Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1157: The Unexpected First Seat

"The devil is coming!"


"Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!"

These people were shouting miserably.

They remembered the dying end of those they killed when they completed their mission.

Now, this feeling of powerlessness and dying finally fell on them.

Is this retribution! ?

They all wanted to cry but had no tears.

They always brought disaster to the world, and now it was finally their turn.

But they didn't want to die...

They were all struggling.

But it was useless.

In less than ten minutes after going up to the fourth floor, they were blown up by Ye Yang who rushed around without caring about the loss and expenses.

All destroyed!

The entire underground fortress has nine floors!

The fifth floor.

Ye Yang was clearing the way with bombs.

Suddenly, he stopped.

I only saw a group of people wearing masks, carrying bags and scattering through the passage.

"Finally found you!"

Ye Yang sneered.

These masked councillors are the people with the highest status in the Black Source.

Some of them wearing golden masks naturally became the key targets.

Ye Yang did not kill these people directly.

After all, they were the source of the source of the chaos.

It would be too easy for them to die directly...

He swung his lightsaber and swept it quickly.

Within a few passages, the legs of these councillors were all cut off!

No one can escape!

The lightsaber was so hot that the moment it was cut, the flesh and blood were blurred and the bleeding stopped!

Ye Yang sneered and looked at the councillors who were lying on the ground and wailing behind him.

They will soon be found by the Marines who arrived later and taken back for interrogation.

Each of these councillors must have a big secret.

Maybe they can squeeze out a lot of world secrets...

Now he has no time to pay attention to them, because he has not found the head of the black source...

He deduced the location of the core control room based on the location of the passages of these councillors who fled in all directions.

He broke through the layers of steel walls and came directly to the core control room.

He kicked open the door of the core control room.

He walked in slowly.

Because the person he was looking for obviously didn't want to escape.

He sat quietly on the highest seat, looking down at him indifferently.

In his eyes, there was no fear of death, no repentance for past sins, and no nostalgia for past glory.

There was only indifference and calmness...

Those councillors had their legs cut off by Ye Yang, and they lost their ability to move for a while.

His core target was the many leaders of the Black Source.

Those small soldiers and those fire points, Xiao Qingxuan would naturally clean them up.

He removed his steel helmet and slowly walked towards the head of the Black Source...

The source of Asia's chaos over the years...

He wore a deep black mask, and his eyes were also black.

It was hard to see through.

"It seems that I was right. The person who brought the end was indeed you."

The head took off his mask, revealing his old face under the mask.


Unexpectedly, it was a white-haired old man.

And it was an old lady.

An old lady with a kind face.

If she hadn't been sitting here, no one would have believed that this kind-looking old lady would be the first seat of this Black Source.

"Are you a stand-in?"

Ye Yang also found it hard to believe this fact for a while, and asked with a frown.

"I am the first seat you are looking for..."

The old lady played a video to confirm her identity.

Ye Yang frowned: "I saw many senators fleeing outside, but you were not panicking. Are you confident in your underground fortress defense system? Do you think I can't break in?"

"On the contrary, I'm waiting for you."

The old lady smiled kindly.

"Wait for me?"

Ye Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Yes... wait for you to come and tell you everything."

The old lady put the black mask aside and took off the black robe.

The reason why she looks so burly is that under the black robe, there are many frames. She herself is very hunched and skinny.

"Speaking of which, you and I are still from the same family."

She smiled.

Ye Yang looked at her. He had thought about countless situations when he would face the Black Source Leader in person, but none of them was as weird as this one.

"My last name is Ye too."

Old Lady Ye smiled.

Ye Yang raised her eyebrows: "It's useless to try to make friends. I won't let you go for this."

"I'm already dying... This body can't hold on for much longer. I'll finish what I need to say and tell you what I know."

"After that, there will be no me in this world."

Old Lady Ye laughed.

Ye Yang knew what she said was true. The support under the black robe had life-sustaining equipment. As long as the old lady stopped those equipment herself.

She would die.

"What's the point of living like this, no matter how powerful I am? My life is full of pain."

Old Lady Ye smiled: "But because of time constraints, I won't tell you about my misery."


Ye Yang didn't say anything.

This old lady gave him a very strange feeling.

It was completely different from the Black Source Leader he imagined.

In his imagination, perhaps, the leader of the Black Source would make an impassioned speech about his ideals after discovering his presence, and then do something tragic like slitting his neck and committing suicide by taking poison.

"The origin of the Black Source comes from the truth of the world."

"The principle we believe in is 'the destination of the world and civilization is chaos.'"

"Chaos is the truth of this world."

The leader of the Black Source spoke slowly.

"Before that, you need to know a shocking secret..."

Ye Yang stared at the other party vigilantly.

"Humans are not the only civilization in the universe, nor are they the only civilization on Earth."

The leader said lightly: "One hundred thousand years before our existence, no, even longer ago, there was another civilization on Earth."


Ye Yang nodded calmly.


The old lady was stunned: "Aren't you surprised? Or do you think I'm kidding you?"

"I already knew about the existence of the previous civilization."

Ye Yang said calmly: "If that's all you want to say, you can end it now."

If the other party wants to die, he can't stop it by just pressing a button.

"It really surprises me..."

The old lady muttered: "However, as a civilization that once existed, it is normal to leave more than one relic."

Since he couldn't stop the other party from dying, Ye Yang didn't rush.

Pulled a stool, sat on it, and waited for the old lady's next words...

(Second update)

What do you think is the relationship between the black source and the previous civilization?

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