal surrender to Ye Yang...

Unable to repay the US$300 billion, we can only use the assets in our name to offset it.

But Ye Yang was not polite at all, and directly plundered nearly half of the assets in the other party's name, worth trillions of dollars, and let Japan's six chaebols go.

Assets and cash are different concepts.

A 1:3 debt repayment is considered merciful by many people.

However, once it involves the trillion level, all conventional logic is no longer applicable. To outsiders, Ye Yang is merciful.

In the eyes of the six Japanese chaebols, this is a devil, just cutting off the amount of meat that they will absolutely not tolerate soon...

The six Japanese chaebols are completely defeated.

Only 30% of the market and 45% of the assets are left for the gambling. Relying on their foundation, they shrink the market and shrink into Japan...

Ye Yang let them go, but their original enemies are still fighting with them.

However, without Ye Yang, a giant, as the most terrifying chaebol force in Japan, the six chaebols can still barely maintain their super chaebol dignity under this siege.

"Actually, they really failed..."

Although there have been many analyses and predictions about this result.

But when the six Japanese chaebols really ended in such a tragic end, the news still caused shock to the world!

Everyone took a deep breath. They knew that this huge wave that was going to destroy the old world was really coming down...

(Second update)

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