Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1149 Miro: Completely Crazy


"The Balor Consortium has also collapsed!"

As soon as the news came out, it swept the world like a frenzy.

Everyone was discussing it animatedly.

The main force in this economic war is the Balor Consortium!

"Six hundred billion euros! Has the compensation really been paid!?"

"I heard that the Balor Consortium is in trouble. It has paid out a lot of assets and has a deadline of two years to pay off the remaining 300 billion debt. Moreover, according to rumors, I heard that there is also a purge within the Balor Consortium."

"Oh why?"

"Many important positions within them have been replaced by Chinese people. It is said that those people are all Mr. Ye's subordinates!"

"Hiss... doesn't that mean?"

"The Balor Consortium has become a vassal of Mr. Ye!?"

"Damn it! What a swan song for the past, present and future! Directly turning Europe's leader into its own vassal!?"


"Who are you talking about? Is your gossip accurate!? It's probably a rumor!"

"Haha, regarding Mr. Ye, the more outrageous it is, the more true it is! This is definitely not a rumor! Mr. Ye is the one who can do such big things that will shock your eyes out!"

"The Balor Consortium and the Six Conglomerates of Japan have all put out the fire! The remaining two companies are probably out of business!"

"Several other junior syndicates: are you polite?"

"Haha...their presence is too low and they are ignored."


In any case, the Balor Consortium has shrunk after this battle.

But Ye Yang was at the peak of his powers.

Two to three trillion euros worth of assets from Japan and the Balor Consortium were taken away.

And tons of cash.

The capital chain is extremely sufficient and the assets are extremely expanded.

In the entire international financial community, the limelight is unprecedented.

No one can stop this majestic momentum.

This terrifying power directly made Sanxing and Sals consortium restless.

The main Balor consortium has stopped working.

Naturally, they are unable to resist as they join in the fight.

On the forty-fifth day after the economic war was launched.

The funds they had prepared were completely exhausted.

If we fight again, even they will fall below the warning line of the capital chain.

Completely stuck in the quagmire of economic war!

"what to do?"

Milo Sars and the boss of Sanxing Consortium looked at each other.

I was panicked for a while.

"How about... peace talks? The other two families have already given in. It wouldn't be a shame for us to give in!"

The boss of Sanxing Consortium suggested.

"Impossible! Even if you beat me to death, I won't bow to that piece of shit Ye Yang! Absolutely impossible!!!"

Milo Sails roared.

The boss of Sanxing Consortium murmured in a low voice: "It's not like I have lowered my head before..."

"What did you say!?"

Milo Sars's eyes turned red instantly.

He had lost to Ye Yang once in a bet before, and after losing the lawsuit, he honestly lost money.

"I farted just now and didn't say anything."

The boss of Sanxing Consortium smiled and said.

"Well...that's pretty much it."

Milo Sars nodded, then threw his gloves on the table, stood up and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

The boss of Sanxing Consortium asked doubtfully.

"Negotiate with Ye Yang...let him stop this economic war."

He raised his head: "I'm not giving in. I'm doing this for the sake of world economic stability and peace!"

"Yeah, I believe you!"

Boss Sanxing nodded repeatedly, and the old guy finally let go...

Being able to admit defeat is better than anything else now.

If they are held back, they will probably end up with the six chaebols of Japan half-dead and become vassals of the Balor Consortium.


In front of Ye Yang's Tokyo Center Bay residence.

Many reporters followed.

Milo Sayers was shy, smoking a cigar, and said calmly: "For the sake of world economic stability, I condescend to negotiate! Don't make random reports! Do you hear me!"


The boss of Sanxing on the side covered his face and lowered his head, as if he didn't recognize the old man.

The reporters on the side asked very sharp questions.

Milo's face turned dark as he asked, "You'll know if what I said is true when we go in soon!"

Soon, the two of them entered Ye Yang's mansion.

Many reporters are crazy about going in to follow up and report first-hand information, but they can't get in at all...

But they didn't have to wait long.

Almost three minutes after entering, he was thrown out...

It's not a figure of speech, it's real.

Was...thrown out...

The reporters were in an uproar.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

These two are the leaders of the two largest super consortiums in the world!

Who dares to be disobedient to the world of international wealth? ?

His opinions affect the direction of the world, and the top men in all countries can only bow their heads!

Such a character was actually thrown out of the door! ?

Just like a bereaved dog! ?

Milo Sails got up in disgrace, his eyes burning with fire, and his heart filled with hatred.

"Ye Yang! I'm going to kill you!!!"

he roared.

Taken together, all the humiliations I have received from birth to now are nothing like being thrown down in public today! ! !

Boss Sanxing had always been treated like this by the United States before. Although he was angry at this time, he didn't express anything. After all, he was somewhat used to it.

"Our boss said that if you admit defeat, you must have an attitude of admitting defeat, and if you seek peace, you must have an attitude of pleading. If you continue to be so arrogant and rude, the door of the Ye Mansion will never be open to you. The Sals Group and the Sanxing Group will be removed from the list after this economic war!"

Xiao Qingxuan clapped his hands and said lightly.

"Fuck, so domineering!?"

"Mr. Ye is awesome..."

Everyone present could understand Chinese, and the reporters were boiling.

Today's report, at least on the front page!

Making a fortune!

Sure enough, as long as you follow Ye Yang, you will definitely get the front page headlines!

What this person does is always so awesome!

So cool!

The next day.

The offensive intensified!

The Sanxing Group and the Sals Group fell into a state of total collapse!

But Miro was already crazy. Being thrown out of the door by Ye Yang in public had made him ignore everything and directly smashed all his cash reserves, ready to fight Ye Yang to the death.

"You are just a bug who has been living in a cowardly place for a few years! Do you really think you can be on par with me, the Shadow Emperor!? You dare to kick me out!? My Sals Consortium is really fighting hard, can you stop it!?"

Milo Sals's crazy protest was shaking.

But it did not cause Ye Yang to reply at all.

The outside world speculated that perhaps in Ye Yang's eyes, Milo Sals was already a weakling who was not worthy of his reply.

The weaklings were arrogant, so they were crushed to death, no need to argue...

(Second update)

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