Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1161: The ‘Bloody Night’ of the Business World


This scene made many people present sigh.

They thought this was the pinnacle of glory, but then they knew they were wrong.

After Ye Yang announced the news.

From all over the world, many forces, consortiums, and business organizations gathered to respond!

Various voices came out.


Encircle and suppress an American super consortium and deal with an American shadow emperor.

Before Ye Yang's rise, who in the world dared to have this idea?

In just a few years, the general trend of the world has undergone such changes without even realizing it...

Ye Yang's friends and allies with interests have spread all over the world before he knows it.

In other words, the enemies of the Shadow Emperor of the United States have long been spread all over the world.

The world has been suffering from the Meili super consortium for a long time!

Now that we finally see the dawn of victory, naturally everyone gathers to respond! ! !

Various voices of joining the war and declaring war resounded from all over the world.

Most of them are ordinary financial groups or local business forces...

Individually speaking, they are like ants and elephants compared to the Sals Consortium.

But if the number is large enough, if there are too many ants, they can also eat elephants! ! !

Just two months apart.

"The whole world cuts down the leaves" has become "to win and kill the shadow emperor together".

This change has to make people sigh.

In the world, many people are excited.

After so many years, someone finally declared war on a shadow emperor!

It’s not one person, it’s countless people, it’s the general trend of the times! ! !

The times are coming, and in Ye Yang's hands, they are pressing towards Milo Sars.

On the Salz Building.

Milo's eyes were red and bloodshot.

The recent situation of the Sals Consortium is very bad. Even if they retreat to the United States, they are still losing ground.

The capital reserve is at the bottom, if it were not for the secret support of several other well-connected super consortiums and die-hard boys.

It collapsed long ago.

"This Ye Yang is really crazy! Before, we were evenly matched and evenly matched. Now that he has absorbed more power from the black source, do you think he can crush me!?"

Milo Sars roared unconvinced.

I don’t know which generation of secretaries were sitting nearby, dumbfounded.

Even when she heard the words 'evenly matched, evenly matched', she found it ridiculous.

How can this be evenly matched? They have blocked you in the base camp and beat you up wildly, yet you are still evenly matched! ?

"And those ants and fireflies! They actually attacked me with Ye Yang!? They are nothing! They were just... just a bunch of bedbugs!!! They can jump three feet high and are not worthy of my eyes. You dare to attack me!”

He was like a severely wounded and dying king of beasts, roaring angrily as he looked at the pack of wolves that were eyeing him around.

"Come! Come all! The name of my Sals Consortium is not just a boast. If you want to destroy me, you should all be prepared to die together!!!"

Milo Sars's eyes flashed with endless madness.

This is no longer an economic war!

It's a real life and death battle!

What moral integrity, what rules and taboos.

It's all a joke...

He will use all his strength to fight back!

Use all your energy and means!

On the day Ye Yang announced, all parties stepped up their offensive.

Many financial groups surrounded and suppressed him.

Many overseas forces responded and directly uprooted all the overseas roots of the Sars Consortium.

Everyone pushed down the wall, let alone the black and damaged wall of the Sals Consortium.

The conglomerates and forces that have gathered to respond to the local tough battle cannot get involved even if they want to. After all, their power does not extend far beyond the commercial territory of the United States.


This was a night that later generations would call the "bloody night" in the business world.

The leader of the consortium, power, or person in charge, who announced his response to Ye Yang's plan, is an important person.

They died mysteriously one after another that night...

Balor Consortium, Sanxing Consortium, Japan's Emerging Nine Conglomerates, etc...

I don’t know how many people died in this night...

Even some of Ye Yang's company executives were stabbed to death.

However, Ye Yang had already anticipated this situation and had made arrangements in advance, so the number of deaths among his men was not high.

However, the industry and personnel under his control are too huge.

It’s impossible to cover everything.

Some executives were still successfully assassinated.

Early the next morning.

After these news were learned by the sleeping public one after another, they caused huge waves on the Internet.

The consortium that has lost the rules and balances and has no scruples is really terrible! ! !

Many people are afraid.

"This is just the beginning!"

Milo Sals sneered: "Where are you now, and you are starting to be afraid!? Fight with my Sals consortium! You are not qualified! The show is yet to come!!!"

"Is it?"

A cold voice came.

Milo Sars was so frightened that his soul dispersed.


He looked towards the floor-to-ceiling skylight in confusion.

There, there was a floating mecha.

The siren then sounded.

The mecha's punch shattered the special glass that was enough to protect against RPGs.

Slowly flew in.

"Ye Yang? You came in person!?"

Milo frowned.

He knew Ye Yang was crazy, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy.

Do you really think that if you wear a mecha on your body, you will be invincible? ?

Fly directly to the base camp of a shadow emperor in the United States?

"What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me!?"

Miro * Sals laughed wildly: "You have to know our bottom line! The status of the Ten Shadow Emperors cannot be insulted. If I die, the consequences will be unbearable for you in China! The whole world cannot bear it!"

It is true.

Miro * Sals's status in the United States is similar to Ye Yang's status in China.

If he dies, the level of vibration caused is the same.

Once a person of this level really falls, anything can happen later...

So, even if Miro is crazy like this, he didn't find a killer to kill Ye Yang directly, he couldn't bear it.

"The boss didn't tell me to kill you."

To Miro's surprise, a female voice came from under the mask.

"You are not Ye Yang!"

Miro frowned and looked at the mecha.

This mecha should have just been developed in China, and there is only this one.

It is said that Ye Yang always carries it with him for self-defense, but someone else actually wore it? !

He was in doubt.

"There are so many mechas like this in China. You look down on China by saying I am Boss Ye when you see a mecha."

Xiao Qingxuan sneered lightly.

Milo*Sals looked at Xiao Qingxuan in doubt.

One mecha of this kind is equivalent to a small aircraft carrier formation. China has secretly developed a lot of them? !

This is too scary!

But this person may also be from China's Strategic Intimidation Department.

He looked cold and sneered: "Anyway, you dare not attack me. As Ye Yang's messenger, since you are here, you should be prepared to be left behind, right? Although this mecha is powerful, it may not be without weaknesses."

"The nuclear button is right in front of my boss. If something happens to me, I will bury your entire continent with me."

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly...

(Second update)

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