Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1162 This elder brother is easy to deal with. He is really good at dealing with things.

"What did you say?"

Milo Sars frowned: "I don't believe he would press that button for you."

"You can try it."

Xiao Qingxuan pointed the particle cannon on his palm at Milo: "But I promise, between you and me, you will die first."

Milo Sars was angry, but he had to admit it.

This mecha may not be invincible.

But the other party is standing in front of him. Before he can kill her, he must die first.

When it came to his own life and death, Milo calmed down and stopped thinking about it.

Even if you take ten thousand steps back, Ye Yang is definitely a super madman, maybe he can really do that kind of thing...


He looked at the many armed guards rushing into the house.

When the guards saw the mecha, their brains exploded and they couldn't react.

Not many people know about the existence of Lieyang One.

As the guards of the Sars Consortium, they have naturally never seen them before.

They were all stunned for a moment. The impact of this science fiction movie into reality was too big for them.

How to deal with it?

What if the bullets can't penetrate?


Just as they were panicking, Milo Sars waved his hand.

"There's no need to look here. Please exit."

The guard captain glanced at the broken glass window. This mecha obviously didn't come with good intentions...

But they won't think too much about it.

After all, we are just working as workers, so we can do whatever the boss tells us to do?

Anyway, it was the boss's own order. They left, and they can't be blamed if the boss was beaten to death.

Thinking about it, they exited the house.


"Okay, what does Ye Yang want to say?"

Milo Sars asked impatiently.

After all, he and Ye Yang were already locked in a fight to the death.

"Our boss asks you to be honest and not challenge his bottom line. If someone dies accidentally due to this business war, I will take your head off."

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly.

"Hahaha... Who does he think he is? Does he really think he is a god!? Now we are enemies of each other and we will fight to the death. He is the one who has the right to dictate how I do things!?"

Milo Sars shouted angrily: "I blame you for acting too arrogantly! You also want to destroy a consortium! Since you have the guts to play life and death with us, don't blame me for using all my methods!"

Xiao Qingxuan smiled slightly: "If you really want to do whatever it takes, your head is not on you now. I am here today just to tell you to restrain yourself and not to cross the bottom line that you shouldn't cross!"

"What a shame! You think too highly of yourselves!!!"

Milo Sars stood up and sneered: "Don't I have the means to kill your boss? Your boss doesn't dare to kill me! Because he knows the consequences!"

"There will be no consequences."

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly: "It's easy to build a moon base, and a mecha like this is born. You dare to brave everything and let me stand in front of you. Do you really think that our boss doesn't have a way to deal with nuclear bombs?"

"You...what do you mean!?"

Milo Sars was completely frightened.

There is no major turmoil in the world today, entirely because of the nuclear bomb balance theory.

If this theory fails, what will the world look like! ?

He couldn't imagine it at all.

Then he laughed, wildly.

"Hahaha... You woman is really brainless, and you can't even tell a reliable joke."

He shook his head: "If China was really capable of dealing with nuclear bombs, it would have unified the world long ago. Why does it still need to act as a deterrent to me, the leader of a consortium!?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered: "Do you think everyone is like you, a war madman who only wants to conquer and humiliate others after becoming powerful?

Hundreds of years ago in China, the Ming Dynasty had the largest national power in the world. During its voyages to the West, it maintained peaceful exchanges and trade with the countries along the way. It doesn't mean you have to bully others if you are powerful.

Of course, if you really don’t believe it, you can try it. "

After she said that, she said no more: "Remember today's warning!"

After that, she grabbed Milo Sals, making the old man tremble with fear.

"You, what are you going to do!?"

he shouted sharply.

"Of course it's revenge."

Xiao Qingxuan said calmly: "You don't think that the people who killed us will really condemn you and then change the story, right?"

She sneered and fired the particle beam from her palm.

Gently sweep forward in mid-air.

The particle beam suddenly cut the entire building in half...

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

The building fractured and when the particle beam passed through, an explosion occurred. The upper half of the building slowly collapsed and collapsed, and the lower half of the building was also crushed.

"Bang bang bang..."

There were screams all around.

The building collapsed, and countless senior executives of Sals died in the explosion...


Milo Sars's eyes almost popped out.

"You are not the only ones who cross the line. When you go crazy and lose your mind and massacre others, think carefully about whether you can bear the price when it is placed on you!"

Xiao Qingxuan slapped Milo Sars on the face. She didn't want to hear him curse, so she slapped him unconscious.

Then, she landed, dropped Milo Sals on the ground, then rose into the sky and flew towards Tokyo...

"What's going on here!?"

"I'm going! The Sals Tower has collapsed!"

"Why does this broken end seem to be cut off by a big sword?"

"I saw a terrifying light that directly cut the building in half!"

"Fuck! I took a picture of it! It's so scary!"

"A black spot!"

"It's too high, I can't take a clear picture."

"It looks like a person to me!"

"Standing in the air?"


Countless people gathered together. It's human nature to eat melons.

Everyone was discussing it enthusiastically.

Obviously, the destruction of the Sals Consortium Building caused them countless shocks.

Soon, the fire alarm and relevant forces of the United States all arrived.

This level of disaster is too rare in the United States. For a time, it shocked the entire network.

Soon, the news spread to the international community.

Many international news were discussing this matter enthusiastically.

"Isn't this amazing!? What on earth is that thing in the video!?"

"Iron Man and Superman combined?"

"Oh my..."


Many areas where many people were assassinated last night knew it well.


"This Sals Group has been killing innocent people indiscriminately in the international community, and now it has finally received retribution!!!"


"It's really amazing, so satisfying!"


The Internet was so popular that it immediately overshadowed the hot words about many people being assassinated inexplicably last night.

And those groups and forces whose people were assassinated.

All applauded.

"Ye Shenhao, awesome!"

"Being his younger brother, I feel so safe!"

"This big brother is good to deal with, and he really goes all out when something happens!!!"

(First update)

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