Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1158: The Four Principles of the Source

"Even if you have come into contact with...the 'pre-civilizations' you call them, you probably don't know much about them."

Mrs. Ye said calmly, her voice full of confidence.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Why are you so confident?"

"Because the time that Black Source came into contact with this civilization and intentionally explored this civilization is much longer than you think."

The leader of the Black Source said lightly: "In other words, the establishment of the Black Source is because of the pre-civilization."


Ye Yang was indeed attracted, which is an interesting statement.

"We've been studying pre-civilizations and the causes of their destruction for many years."

Mrs. Ye said calmly: "No one in this world knows him better than we do. As a new civilized species, we are lonely and confused. If we want to survive forever, we must refer to other references. "

"Pre-civilizations are our best resource."

"They evolved into our next era, but they were still destroyed."

"We analyze the causes of his destruction and think about the possibility of humankind's eternal survival..."

Ye Yang was confused when he heard this: "Don't you Black Source want to destroy mankind?"

"We never said that."

Mrs. Ye sneered: "Not only do we not want to destroy mankind, on the contrary, we hold in our hands the only 'truth' that can make mankind survive forever."

"Are you going to start telling your lies?"

Ye Yang sneered and said.

"After listening, you will know what is the truth of this world."

Mrs. Ye's eyes were deep: "We are the only sober people in the world."

Ye Yang waited for her next words: "Is it possible that you have been calling for the destruction of mankind for so many years, but now you don't admit it?"

"That is a rumor spread by the outside world. Our core theory is not to destroy mankind, but to destroy human civilization."

Mrs. Ye said calmly.

"Isn't this the same thing?"

Ye Yang asked rhetorically.

"No. Human beings are a species. Civilization is something that came later. For example, the army, the country, etc. These are all things that humans as a species did not originally have."

Mrs. Ye shook her head.

"In our research, civilization is the biggest poison to the continuation of species. If the civilization within the species is not eliminated, the species will destroy itself sooner or later."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he heard this statement.

"The evolution of human civilization is a process of gradual self-destruction."

Mrs. Ye said calmly: "Civilization is poison to species."

"This is a vain theory of yours."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Old Mrs. Ye sneered: "A theory of nothingness? Then let me ask you, with the development to this point, you can be fair. Is the species serving civilization, or is civilization serving the species?"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yang frowned: "With the advancement of science and technology, civilization is of course serving the species."

"If civilization serves the species, then as civilization evolves, the species' heart and needs should be more satisfied. But looking at the world today, is this the reality?"

Old Mrs. Ye shook her head: "Civilization has not brought happiness to mankind. It has only brought war, suffering and chains. Currency that did not need to exist has become the only meaning of the existence of the human species. Everyone who lives in civilization, Spend your whole life fighting for concepts that don’t exist.”

"Civilization has enslaved humanity."

"Civilization must be destroyed."

"Imagine a world without civilization. Everyone can truly pursue the meaning of their life and pursue the definition of having only one life. Instead of using only one life to serve these... false and meaningless civilization machine."


Mrs. Ye became more and more excited as she talked, her eyes brightened, and she didn't look like a dying person.

Ye Yang savored Mrs. Ye's words and smiled slightly: "I think that without the constraints of civilization, human beings will lead to self-destruction. Human nature is not always good. Do you think the world of primitive people is better than modern civilization? ?”

"You are wrong. Primitive tribes are also a form of civilization."

Old Mrs. Ye shook her head: "What we want is an uncivilized world, a more advanced species survival form. You won't understand. Of course, I will only talk about this aspect here."

"What supports us is naturally not just these ideals in nihilistic reasoning."

Old Mrs. Ye stood up: "When we began to study pre-civilizations, most of the countries in the world had not yet been established. Through years of translation and research, we know that pre-civilizations were destroyed by a war they called It’s called the ‘Great Screening’ disaster.”

She wanted to see some surprise in Ye Yang's eyes.

But unfortunately, it didn't work out.

"You even know this?"

Mrs. Ye frowned.

"Not only did I know it, but I also knew it on the moon."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.

"That's even more correct..."

Mrs. Ye sneered: "I really don't understand. After knowing all this, haven't you thought of that?"


Ye Yang didn't speak.

"The arrival of the Great Screening comes from the development of civilization. Through our research, as long as technology reaches a certain threshold, relevant 'screening' will be triggered.

This is the rule of civilization.

And we are already at a critical point. If we don't destroy the current civilization and prevent the evolution of science and technology, the disaster of destruction is just around the corner. "

Ye Yang smiled: "I bet you are the true lovers who protect mankind, but we have become the devils who push mankind into the abyss?"

"That's right. I'm trying to wake you up!"

Old Mrs. Ye shouted: "The four core principles of the black source:

1: Civilization is the first obstacle to the survival of species.

Two: The development of science and technology brings about great screening.

Three: The ultimate secret is to eliminate civilization and stop development.

Four: Civilization will self-destruct. If the species wants to continue, we must prevent the emergence of civilization. "

"Here's nonsense."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Your understanding of the Great Selection is superficial and sad. Typical escape thinking."

"The Great Selection is a disaster. In the face of disasters, if you don't ask for someone to be victorious, give up on self-development, just kill someone at the first opportunity, and call it destiny or fate. This kind of concept is really ridiculous!"

"The Great Selection itself is a disaster. Only a civilization that constantly corrects itself can survive. Instead of treating it negatively. There is a completely different difference between giving up on yourself and developing yourself and trying your best to compete with the sky!!!"

He stared at Mrs. Ye.

The leader of the black fountain let out a jeering laugh: "It seems that it really doesn't make sense...

Ye Yang! It was human beings who developed civilization first, and as science and technology continued to develop, natural disasters became more and more severe, eventually leading to the destruction of civilization.

Without technological development, there would be no big screening! You're confusing cause and effect! ! ! "

(First update)

Not many people probably like to watch this kind of theoretical debate, but it is also a necessary chapter for the ending of the story. If you don't like it, just take a look.

It will not affect the advancement of the main line.

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