Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1160: Enemies of the past, followers of today

"The Black Source has completely become history."

"I'm so moved. Yesterday we were still worried about its existence, and today we received news that its headquarters was destroyed..."

"This Ye Yang is really invincible. He solved the problems that so many countries have not solved for hundreds of years."

"The infinite heritage of the Black Source for so many years now belongs to Ye Yang. At least it is equivalent to swallowing up another super consortium!"

"Now Ye Yang can really fight at least five super consortiums in terms of size. In addition, with the current situation in the world, even seven or eight super consortiums may not be able to defeat him."

"Seven or eight super consortiums join forces? It's impossible. Unless the ultimate level of war occurs..."

" seems that Ye Yang is basically invincible now. He has the confidence to be a dominant force and truly participate in the world pattern."

"Yes! The rise of China is just around the corner. I just don't know what will happen during this period..."


Many people feel that Ye Yang has become a force to be reckoned with.

Even the United States dare not really order it around, and must respect it.

China and the United States coexist in the world.

There must be a change in the pattern...

As a small country, it is trembling in the face of this change.

I don't know where to go...

Some countries that are qualified to choose a direction have hope and think that China is also a good choice.

After counting the harvest of the black source and integrating the other party's resources.

The power under Ye Yang's name has become even stronger.

He stepped on the F1000 and flew to Tokyo.

Now everyone is looking here.

There are still three days before the Asian Business Summit. Everyone wants to know whether the Asia-Pacific Alliance that the United States has been blocking can be successfully established this time.

After all, although Ye Yang is now in the limelight.

But the real strategic defeat of the United States is the sign of victory. At that time, the situation in the world will be completely settled.

After Ye Yang returned to the central bay of Tokyo.

Immediately release the news that a press conference will be held.

"Ye Shenhao is going to hold a press conference?"

"I knock, this guy is a super boss! What he wants to say must be shocking!"


"He has defeated the super consortiums one after another recently, and destroyed the black source. It is already shocking enough! What else is he going to do!?"

"I can't guess... But it will definitely shock the eyes."


Many people are looking forward to the content of this press conference.

Many world-famous newspapers and big media reporters have arrived.

Most people are kind-hearted, after all, Ye Yang has proved himself through the last two hard battles.

Who in the world dares not respect him! ?

Only some reporters from the United States came with a bad face, and they were here to deliberately find faults.

But now the water of world public opinion has been muddied by Ye Yang.

The public opinion controlled by the United States can no longer be a one-man show, and it can't achieve the effect of brainwashing. Even if this malicious editing and rumors are spread there, it may not cause much impact.


Various media, reporters, and radio stations have flocked in.

In front of the Tokyo Palace, the crowd is surging and the voices are boiling.

Soon, the emerging and rising chaebols in Japan appeared.

They were all cultivated by Ye Yang. The market of the six chaebols shrank and were almost scrapped. They also rose while fighting and now became one of the forces competing for hegemony in Japan.

Then, the delegations of the Sanxing Consortium of Dahan Mingguo arrived together.

The Asian Business Summit is about to begin.

These consortiums are naturally waiting here.

And with Ye Yang's words, all of them arrived.

Then, the representative convoy of the Balor Consortium also arrived.

Finally, some representatives of the top forces of Ye Yang's headquarters came.

"What's going on!?"

"Super bosses are showing up. Something big is going to happen..."


There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Many people couldn't figure out what Ye Yang was up to.

Then, the gates of the Tokyo Palace opened and the crowd swarmed in.

On the host platform, Ye Yang sat in the main seat.

He looked at the crowd pouring in with a calm look.

The representatives of other consortiums all sat down one after another.

"There are still three days before the Asia-Pacific Business Summit."

As soon as Ye Yang opened his mouth, he went straight to the point.

Everyone's eyes and attention were attracted to him.

"In order to create a peaceful and stable business environment for the business summit."

Ye Yang paused deliberately, and said in a loud voice: "I have decided to completely end the Sals Consortium within three days and end the economic war that is happening in the world now."


The whole audience was shocked!

This statement is too shocking!

It's simply sensational!

He wants to completely kill a super consortium with a business war within three days! ?

"Well, Mr. Ye, what do you mean by the end...?"

A reporter asked.

"Either surrender or be completely destroyed."

Ye Yang's voice was very cold.

There are too many grievances between the Sals Consortium and him, and it is absolutely impossible to settle it.

Either let yourself control the other party, or, you can only let the other party die completely.

"Either surrender completely, or destroy it!?"

Everyone present took a breath of cold air.

Two months ago, anyone who dared to say this would be regarded as the world's number one psychopath and written into the world record of bragging.

But today.

No one dares to ignore Ye Yang's words, no matter how amazing or incredible Ye Yang's words are.

They also have to think about whether there is a slight possibility...

After all, this man has created too many miracles! ! !

But even so.

The people present also felt that this was an absolutely impossible boast.

The Sals Consortium has been developing in the United States for 200 years.

Deep-rooted, towering trees.

Even the main trunk above the ground has been cut into pieces by Ye Yang, leaving only a stump struggling to support it.

Want to completely destroy it?

That means that the roots underground must be destroyed as well? !

How is it possible! ?

Since entering modern society, there has never been a precedent for a super consortium to be completely destroyed! It's simply nonsense! ! !

Let alone three days.

Even if it takes thirty years to completely destroy a super consortium.

It is enough to go down in history!

"The nine emerging consortiums in Japan will join the war with Mr. Ye and declare war on the Sals Consortium!!!"

"The Sanxing Consortium and the Balor Consortium will also follow at the same time!"

Representatives of several major consortiums expressed their opinions one after another.

At this time, the reporters present fully understood the real intention of these representatives' arrival.

So they were waiting here!!!

How familiar is this scene! ?

Just two months ago.

It was also here.

Ye Yang declared war on the world's four major consortiums and a group of younger brothers alone.

Just two months later...

His former enemies have become his followers, fighting with him together!!!

(First update)

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