Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1156: Sweeping the Underground Fortress

"The boss is mighty!"

"The boss is here to help us! How can we not fight beautifully in this battle!?"

"The super mecha is so handsome!"

When Hurricane's Marines saw this scene, they all shouted, their morale was high.

Many people know that Ye Yang killed an entire fleet by himself.

This mecha is now considered a myth among hurricanes.

At this time, everyone was shocked when they saw Lieyang No. 1 approaching.

"Not just one! It's two!!!"

someone exclaimed.

Behind Ye Yang.

The Lieyang No. 1 prototype piloted by Xiao Qingxuan also flew over.

"I'll go! It's safe!"

"Two super mechas are conservatively equivalent to the combat power of two aircraft carrier formations. It's strange that the black source can block it!"

Ye Yang looked at the ground that was split in half.

Part of the underground fortress has been exposed...

Ye Yang and Xiao Qingxuan looked at each other and rushed into the fortress together.

Xiao Qingxuan has a strong learning ability, and in a short time, she has adapted to driving the mecha.

"Clean up along the way."

Ye Yang said.

The underground fortress is top secret, and no one knows the defense map here.

He could only try his best to wipe out every place.

Just like that, he and Xiao Qingxuan flew in two directions...

The main control room of the underground fortress.

The head of the Black Source frowned.

"Run away! Our advantage is that we are in the dark. Now that we are exposed, we will die. We can only retreat to the backup base."

There were gold-faced councilors saying again and again.

"Why is it so sudden? Is it because of the remaining information after the naval battle? This analysis is too fast..."

"Didn't we expect this?"

The council members were all panicked.

Suddenly the ground was plowed by missiles and the Marines attacked the island.

The whole journey so far only takes an hour.

The alarm from the underground fortress defense floor rang throughout the control room.

It is estimated that there will not be much time left before being breached.

This far exceeded their expectations.

After all, when the underground fortress was originally built, even the possibility of being attacked by a nuclear bomb was taken into consideration.

But what we are experiencing now is definitely not a nuclear bomb attack.

"It's the mecha fighting us on the high seas!"

"How did this mecha destroy so quickly!?"

"There are...two of them!"

After this report came over.

The whole place fell silent.

Is it possible that on that day, they tried their best to destroy Ye Yang, but they didn't make him use all his strength? ?

After all, it's only been two months.

They didn't think that the manufacturing cycle of a weapon of this level would be so short.

Ye Yang must have had two super mechas at that time.

But in the face of all their power, only one was dispatched!

What a kind of confidence and contempt! ?

However, they obviously have no time to lament now...

The destructive power of two mechas together is astonishing.

You know, Ye Yang was driving that terrifying mecha and destroyed the entire Black Source Fleet in such a short period of time.

It won't take long for two such mechas to break through this underground fortress, which is said to have invincible defenses.

After all, that mecha was so unreasonable.

Completely ahead of its time!

Being attacked by such a mecha will definitely not last long.


Someone shouted.

These congressmen are usually very excited to harm other people.

When it was his turn to be killed, he was so scared that his legs were shaking and his brain was trembling.

The scene was chaotic.

Even these people don't want to wait for news from the first seat.

They all started to pack up their things and run away.


The hall quickly emptied.

The leader sat silently in the leader's seat, watching the scenes with cold eyes.

He sighed.

Didn't leave...

The black source before was dead.

When such a huge creature dies, there must be someone to bury it.

Let him be the one to be buried.

His voice was calm, as if he had already anticipated this day.


Ye Yang quickly penetrated the first floor of the underground fortress.

All the obstacles and fire points encountered along the way were chopped into pieces with a single blow.

Blood flowed all the way.

Screams, explosions, and shattering sounds filled the underground fortress.

This fortress is regarded as the greatest wealth of Black Source. It is extremely complex in design and has very strong defensive power.

Although no one can stop him along the way.

But almost lost.

However, Lieyang 1 has its own navigation system inside, which can also detect the surrounding space to generate a temporary map and record the routes it has taken.

Otherwise, even if a superhero really comes in, he will be lost for a day or two just to get lost.

"Break it for me!"

This layer has been almost destroyed.

Ye Yang directly smashed the first and second layers of the mezzanine with a knife.

Numerous gas and water pipes were cut, and hot gas and hot water spurted out in the faults. Sparks flew everywhere, igniting the flammable gases inside and forming an explosion storm.

Ye Yang looked determined.

The black source has been almost the number one source of disaster in Asia over the years. All kinds of misfortunes and evil things are spread by it.

I don’t know how many innocent families have been destroyed, and I don’t know how many innocent people have been killed.

In such an organization, no one should be killed.

Everyone deserves to die!

This is not killing, but benefiting the world!


According to common sense, the command room will be on the bottom floor.

But the Black Source does not act according to common sense, and must be checked and wiped out layer by layer.

Although it is known that those high-level officials may take advantage of the chaos to escape during this period.

But this is also a helpless solution...

This underground fortress is regarded as the biggest support of the Black Source, not without reason.

It is indeed extremely complicated!

"What a tortoise shell!"

Ye Yang was cleaning the second floor, and a trace of anger rose in his heart, and all the missiles around him were fired!

Directly plow the ground with missiles!

No matter what important or unimportant targets are.

Everything is based on efficiency first, just to destroy all targets as quickly as possible...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The terrifying explosion sounded throughout the underground fortress.

It was as if the end of the world had come.

The flames were like waves, sweeping across the entire second floor in an instant. Countless people were instantly burned into flames in this raging wave.

One after another, carbonized human bodies stood there.

Ye Yang swept mercilessly, and the wind swept past, and those carbonized human bodies disappeared with the wind...


"The devil from hell!"

"The second floor was completely destroyed!?"

"This speed is simply amazing!"

"He is a murderer! More brutal than us! Wherever he passes, there are explosions, and no one is left alive!!!"

Many people from the Black Source were scared and ran out in a hurry, all wanting to save their lives.

But they obviously miscalculated.

Ye Yang's speed was too fast, sweeping like a hurricane. Many people just ran a few steps and saw the demon shadow that harvested lives passing by...

The moment they saw Ye Yang, their lives were gone!

(First update)

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