Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1163 The Shadow Emperor of Reality

"I haven't been this happy in years!"

"For so many years, only the American consortium has bullied others. How can there be such awesome reciprocal sanctions?"

"You are shameless and break the bottom line? Then I will retaliate directly! This is a real man!!!"

"You're so stubborn. Just because of this, big brother Ye Yang, I'm determined to follow you!"

"I will follow Ye Shenhao from now on!"



Not to mention how humiliating they were last night.

Although they had already anticipated the Sals Consortium's revenge methods, no one expected it to be so crazy!

They were all feeling aggrieved.

After all, how capable can they be?

The person who had himself killed could only swallow his anger.

No one can expect to kill the people of the dignified Sals Consortium.

But Ye Yang did it!

And in such a shocking way, it directly shocked the world's attention! ! !

"Will this completely anger the Sals Consortium!? It will break out... a war that we cannot bear!?"

"Well, it's very possible. But you can't really stop resisting for the rest of your life just because you're afraid of them, right!?"

"Well...there will come a day. I hope Ye Shenhao can win this battle!"


This incident caused huge waves internationally.

And the American business community.

Ye Yang directly intensified his offensive, and many financial groups surrounded and suppressed him.

The Sals Consortium building collapsed and Milo Sals lost his mind. For a time, the entire Sals Consortium branch in the United States was in chaos.

There is absolutely no way to stop this violent attack that suddenly turns into a violent storm...

Many markets that were already in danger collapsed.

Ye Yang's economic power is overwhelming, destroying all obstacles along the way.

All the companies and groups under the name of the Sals consortium either went bankrupt or were acquired, or went bankrupt and liquidated...

In just one day, almost all the markets of the Sals Consortium were beaten to pieces.

Just the final day of clearance is left.

Following this trend, maybe Ye Yang can really completely solve the Sals Consortium on the third day!

Complete his seemingly impossible feat at the Palais de Tokyo! ! !

"How terrible!"

"This kind of bravery and crazy bones are really... shocking."

"Only people like this can change the world."

"Well, yes...if it weren't for his rise, I don't know how many more years the American consortium would have controlled the world."

“It’s truly a virile man descended from heaven that is rare to see in a thousand years!”


There is a lot of discussion from the outside world.

Ye Yang's name is heard all over the world.

Milo Sars, on the other hand, was disgraced and frightened.

Just woke up.

There was blood on his face, and the right side of his face was swollen.

"Boss, you're awake!"

Many Sals consortium executives have bright eyes.

As for Milo's family, they frowned and said, "It's over, they won't get any inheritance!"

His son trembled in his heart, extremely disappointed that he could not inherit the position of Shadow Emperor...

What a pity! ! !

Why doesn’t this ghost dad die? ?


Milo was given a hard fight by Xiao Qingxuan.

He was thrown all over again and was unconscious for a long time before he woke up.

He took a moment to remember what happened.

"What's going on outside? Tell me the situation!"

he roared.

"The situation is over..."

The executives looked gloomy.

"It's over. The Sals Consortium is completely over."

They are all connected.

"Our core building was destroyed, and we lost our brains all of a sudden. Each place fought on its own, divided and defeated."

"Now the domestic market has almost collapsed!"

"The assets of the Sals Consortium have been reduced to 70 percent."

"We are about to attack our home!"


All kinds of bad news came, which almost made Milo faint again, unwilling to face this fact.

But he forced himself to stay awake.

He knew now was not the time for him to pass out.

"Are you really not going to leave a thin line!?"

Milo was angry: "We really hit the home base where we started!"

But it was useless for him to be angry at this time.

The power of the Sals Consortium has basically been destroyed.

Totally devastated.

It is absolutely impossible to fight against Ye Yang.

"A meeting of the Shadow Emperor was held, and they just watched the Sals Consortium collapse!? Are they idiots?! Ye Yang can deal with me like this, but he can't deal with them!?"

"I want to convince other shadow emperors to press that button and let the whole world be buried with me!!!"

He shouted angrily, but he also understood that the last sentence was just to get high.

Other shadow emperors also cherish their lives and cannot allow themselves to suffer security threats for the benefit of others.



A meeting of the Shadow Emperors is held.

"Miluo, why do you look like this?"

Just had a meeting.

There were several shadow emperors who had not had a good relationship with Milo before and sneered and mocked.

"You have the energy to mock me, so why not worry about yourself! This Ye Yang has fully grown up, and who I am today is who you will be tomorrow!!!"

Milosals roared.

Several shadow emperors were silent.

This sentence really made them worry, it was something they had been worried about.

"We didn't have any grudges against Ye Yang before. There were just some minor frictions. Now that Ye Yang has fully risen, enmity with him at this time is not a good choice for maximizing interests."

"Yes, I am still thinking about establishing business cooperation with him after this incident."

Two old rivals who wished Milo would die quickly sneered.

"Can't you figure out who is the biggest enemy!?"

Milo roared.

"In the final analysis, you can't see clearly! If you hadn't united many super consortiums to suppress Ye Yang at the beginning, how could we be in the current situation? Are you still dragging us out of this stupid battle!?"

"That's right! Now you are responsible for your own fate. There is no need for us to wipe your butt for you."

The two shadow emperors said coldly.


Milo roared angrily: "Do you also have the same ideas as these two idiots?"

"We know what you want to say."

An old shadow emperor was hidden in the shadows and said calmly: "But now, Ye Yang's rise is unstoppable. We have made an assessment and analyzed various possibilities and situations. I won't help you. It is the best choice and is in the best interest of both parties.”


"Furthermore, we have secretly funded a lot of your Sals consortium before. You failed to live up to your expectations and lost the battle. All the things we funded you were in vain! You still want to drag us into trouble now?

It would be the greatest kindness to you not to take advantage of your property and make up for our losses in time! ! ! "

"Besides, do you still think that the Sals Consortium is still the same Sals Consortium as before? Your situation is over. You are just an ordinary rich old man now. I can't think of any benefit from helping you now."

(Second update)

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