Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1159: Establish your authority and then your reputation

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang did not comment, and said lightly: "If this is what you want to say, then I can only say that it is foolish for you to destroy the power of mankind to face the final disaster for your own wishful speculation. You will atone for this."

"Is that so?"

Old lady Ye also asked back, and smiled lightly: "Different beliefs, there is nothing to talk about. These things have been suppressed in my heart for too long, and I just want to find someone to tell them all before I die.

I also know that the group of controllers of your civilization will not agree with our ideas.

Well, let's end it like this. Since the black source has failed, it means that you will all be destroyed soon, but it's just a matter of a few days earlier or later.

I'll wait for you in hell."

Old lady Ye smiled wildly and pressed the button.

The life supply mechanism in her body stopped working...

Her body gradually fell into coldness.

Ye Yang shook his head.

Many things in this world are like this. If two people believe in different things, they can't convince each other no matter what.

People who firmly believe in two different ideas form two different forces.

The two forces compete with each other until they completely eliminate the other kind of people and let the whole world implement their only idea.

But, is the idea that wins the victory necessarily correct?

Perhaps only when the great selection comes, it will be clear.

If human beings survive the great selection according to the idea of ​​"man conquers nature" that Ye Yang firmly believes in, then he can really be said to be right.

Of course, it is also possible that it is really as Mrs. Ye said.

If human beings cut off civilization by themselves, perhaps there will be no great selection at all...

This is just an objective analysis.

Ye Yang naturally sticks to his own ideas in his heart. After all, he does not believe that if human beings stop developing science and technology, the geomagnetic reversal that is about to happen can be cancelled?

That is too much of a compliment to human beings themselves...

Not rational at all.

"It's just a pity that the most important question was not asked in time."

Ye Yang shook his head.

But I think the other party will not tell him the answer.

He has been thinking about it for a long time.

Every continent has an xx source.

Is the same naming form really a coincidence?

What is the connection between these sources?

However, the headquarters of the Black Source was taken down this time.

This doubt should be answered after the headquarters is cleaned up this time.

After he confirmed that Mrs. Ye was completely dead, he walked out of the control room.

The council members outside had been controlled.

From them, Ye Yang knew the name of the Black Source's leader.

His name was Ye Wenjie.

"Was it originally called this name, or was it changed after watching the Three Body Problem?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Unfortunately, Ye Wenjie was dead, so there was no way to verify this conjecture.

The commonality between these two people was that they both regarded themselves as saviors.


There were two Lieyang No. 1 in this war.

It ended quickly.

The entire underground fortress, which was said to be impregnable, was completely taken down in just a few hours.

The entire battle killed five Hurricane Group Marines and injured twelve.

The number of casualties in the Black Source was too numerous to count. Many people turned into carbon ash and debris when Ye Yang was frantically sweeping the building, and it was completely impossible to count.

After the initial interrogation.

The Black Source's fund reserves of more than 400 billion US dollars were directly uncovered!

Not to mention the assets and mines, various strategic energy sources, factories, islands, and fortresses indirectly controlled by him.


The locations of all branches of the Black Source were interrogated and sent to various countries.

Those small profits were left to other countries to clean up.

Ye Yang was too lazy to make a move for that little bit of profit, and secondly, it was to make other countries feel a little involved.

He had been fighting against this dark organization for one or two hundred years.

In the end, he didn't get any benefits at all, and he, the only beneficiary, would inevitably become the target of criticism.

If he gave away some benefits, he could also earn a lot of reputation and praise.

It would raise his international prestige to a higher level.

It would be beneficial to promote his plan at this Asian Summit...


The interrogation continued.

The news of the destruction of the Black Source shocked the world.

These sources of darkness in the world were cursed by countless people and were the thorns of all countries.

Now, the Black Source in Asia has been completely eradicated! ?

This news shocked everyone!

"Who did it!?"

"Who else could have done it in Asia?"

"That Ye Yang!?"


"This guy... is really a miracle maker!"

The bigwigs of various countries said one after another.

Ordinary people don't know about the existence of organizations such as the Black Source. Those who are qualified to know are all of high status.

"This kid always makes some big news for me!"

"Just after defeating several super consortiums, he completely eradicated the ancient organization that has threatened Asia for hundreds of years. Who in the world can stop this kind of power?!"

"Too much limelight is not a good thing. Sooner or later, he will die!"

"He is already one of the best bigwigs in the world, and he still dies? I don't think you will see the day you die! Haha..."



Various discussions resounded in major high-end forums around the world.

Many people are emotional.

Only Milo Sars was angry and could not smile.

"Damn black source, it's useless! Not only did it fail to kill Ye Yang, but it also allowed people to loot his hometown! I don't know how many assets will be added to Ye Yangping now! Damn it!!!"

Milo was angry.

He can barely hold on to the business territory of the United States.

If Ye Yang gets a lot of cash flow from Black Source, he may collapse in an instant!

His fear and anger will not make any change in the general trend.

Many countries have sent congratulatory letters, congratulating Asia on solving its own troubles.

As for Asia, many countries have developed an extremely good impression and friendship towards Ye Yang.

Who wouldn’t be in awe of such a strong, capable and benevolent neighbor! ?

This battle is Ye Yang's battle to establish his reputation.

After establishing prestige, he established his reputation.

People's minds change.

The minds of many big bosses have completely changed.

Everyone realizes that this Asia Summit held in Tokyo will be extremely special.

This world may be completely different because of Ye Yang's existence...

(Second update)

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