Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1155 Attack! Black Source Headquarters

"You are too much of a loser! You have taken away all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!!!"

Mai Uesugi jumped over to grab Ye Yang's phone, but Ye Yang grabbed her around the waist and struggled helplessly: "You big devil, I'm going to bite you to death!!!"

Everyone couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter.

Afterwards, they found a Japanese-style shop, eating and shopping while enjoying the spring breeze, feeling indescribably happy...

"Delete, delete, must delete!!!"

Along the way, Mai Uesugi was trying to think of ways to steal Ye Yang's mobile phone.

However, with Ye Yang's skills, her attempt would naturally not succeed.

Until Uesugi Mai was stuffed in the car on the way home unhappy, she was still looking at Ye Yang resentfully, this hateful man!

If you get a chance in the future, you must give him a spanking!


After visiting Tokyo in a few days, Ye Yang's vacation was over.

This morning, he boarded the F1000.

"Have you confirmed the location?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Yes, after that battle, all the wreckage of the fleet was salvaged by the Chinese military. After various trace analysis, combined with the hurricane's signal decryption of the fleet at that time, the location of the headquarters of Black Source was basically confirmed."

A voice came from the phone.


Ye Yang nodded: "I'll be there at noon."


F1000 roars.

Fly towards Southeast Asia.

After the Black Source fleet was destroyed that day, they immediately set out to capture the drowned but not dead Black Source members, analyze the battlefield, and analyze the information.

In the past, the black source was so well hidden that it could not reveal much of anything.

Even if branches in a country are wiped out, it will be difficult to trace the location of the headquarters.

During that time in Vietnam, Ye Yang was so fast that he didn't even have time to capture anyone alive.

But this time Yue sent almost all its maritime power.

There must be extremely strong traces of the headquarters. After all, the only one that can direct the use of military force is the Black Source Headquarters.

Therefore, this time the other party has completely exposed himself.

If we don't take this opportunity to find out where the opponent's headquarters is, we would really be sorry for the opponent's interception this time!

Finally, after these days of investigation, analysis, and various investigations.

The location of Black Source's headquarters was determined.

Just on an island in Southeast Asia.

Now a hurricane team has arrived on the island.

The Chinese team was being watched and it was difficult to act rashly. Ye Yang planned to use the Hurricane team as the main offensive force this time.

Black Source has been established for so many years and has extended its influence to every corner of Asia. The headquarters must have massive savings, treasures and various rare material reserves.

Maybe you can even discover something unusual.

It can almost be called a big treasure.

When it comes to digging for treasures, there is no need to tell other countries to come and share the pie.

We didn't see them when we were fighting the Black Source, but now we're fighting the headquarters, and we asked them to come out and share the loot?

Ye Yangke has never had a holy mother's heart. He would not do such a thing anyway.

The battle had begun before his arrival.

The black source has been deployed on that island for so many years. It can be called an iron fortress. All kinds of monitoring facilities are very complete, and the surveillance network is extremely sound.

If it weren't for the guy who was caught using Veritaserum to tell some detailed information about the deployment.

Even if you want to enter the twenty nautical miles around this island to conduct reconnaissance without being discovered, it is impossible.

The F1000 landed in the sea near the island, turned into a surface aircraft carrier, and began sailing towards the island.

Ye Yang and others stood on the deck and could already faintly hear the roar of artillery fire in the distance.

The opponent's sea power had been completely lost in the battle on the high seas of the Pacific. Only a few small ships were left, and they had been wiped out long ago.

At the beginning of the battle, the only remaining group of pseudo-fourth-generation fighters had not even taken off, but the airport was blown to pieces by conventional guided missiles attached to the nuclear submarine.

All naval and air forces were destroyed.

Black Source's land warfare force could only huddle on the island and resist.

This is no different from catching a turtle in a urn.

Hurricane's land force was in no rush to land on the island.

Maritime warships and aerial bombers took turns washing the land until the bombed island could no longer hear the sound of gunfire and no living people could be seen.

Only then did we start using landing ships to seize the beach...

Team after team of hurricane troops stepped onto the island beach.

The black source is only located on a small part of the island's surface.

The reason why it has not been discovered by satellites for so many years is because they hollowed out the island. Under the ground is a huge and well-systemed underground fortress.

Capturing the underground fortress is the most difficult battle!

"I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time."

Ye Yang twisted his neck and looked at Xiao Qingxuan: "Do you want to try the new weapon prepared for you?"


Xiao Qingxuan was puzzled.

Ye Yang handed his bracelet to Xiao Qingxuan: "I will open it for you after Lieyang No. 1."

"This!? This doesn't work!"

Xiao Qingxuan said repeatedly: "This is a big killer weapon in the boss's hands!"

Ye Yang laughed and took out another bracelet from his arms: "I already have the PLUS version!"


Xiao Qingxuan was stunned, but soon said in surprise: "Such a terrifying mecha can be built so quickly!"

You know, the strategic significance of Lieyang No. 1 is, at some levels, better than that of an aircraft carrier!

And it takes several years to build an aircraft carrier.

How long has it been?

The plus version of Lieyang No. 1 has already appeared?

Two columns of Lieyang No. 1!


Invincible in the world!

She was extremely excited.

"Let's go, let's open the way and minimize casualties."

Ye Yang pressed the bracelet.

The upgraded version of Lieyang No. 1 is fast.

Compared with the old model, this one has more Chinese characteristics and is no longer a tribute to Iron Man.

There are more weapon systems on board.

The capacity of micro-missiles has been directly doubled.

The most important thing is that he has an extra metal hilt in his hand.

As long as the energy is input, the photon energy flashes and directly turns into a photon sword! ! !

"Fuck, so cool."

Ye Yang waved the photon sword twice and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Which man doesn't have a mecha dream?

Mecha + sword, this is the romance of men! ! !

He looked into the distance and took off into the air.

Looking down at the entire island.

"Black Source, the grudges between you and me, now it's time to settle the accounts!!!"

After saying that, he slashed with his sword.

Photon energy was like a waterfall, illuminating the sky!

This sword directly split the surface of the island, creating a crack of more than 100 meters...

(Second update)

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