Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1148: The Return of the Balor Group


The defeat of Japan's six chaebols aroused everyone's fighting spirit.

More and more economic forces joined Ye Yang, and it soon became a general trend.

The sun is shining brightly on Ye Yang's side.

The Super Consortium Alliance has lost a large consortium, its combat power has dropped sharply, and it continues to lose ground in various markets.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The markets, groups, and companies under the names of several major consortiums are all in ruins.

The Balor Consortium has been completely paralyzed.

Sesis Balor gritted his teeth and sighed at the end.

The surrender was announced five days after the Japanese Six Consortium announced its surrender.


Seth Balor personally came to see Ye Yang.

Tokyo Central Bay.

Ye Yang was wearing a bathrobe and looked at Seth Balor sitting cross-legged across the Eight Immortals table: "Eat a grape?"

Sethis Balor looked at Ye Yang.

Now the situation is completely reversed from before.

Ye Yang didn't panic at all, but he couldn't afford to delay it.

If Ye Yang doesn't stop his offensive against the Balor Consortium, they will truly collapse at any time.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know, do you agree to our request to admit defeat?"

Although Ye Yang was absent-minded, he still had to try his best to get this opportunity to admit defeat.

He has no doubt that according to the grudge between the two families, the other party may take the opportunity to kill him. It is also uncertain. There is a deep grudge between the Balor Consortium and Ye Yang. Take this opportunity to really kill Balor. There is nothing wrong with your consortium, it is completely reasonable and reasonable.

No one can say a single word no.

"Admit defeat~"

Ye Yang looked at the other party lightly.

"How awesome is the Balor Consortium! From the very beginning, they have been thinking about destroying me. How come they actually went to a real battlefield and then took the initiative to admit defeat?"

"It's because we didn't see the general trend clearly...Mr. Ye is indeed unparalleled. The Balor Consortium will never dare to show any disrespect to Mr. Ye in the future."

Sethis Balor lowered his head and said repeatedly.

"Just like this, it's not enough."

Ye Yang shook his head.

Sesis Balor gritted his teeth in his heart. After all, he was one of the four leaders in Europe. In Europe, he was a more respected figure than the emperor. How could he have ever been treated with such contempt! ?

But for the survival of the Balor Consortium, he could only endure it.

"You don't have to be unconvinced."

Ye Yang calmly spread his hands: "I want the 600 billion euros in compensation that you should have paid, as well as the corresponding part of the funds I lost in this economy. Can your Balor Consortium get it now?"

Sethis Balor was stunned.

"You can't even give me what you're supposed to pay me, so where is your sincerity in admitting defeat?! Do you call this admitting defeat, or are you using the long-standing arrogance of your consortium to force me to accept your strike!?"

Ye Yang frowned and shouted.

"'s not..."

Sesis Balor was so angry that he broke out in a cold sweat. Only then did he realize that his so-called strategizing and self-confidence were all based on the strength of Balor's consortium.

When you have no money and are down and out, no one has the confidence.

"We can also be like Japan's six chaebols and transfer their assets to pay off debts."

Sesis Balor said repeatedly.


Ye Yang sneered: "The Six Conglomerates of Japan owe 300 billion U.S. dollars, and you owe 600 billion euros! Can you afford to allocate it? Add in the war losses, and your Balor Consortium, according to my standards, owes 600 billion euros!" Allocate nearly 2.8 trillion euros of assets to me!”

"Having allocated 2.8 trillion euros in assets, your Balor Consortium has ceased to exist in name only. Can you afford the allocation?"


Sethis Balor's expression froze.

That’s really the case!

His face darkened: "So, according to Mr. Ye's intention, the Balor Consortium must die! After all, we are one of the four leading companies in Europe. Even if we die, we will die brilliantly!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Threats are of no use to me. The Balor Consortium may have some foundation, but even a desperate attempt cannot stop the trend of the times."


Seth Balor's eyes are red. Is it possible that he is really in a certain death situation?

It's not that he doesn't have a talent for negotiation.

In fact, no one will perform better than him.

After all, the Balor Consortium chose to play out all the cards in its hand before truly sitting on the negotiating table.

Ye Yang looked at him lightly.

These previous remarks were just to let the other party know that they had no cards in their hand, and the only way they could choose in the end was death.

He smiled.

"And now, I can give you a second way."

"Oh? Mr. Ye, please tell me."

Sethis Balor has already guessed something, but now, any other path, as long as Ye Yang gives a choice, is better than destruction.

"I will only withdraw 1.5 trillion euros of assets from your Balor consortium. I will allow you to repay the remaining 300 billion euros in cash in installments within two years."

Ye Yang looked at the sparkle in Sethis's eyes and said calmly: "You don't have to be happy so early. After this day, I will send some people into the core of your Balor Consortium to help you adapt to this era."

Sethis Balor's face darkened.

This couldn't be said more clearly.

Ye Yang wants to indirectly control the Balor Consortium, or in other words, he wants the Balor Consortium to become his vassal...

However, at this moment, there is no other choice.

Looking to the future, Ye Yang Group will only become stronger and stronger, and it may not be a bad thing to have the opportunity to rely on it at this time.

He struggled and hesitated for a long time.

He sat cross-legged here.

It was not until Ye Yang and the maid came back from the mixed bath that he looked at Ye Yang again and nodded heavily.

Survival is the first priority.

The Balor Group disappeared, and everything was gone.

He must make a wise choice.

This decision may make him the most infamous person in the history of the Balor Group.

However, in order to survive, he will bear this infamy!

If he bears the infamy, the future Balor Group will still be one of the European super groups, except that it will be said to be a vassal of Ye Yang, and it will still have the ultimate honor and wealth in the world.

And if the Balor Group collapses, all of this will be gone.

He signed the agreement resignedly.

Stand up.

Perhaps this ending was destined from the moment he faced Ye Yang.

Ye Yang looked at his back as he left, shook his head, and his heart was calm.

The Balor Group had been targeting him all along, and even offered a bounty for his assassination.

At this point, from Ye Yang's point of view, there was no sympathy.

He left the Balor Group alive, firstly because he could indeed have a super group vassal, and secondly because the United States had been eyeing Europe and wanted to annex it, and the four leading countries could barely resist it together.

Therefore, if Balor really fell, it would only allow the real strongest enemy - the ten major American groups - to reap the benefits.

He did not want to see this happen...

(First update)

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