Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1152 Asia-Pacific Business Conference

"You think clearly."

Ye Yang nodded.


Mai Uesugi smiled.

"Aren't you going to hang me up and spank me? Why do you think I will invite you to ride on the escape rocket?"

Ye Yang teased playfully.

"Oh, we weren't familiar with each other at that time, so we were just joking!"

Mai Uesugi scratched her head in embarrassment.


Ye Yang stopped embarrassing Uesugi Mai with words and said with a smile: "You are good at golf. Do you want to compare?"


Mai Uesugi raised her chin, extremely confident.

Her golf skills are unparalleled by few in the entire Sheqi family.

It’s almost professional level.

"Don't cry if you lose later!"

Although she respects Ye Yang very much now, she is still very concerned about Ye Yang spanking her in the car, so she is also ready to find confidence in golf and abuse Ye Yang.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Crying? I don't think you can beat me yet? Although this is my second time playing golf, I think it's not difficult at all."

Between words, Ye Yang was laying a trap for the other party.

"Tch! That's because you don't understand the profound theory of this sport!"

Mai Uesugi became more confident: "Since you think this exercise is easy, why don't we make a bet!?"

"What bet?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.


Mai Uesugi was always thinking about the revenge of being spanked, so she said directly: "Then... the loser will be spanked!"

Ye Yang laughed: "Okay!"

Yu Momo on the side almost laughed out loud.

If others don't know, how can she not know about her boss's athletic ability?

Ivey, who boasted himself as a professional player, was so tortured that he felt like he had seen God.



Mai Uesugi finished nine rounds and made six holes. She was very happy and compared to Ye Yang, meaning, can you beat me with nine balls?

If you can beat me, I will eat this ball on the spot!

Ye Yang raised the corners of his mouth, with a playful look in his eyes.

Mai Uesugi felt a sense of danger.

I'm already two-thirds of the way through.

Why is Ye Yang still so confident?

"I just hit him casually. Please forgive me if I don't hit you well."

Ye Yang swung the club and basically didn't aim much.

It’s really a ‘casual’ wave.

Golf balls, drawing graceful curves, lining up to enter the hole...


Mai Uesugi was stunned, what kind of operation is this! ?

Many swings, in her opinion, are absolutely impossible to hit the hole! ! !

This wave directly refreshed her knowledge...

The last ball.

Ye Yang repeated his old trick and deliberately missed the shot: "Oh, I'm so bad at this game! I can't even touch the ball."


Mai Uesugi felt offended: "Ye Yang, are you polite!!!"

Ye Yang laughed and walked towards Mai Uesugi with a golf club.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"The dignified princess of the Eight Sheqi Family won't deny it, right?"

Ye Yang laughed and straddled Uesugi Mai's waist, with her butt facing him.

"Bah bang bang!"

He was not polite at all. Through the white, you could see that Mai Uesugi's butt was a little red from being photographed.

"Ouch! It hurts! You stinky Ye Yang! I will take revenge one day!!!"

At this moment, Mai Uesugi no longer cared about respecting Ye Yang and threatened with a bared teeth.

Eli Yi and Yu Momo on the side were both so amused that they laughed.

"You're still not my best friend! You're still smiling so happily when you see me being beaten!"

Mai Uesugi bared her teeth at Eri.

Eriki stuck out her tongue innocently, looking so innocent that no one could blame her.


"Okay, I'm not using any force. I'll treat you to a big meal to ease your mood~"

Ye Yang looked at Uesugi Mai with a wicked smile.

"I choose the place and I order! You'll be deprived of your money!"

Uesugi Mai said angrily.

"Then you have to work hard and look for it!"

Ye Yang looked serious: "I can't eat enough in ordinary restaurants."


Mai Uesugi felt that Ye Yang was her natural enemy. She was so angry every time she saw him. Now that she thinks of Ye Yang, she wants to bite him hard.

SAGAYA ginza

Known as the number one consumer restaurant in Tokyo.

Ye Yang wanted to treat him, so of course Mai Uesugi was going to kill him.

However, after racking his brains, he was able to order hundreds of thousands of meals.

Seeing Ye Yangfeng Qingyundan paying, her teeth itched.

Big dog!

But she also knew in her heart that Ye Yang was now dominating the world and was unique in the world. If she wanted him to have a meal and feel sorry for her, wouldn't she have to spend hundreds of billions?

There is probably no company like this anywhere in the world.

If Ye Yang knew what Mai Uesugi was thinking, he would definitely be happy. He is worried that he can't spend the money now.

The money for the economic war was all transferred to the company under his name, and he consumed a lot of cash.

Now I am spending various kinds of money to restore my blood.

Unfortunately, the system now rarely rewards cash.

"...Ye Yang, will you attend the Asia-Pacific Business Conference to be held in Japan in a few days?"

Mai Uesugi asked.

"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Uesugi Mai: "Why are you, a mafia princess, interested in the Asia-Pacific Business Summit?"

"I'm asking for Eryi."

Mai Uesugi curled her lips and said arrogantly...

Following some narration.

Ye Yang also knew their purpose.

Now in Japan, the six chaebols of Japan have collapsed and they have no time to take care of themselves.

The left and right forces in Japan have begun a new round of fighting. Eri Yi's father is the leader of the right forces. He has respected China from the beginning and wants to mix with Ye Yang.

If we can take advantage of this Asia-Pacific Summit and Ye Yang comes forward to propose an issue of forming an Asia-Pacific Business Alliance, all problems will be solved.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Complex is a beautiful vision.

Many countries have been looking forward to it for many years, but neither the United States nor Europe wants to see it successfully completed.

For so many years, it has been blocked and sabotaged by all kinds of obstacles, and it has never been able to truly form a perfect economy.

But now Ye Yang has risen strongly and has become invincible in the economic world.

With such a strong man taking the lead, even if the United States wants to stop it, it will not be so easy.

There is great hope that this time it will be successful!

By then, Ye Yang will naturally be the leader of the Asia-Pacific Business Alliance.

The forces on the right side of the Japanese country where the two princesses are located can also take the opportunity to completely eliminate the left side cultivated by the United States, truly take power, and begin to follow Ye Yang towards a bright future...

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang nodded, expressing understanding.

He had known about this for a long time, but it was not clear whether the economic war could be won at the beginning. If he lost, everything would be lost. Why would he even talk about participating in the summit?

"In the past two days, I am going to Southeast Asia to do some things. If I can get back in time, I will naturally participate."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and said.

(First update)

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