Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1150: A precedent in 300 years


At this time, in Ye Yang's mansion.

The boss of Sanxing chuckled, rubbed his hands and said something.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, it was all that old man's idea before. I, myself, am in awe of you, Mr. Ye~ This time I admit defeat with 300% sincerity!"

Sanxing boss said repeatedly, his attitude was very low.

"You hid Milo's secrets and came to me on your own. You must know what this means, right?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

Boss Sanxing was stunned and his heart sank.

However, he had already been mentally prepared. In doing so, he would offend Milo Sails to death, but he still made the current choice.

After all, if we don't come to Ye Yang to admit defeat, Sanxing may completely collapse in the future.

And offending Milo is just a break with his old club. Anyway, he is a small country consortium. If he wants to survive, he has to hug the thigh. At the worst, he will let go of America's lap and start hugging China's lap.

It’s not like this has never been done before in history.

During the Ming Dynasty, Dahan Ming Kingdom was a subordinate state of the Ming Dynasty.

To pay tribute.


Ye Yang nodded.

He knew that since Boss Sanxing dared to come to him, he had thought everything through.

"In that case, let's sign this contract."

He calmly took out a contract.

Samsung bosses are confused.

I bet you expected me to come! ?

Even the contract is prepared in advance! ?

He really knows things like a god!

He sighed inwardly that it was not a shame to lose to such an outstanding person.

Moreover, China has always been about benevolence and righteousness. With the rise of China in recent years, Dahan Ming Kingdom has long wanted to join the country. However, China has never proven itself and only cares about its own development.

But now Ye Yang uses his economic iron fist to break the blockade of the four super consortiums, trample everything under his feet in the old generation, and strive to dominate the world for a while.

It is enough to prove that China is no longer controlled by others.

He also made up his mind and was ready to surrender and change his master.

"It's just that I still have some worries..."

After he read the terms, it was very different from what he imagined.

Assets were transferred, compensation was paid, Ye Yang sent people to the core of the consortium, and Sanxing became a vassal from now on...

Unlike the Balor Consortium, a guy like him who has always been trying to survive in the game between great powers has long been accustomed to this.

If you are used to being driven by others, what if you change your master?

"Same as the Six Japanese Consortiums."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The United States not only controls the sun and the cold from intangible aspects such as the economy and public opinion.

There are also military bases in both countries, providing actual deterrence and control.

Being stationed within the territory of one's own country by the troops of other countries can be regarded as a loss of dignity and face as a country.

But their bones were all broken in the first place, so they had no choice but to accept it.

"In terms of economic public opinion, relevant departments will contact you. You will not lose."

Ye Yang said calmly: "As for those military bases, if there is a real threat, you can ask me for help. I will help you maintain 'love and justice' in my own name."

Doesn’t the United States often talk about freedom, equality, love and justice?

At that time, if the other party really makes the first move, then treat them in their own way.

And in his own name, he can make the United States unspeakable of suffering.

After all, they are also afraid of actually going to war with China.

Nuclear deterrence is no joke.

In today's world, a war between superpowers is almost impossible.


San Xingzhi took the initiative to move his lips, and immediately understood what Ye Yang meant, and his eyes lit up: "Thank you, Mr. Ye! It's settled then!"

After that, he quickly signed the agreement, fearing that Ye Yang would regret it.

"From now on, I will follow Mr. Ye on horseback and back! Whenever there is an assignment, Sanxing Consortium will be obliged to do so!"

The Lord of Sanxing looked righteous and patted his chest.

Ye Yang sneered and looked at the other party meaningfully.

The Lord of Sanxing was so frightened by this look that he resigned again and again.

"Now the Economic Forum is going crazy again. It directly destroyed a super consortium and made two super consortiums willing to be vassals. Since the rise of modern consortiums, who has been able to do this in the past two hundred years!?"

Yu Momo looked at the hurried back of the Lord of Sanxing, covered his mouth and smiled.

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo: "It's not because I have such a capable and good secretary!"


Yu Momo rolled his eyes at Ye Yang and said charmingly: "Master, how good are you?"

"Ha ha……"

Compared to before, Ye Yang was in a much better mood now.

He had known for a long time that there would be a financial group encirclement and suppression on this day, but now he finally survived, and it was a great victory!

After today, nothing can stop him.

"But we must be careful. Although the possibility of the old forces in Europe and the United States joining forces is extremely small, it is not necessarily impossible."

Yu said silently.


Ye Yang nodded: "The only way these bastards with their own agendas can completely join forces...unless I announce that I will kill them one by one, haha..."

Yu Momo was also amused: "Then I will arrange for people to go to Sanxing Consortium to make contacts."


Ye Yang nodded.

There have been too many super consortiums incorporated recently, and there have been too many personnel transfers. He is almost running out of talents under his command~

After Yu Momo left, he checked off Sanxing's name on the white paper in front of him.

"You're the only one left."

Ye Yang looked at the last name.

Sals Consortium.

This is his old rival.

It was almost the first super consortium to actually start a war with him.

This guy has been acting as his old rival ever since he started to rise to international prominence.

After the invention of the virtual reality game warehouse, the other party has been looking for opportunities to eliminate itself.

Although the top ten consortiums in the United States all have this idea, there is no doubt that the Sals consortium is the most popular.

"As a sworn enemy, you are still so ignorant of current affairs. I have no choice but to sacrifice you to heaven."

Ye Yang threw the blank page back to the table with a stern expression.

He wants to completely destroy a super consortium!

Achieving an unprecedented feat since the establishment of the modern financial system!

Defeating a consortium and destroying a consortium are completely different concepts.

A super consortium that is all-powerful in the world will be terrible if it fights to the death and uses all means at its disposal without any taboos!

But that's for the rest of the world.

Only Ye Yang is a special case.

After all, things like assassination are useless to him...

The next day, the news that Sanxing gave in and was willing to be Ye Yang's vassal swept the world again!

Sanxing's defeat has been decided, and there are two lessons learned from the past. Everyone has some expectations for Sanxing's outcome.

I just didn’t expect it to come so quickly!

"You haven't even started to collapse yet, and you're already recognizing someone else as your master!?"

When Milo Sars saw the news, he was so angry that he smashed the red wine glass in his hand, splashing wine all over his secretary.

“What a disloyal dog!!!”

He looked towards the east with cold eyes: "It's just a dog, so what if you abandon me! Ye Yang, I give you peace, but you don't want it. Do you want to fight to the death with my Sars consortium? I will satisfy you! That's it! I’m afraid it’ll be too late for you to beg me!”

(First update)

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