Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1165 Ye Yang's Methods

"It's really unexpected..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

This result is surprising, but it is reasonable.

In fact, he had already heard many rumors.

However, they are all like weird folk legends. The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Japan Olympics a few years ago was actually a sacrificial ceremony planned by the Freemasons.

There are also many cruel wars in history that were provoked by them, and they talked about it with nose and eyes, and also drew various timelines and personnel story lines.

It's shocking to hear.

But it was later proven that these were just rumors.

It's a rumor.

Therefore, Ye Yang never paid attention to it.

But now that I have sorted out the information about Black Source, combined with the Four Sources and these rumors, things have become interesting...

"This matter is indeed worthy of attention."

Ye Yang tapped his fingers on the table.

The Masonic tree is big and has deep roots.

It radiates all over the world and has an astonishing influence that no one in the world can predict.

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to call it the most terrifying force in the world.

Even many big guys in China are its members.

"It seems that we need to be cautious."

Ye Yang muttered.

Hardly anyone can be trusted with this kind of thing.

After all, Freemasonry has a religious and belief background and is so pervasive that it is impossible to say who is a secret member.

"This news can only be told to the few people you trust the most."

He made up his mind.

The information was encrypted into top-secret information and passed to the Chinese will.

Anyone who is a staunch materialist fighter will not believe these ghosts and monsters.


This matter involves a lot, and Ye Yang is also waiting for the opinion over there.

His primary goal now is to kill the Sals Consortium.

"There is no point in standing up and resisting."

Ye Yang said calmly.

If you want to attack the enemy, there are other shadow emperors' secret tricks. It is not easy to achieve his goal.

"When attacking with troops and plans, attacking the heart is the most important thing."

Ye Yang carefully analyzed the current situation and referred to the materials handed to him below.

"Nowadays, these former executives are disloyal. Although the shareholders of these companies are fighting for their lives, their employees all want to leave."

Yu Momo said: "After analysis, we selected a few people from their family who are prestigious among employees and senior management. If we can win them, we can basically stop Sals's last position."

"What a great way to draw out the firepower."

Ye Yang nodded.

In business war, all means are necessary.

The other party can even use murderous methods. If he is too pedantic, it would be a bit silly to talk about benevolence, justice, etiquette and wisdom.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"Since I have a plan, I will talk to these people personally."

Ye Yang said calmly: "You are responsible for building the bridge. I want to get in touch with them before lunch is over."

"Yes boss~"

Yu nodded silently and turned around to do his work.

Had a light meal.

Now that the situation is urgent, there is no time to pay attention to food.

Let the chef make some fast food. The ingredients are only worth hundreds of thousands, which is a relatively light and luxurious meal.

"This is an old employee of their education group. He has a high prestige. If you can get him to resign or change jobs, boss, it can almost lead to the internal collapse of Sals' core education group."

After Yu Momo supplemented the employee's information with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang nodded.

It seems that it's time to show off his cash abilities again.

Video connected.

Opposite me is a capable curly-haired woman in her forties.

"Boss Ye..."

The other person smiled very politely, with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

Her name is Ailes, and she is the most senior migrant worker under the shareholders of Sals Group.

He receives a very high salary and is one of the top executives. He plays the role of a core model top executive in Salz's education industry.

"Ailes, nice to meet you."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Ailes didn't expect that this man who dominated the world at a young age and spoke his mind to the letter seemed to have a very clean and easy-going temperament.

This was beyond her expectations.

After all, Ye Yang is now the stronger side without any objection. If the Sars Consortium has the upper hand, Milo will definitely talk to Ye Yang's subordinates on the phone with his nose in the sky and say: "I've given you a chance to change your ways. You Don’t you thank me yet?”

"You can probably guess why I contacted you."

Ye Yang stared into Ailes's eyes and said calmly.


Ailes nodded.

"Are you still confused?"

Ye Yang asked.

Ailes was silent.

"At your age, it is reasonable to say that you are early enough to join the board of directors, but you have dedicated the first half of your life to the Sals Consortium, but you only got a high-paying executive position, just because you come from an ordinary family."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Since you joined the company, you have repeatedly rejected the hints of power and sex trade proposed by your boss, which has made it difficult to get promoted. But because of this, your character has been respected by most employees. Similarly, I have gained my admire."

"That's why today's video connection happened."

"What I want to tell you is that with your talent and character, there is no need to continue to work for the Sals Consortium. Such a pedantic and decadent consortium is not worth your life. You can work in the education department under my name Choose a position in the group."

Ye Yang said calmly: "I can offer you twice your previous salary as a starting salary, and guarantee fair promotion. As long as you can achieve results, I will ensure that you can become a shareholder."


Aiers was obviously moved. Ye Yang's words pointed out her inner pain, not only increasing her salary, but also ensuring respect for her.

It was not just about money, but also made her feel that working under Ye Yang would be fair and bright...

"I believe that with your character and vision, you will definitely make the right choice."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.


After a moment of silence, Aiers made up his mind and nodded: "I agree!!!"


Ye Yang connected the second call.

The other party was a 30-year-old man with sharp eyes and a proud and arrogant heart.

For this man, Ye Yang did not play any emotional cards at all.

"Give you 300 million US dollars and resign directly from your current company."

According to the previous intelligence collection, this person is a pure money man.

With money, he can do anything. This kind of person is the easiest to deal with for a rich man like Ye Yang.

"Boss Ye, I am also loyal to my company..."

The middle-aged man with blue eyes frowned and wanted to say something.

"One billion US dollars."

Ye Yang directly raised the stakes, leaving the man speechless.

You have to use the same means to deal with the person you are dealing with.

Only in this way can you achieve your ultimate goal...

(Second update)

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