Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1154: Money makes the world go round

"...Aren't you afraid!?"

Ye Yang felt the softness in his arms and asked with a corner of his mouth.

"I, I, I...I'm not afraid!"

Uesugi Mai blushed and didn't want to admit that she was scared to death just now, but now in Ye Yang's arms, she felt an infinite sense of security, so she felt a little more relieved.

"Then you continue to open the way?"

Ye Yang asked.


When she heard that she actually wanted to open the way, Uesugi Mai couldn't pretend, and subconsciously hugged Ye Yang's neck tightly, unable to die.

"You're not going to let me carry you all the way, are you?"

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.

"Um...ah no!"

Nodding, realizing something was wrong, Uesugi Mai shook her head again and again.

He jumped down, but this time he made up his mind to walk behind Ye Yang and never stand out.

The bloody-faced ghost sister in red stood there blankly.

Ye Yang walked over with a smile and waved his hand in front of her.

"Oh! Private Marseille! I was frightened just now! I'm sorry!"

This is how the female ghost reacted.

Mai Uesugi's reaction just now was too scary. She bounced back two to three meters and screamed so shockingly that she, who was pretending to be a ghost, was stunned.

"Haha, look, you scared the ghosts!"

Ye Yang looked at Uesugi Mai jokingly.


The group of people walked inside.

The tickets for the ghost show are quite expensive, and the inside is quite long, with nine levels in total.

Along the way, there are puzzle games such as decryption.

The atmosphere of the underworld and the soundtrack set off the atmosphere very well.

Various Japanese-style monsters and ghosts appear from time to time, and Yuen Eliyi is nearby to popularize science, which also makes Ye Yang gain a lot of knowledge.

Others came in for excitement, but as a result, there was no one else here to discuss Japan's monster culture.

This made the trembling Mai Uesugi even more timid, which made her very unhappy.

In the fourth level.

Finally she couldn't stand it anymore.

It’s so tortured!

Seeing how frightened she was, Ye Yang couldn't help laughing.

"You can still laugh!!! You are not normal people!!!"

Uesugi Mai said aggrievedly.


The atmosphere and horror of this ghost are world-class, and ordinary people cannot stand it.

But how can any of the people who came in today be ordinary people?

Ye Yangyi is a very brave man, not to mention destroying a fleet by himself, and the blood on his body is more than the number of all the ghosts here combined.

Not to mention the Xiao sisters.

Although Yu Mo Mo was also scared, she learned how to manage her expressions well!

Because of her special physique and identity, Minamoto Eri has been used to seeing these ghosts and monsters since she was a child. At this time, instead of being scared, she feels friendly.

There is only one Mai Uesugi. She is timid and invites such a bunch of perverts into the haunted house. It is purely because she has tricked herself.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled, and couldn't bear to see Mai Uesugi suffering all the time.

He said directly: "I will show you a wave of money skills."

"Huh? What super power?"

Mai Uesugi was confused.

"Ahem, just watch."

In the fifth level, when the first ghost popped out, he jumped directly in front of Ye Yang.

A wad of cash appeared in his eyes.

", what do you mean by this!?"

This is a male ghost, and when he saw this stack of cash, he was stunned.


Ye Yang said casually.

"I'll go, it's real or fake!"

The male ghost grinned, and his ferocious face turned into a clown for a moment, looking funny and fun.

"Brother, you are so interesting! How can I ask you to solve this level yourself! I will escort you from front to back!"

The male ghost kept saying.

Subsequently, this level was solved very quickly due to the male ghost's attentiveness.

Ye Yang stuffed a handful of cash into the ghosts he encountered along the way.

Soon, ghosts and gods were opening the way behind him. They didn't look like they were coming to the underworld to be frightened. Instead, they looked like a king patrolling the underworld with his ghost soldiers.


Mai Uesugi was stunned. Is this the power of money? ?


She gets scared when ghosts are her enemies.

But when the ghost turned out to be her little brother, she pretended to be a ghost and became intimidating.


She raised her head and looked very proud, feeling that she was the queen of the underworld, with an unparalleled temperament.

The last hurdle.

The first gatekeeper ghost heard the rushing footsteps in the fog and muttered:

"There are a lot of people coming in this time... With so many people coming in together, is there still an atmosphere of terror? What's going on!?"

Soon, some pathfinders appeared in the fog.

"Fuck! What a ghost!!!"

The gatekeeper ghost actor was so frightened that he screamed repeatedly.

However, he soon realized that these were the NPC ghost actors from the previous levels...

"what's the situation!?"

He was confused.

"Stop talking nonsense and open the door for our Mr. Ye from China!"

The guy who opened the road yelled and threw some cash over.


"Damn you have any professional ethics? We have forgotten the professional code! We have to fight for a noble and scary cause, how can you..."

Some more cash came over.



The door to the ninth level opened.

The little ghost guarding the gate just now became the leader, with a fierce momentum, and he was ready to beat anyone who dared to stop him...

The ghosts and gods cleared the way.

The surging army drove out of the haunted house.


The staff guarding the exit looked at the ghosts and gods who were leading the way in a line.

"What's going on!?"

"Are you on strike!?"

The two asked one after another.

"Silence! The ghost king is coming, mortals retreat!"

The ghost soldiers who cleared the way had solemn faces and scolded seriously.

"Damn... possessed!"

"These guys haven't worked for too long, and they are all depressed and have mental illnesses? It shouldn't be! Don't our haunted house employees do regular mental health surveys?"

The two staff members were confused.

Until they saw Ye Yang and his group being carried in a sedan chair in the middle.

"Oh my god... the sedan chair props for the ghost marriage level have all been carried out..."

The two staff members covered their faces.

"Haha... I've had a taste of being a ghost king, it's really good."

Ye Yang also felt that this experience was novel and interesting. After coming out, he led the women down from the sedan chair.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's go back, haha..."

Ye Yang bowed.

"Big brother, you are too polite! Once a big brother, always a big brother!"

The ghost soldiers and ghosts took a lot of tips from Ye Yang, and they all sent him off sincerely at this time.

This is a superman with the ability of "money"!

If every tourist can be so rich, it would be great...

The two staff members finally understood what was going on, and they were both amused and helpless.

Money can make the devil work, the old saying never lies...

After saying goodbye to the "ghosts".

Everyone was in a good mood.

"I shouldn't be afraid of ghosts anymore in the future, right?"

Ye Yang asked Mai Uesugi with a smile.

"I wasn't afraid in the first place!"

Mai Uesugi refused to admit her shameful behavior in the haunted house.

"Tsk, who is the girl with a bitter face in the video? Let me take a closer look."

Ye Yang took out his phone with a wicked smile...

(First update)

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