Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1151 Golf Course, Two Princesses


Only one of the four major financial groups remained.

In the following days, those younger brothers who followed the major financial groups and ordinary financial groups also surrendered one after another, and were all severely harvested by Ye Yang.

If you dare to add insult to injury, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!

This wave can be said to be born from death. Not only did it not perish, but it was reborn from the ashes and made a lot of money.

In one fell swoop, he determined his insurmountable position in the international business community.

In the international public opinion circle, a beautiful story that was wildly discussed was formed.

Almost everyone regarded Ye Yang as a legend.

Marvel at his strength.

Everyone knows that the general trend is irreversible.

Even if the Sals Financial Group resisted stubbornly, it would not be able to resist for long. It was only a matter of time before it collapsed and surrendered.

It was not until the Sals Financial Group that Miro's roar spread to all places.

Everyone realized that it seemed that the war between the Sals Financial Group and Ye Yang was no longer just an economic war...

This was a life-and-death game!

Many people were panicking.

This is a terrifying existence that has been entrenched in the United States for more than 200 years. It is acceptable to lose temporarily.

But if it really comes to life and death, the light and heat it exerts before death will be extremely terrifying!

I don’t know how many people will die in vain in this giant dragon’s dying struggle...

“It depends on Mr. Ye’s attitude.”

“I don’t know if he is willing to stop fighting and calm down his anger... After all, what he has now obtained has already surpassed the original gambling agreement.”

“Fighting a life-and-death battle with a super consortium that is determined to die, the scene is tragic just to think about it!”

“I am an old fan of Ye Shenhao. With his temper, he will never give up. Since the Sals Consortium wants to fight to the death, it will definitely fight to the end. Until one side collapses completely.”


Life-and-death battles and economic battles are two completely different things...

Economic battles only involve money confrontations, but if it is a life-and-death battle, all kinds of despicable means will be thrown out...

Nothing will be surprising.

Even in the end, maybe the Sals Consortium will use their connections in the American political and military circles...

The development of the situation is completely unpredictable.

However, many people know that it will be at least a month later.

The Sals Consortium only used 200 billion US dollars to fight this economic war this time, which is still far from their capital chain red line, and they will not show their true colors so soon.


Ye Yang responded quickly and issued a notice directly on the same day.

It was just as his fans expected.

The main theme was only eight words.

This battle...

'It's about winning or losing, and life or death! '

All the economic groups under Ye Yang waved all their capital chains and launched a full-scale war with a terrifying offensive.

They were not afraid of fighting against four people.

Now, one hand is enough to fight the Sals Consortium alone, but Ye Yang obviously doesn't want to delay any more time.

Once launched, it is to exert full pressure.

Force the Sals Consortium to burn money rapidly.

In the shortest time, Sals must be defeated and destroyed!

The overseas market of the Sals Consortium was completely destroyed in less than three days, and it was defeated step by step.

Soon, the Sals Consortium changed its thinking and withdrew all its forces back to the United States.

Miro*Sals: "Fighting on the home front, the advantage is mine!"

Sure enough, after concentrating all its forces on the United States, Ye Yang's attack was instantly delayed...

However, although the progress was slow, it was still advancing and eroding.

Victory is only a matter of time.

Ye Yang completely relaxed, and basically let the people below do the encirclement and suppression of the Sals Consortium, and only the core strategy would be reported to him for resolution.

In the future, as he rises, he needs some subordinates who can stand on their own.

Now is a good opportunity to "train generals".

The economic war in the United States across the ocean is in full swing.

He traveled around the mountains and rivers. For nearly two months, he was almost in the mansion, supervising the economic battlefields of all parties, and he couldn't get away every day.

Now the overall situation has been determined, and after relaxing.

Of course, I have to give myself two days off first.

"There has been news from Shizuka Hoshino that the astronomical observation data and geological data are completely consistent. The magnetic pole reversal will happen in two years at the earliest and five years at the latest."

On the golf course.

The underworld princess Mai Uesugi said while swinging.

Today, she was wearing a sports outfit. When she swung, her graceful curves were outlined, which made the viewers feel relaxed and happy.

Ye Yang sat under the parasol next to him, drinking a drink and looking at the girls.

The six chaebols of Japan belong to the right-wing forces of Japan. Mai Uesugi and Princess Eri are both leftists. In this economic war, the left-wing forces have skyrocketed with the support of Ye Yang, and there is a tendency to compete with the right-wing forces supported by the United States.

The most terrifying six chaebols were directly beaten half by Ye Yang.

The two princesses' favorability towards Ye Yang can be said to be rising. Seeing that Ye Yang is free these days, they always find opportunities to ask Ye Yang out to exercise together.

With a beautiful princess making an appointment, Ye Yang is naturally happy to accompany her.

"Only two years?"

Ye Yang took a sip of sweet juice, took off his sunglasses, turned them in his hands, and kept calculating in his mind.

With the current level of human technology, it is absolutely impossible to resist that kind of disaster.

Relying on humans, in two years, they can only wait for death.

But he believes in the great way of fifty and the heaven of forty-nine.

Everything has a glimmer of hope.

This system is the only variable in the world.

"It depends on whether you can upgrade the human race as a whole within two years. If you can't protect all of humanity, at least you have to keep China safe."

He clenched his fists, his heart full of fire.

But this matter can't be rushed, so we can only invest step by step to see if we can trigger the deeper secrets of the system.

"You don't look scared."

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

He was very surprised. He had the system as his confidence, so he had the heart to fight before the world-destroying disaster. Why are these two princesses so calm?

"It's useless to be afraid. If the sky falls, there are tall people to support it, just like you, a peerless warrior who can fight the four major super consortiums."

Uesugi Mai came over, wiped the sweat from her neck, and made a face at Ye Yang: "I have a clear understanding of myself. This problem is not something I can solve at all. If things can be solved, then you will definitely do it well. If things can't be stopped..."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Then I can also pledge myself to Master Ye, so that I can use your moon rocket to live in the moon base~"

Uesugi Mai smiled cunningly...

(Second update)

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