Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1166: The End of Sals

"Ten... one billion dollars!!!"

The middle-aged man stuttered.

He could never get a salary of ten billion dollars even if he died!

Although he had reached his limit, he still greedily wanted more.

Ye Yang raised his lips: "But you are not the only one who can choose. If you don't want it..."

"Deal! It's settled!"

The middle-aged man stood up again and again, indicating that he had made the deal.

"Very good."

Ye Yang paid part of the deposit first, and would transfer the rest after the other party resigned...

That's it.

The core personnel of the Sals Consortium in many industries of the family were all defeated by Ye Yang one by one.

In the end, eight out of ten were taken down by Ye Yang in various ways.

Either surrender, or persuade them to rebel, or let them resign directly.

At night, chain reactions came one after another.


The interior of the Sals Consortium was breached one after another.

The people who contacted Ye Yang were all the core figures of the Sals Consortium employees, and there were many ordinary targets, all of which were done by his men.

In one afternoon, almost all the barriers of most of the Sals Consortium were broken.


"Damn Ye Yang!!! Cunning Ye Yang!!!"

Milo * Sals was shocked and angry.

He was obviously aware of Ye Yang's offensive, but he could do nothing.

After all, the Sals Consortium had many problems in the past, and the conditions offered by Ye Yang were indeed very good.

Now that the Sals Consortium has gone bankrupt, there is no reason or benefit to retain those employees.

Even the once most tempting share distribution has become a joke at this time.

The demise of the Sals Consortium has almost become a foregone conclusion.

It's just a matter of time. As long as you get a senior employee, no one can't see this.

At this time, the shares of the Sals Consortium are just air, and they may not be worth a penny in a few days...

"Damn it!!!"

His eyes were red, knowing that the situation was over.

It was different from the bombing of the building yesterday afternoon.

This was a long-term collective resignation of important employees, which could not be compensated at all!

This kind of blow is fatal!

Night, Tokyo time 23:00.

Miro*Sals looked at the bright sky, his eyes full of despair.

"No matter what, I have to live tonight!"

This is his last dignity and madness.

But even those shareholders are looking for their own way out, and he has no soldiers or generals to use.


He roared and threw the cup in his hand.

His last wish has not been realized.

Tokyo time 23.50.

The last company under the name of the Sals Consortium also completely collapsed and went bankrupt...

The Sals Consortium is gone!!!

He sighed.

He used to be a powerful figure and wanted to dominate the world.

Now he can't even delay the demise of his own consortium by one day...

He felt a sense of sadness at the end of a hero.

"I really became the last shadow emperor of the Sals Consortium..."

He climbed to the top of the hospital, smoking a cigar, looking at the prosperous city in front of him, and exhaled.

"Dad, don't be upset!"

Miro's son was shocked.

The Sals Consortium has collapsed now. He knows his own strength. It is more than enough to squander a powerful consortium, but it is not enough to support a family that has fallen into decline.

Before the Sals Consortium collapsed, he hoped that his father would die.

But now, he knows that although his father was defeated by Ye Yang, he still has the remaining power and means of the Shadow Emperor. Even if the consortium is gone, the Sals family should still be able to be saved. Now this father can't die.

"I just came up to smoke a cigarette!"

Miro * Sals cherishes his life so much that he won't jump off the building.

But with his personality, he can't accept humiliation and live.

It depends on how Ye Yang plans to deal with the Sals family tomorrow. If he wants to humiliate him and then keep his life, it is better to die on the spot and leave a hero name for future generations.

He thought in his heart that even a guy like him who cherishes his life has begun to consider life and death...

However, the next moment, a black shadow appeared in front of him again.

It was Lieyang No. 1 again, Xiao Qingxuan came again.

"If I kill you now, there should be no consequences, right?"

Xiao Qingxuan said with a sneer.

Before, Sals was the Shadow Emperor, and his power was involved, but now the Sals Consortium is doomed, and his death is not enough to cause much change in the United States.

Maybe he will be angry, but it will only be verbal condemnation, and there will be no real action.

"Are you here to kill me?"

Miro * Sals still put on the majesty of the Shadow Emperor. He has been strong all his life and does not want to show cowardice before his death.

"You are no longer qualified to be killed."

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and mocked: "I am just here to pick you up. The future of the Sals family is now in your hands. It depends on how you choose."

Miro * Sals breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "I know, I will go with you."

Xiao Qingxuan nodded and threw Miro directly into the metal box behind him.

Then it flew quickly towards Japan...

Before the Chamber of Commerce began, the end of the Sals Consortium must be completely determined.

That night, people in the Eastern Hemisphere did not sleep.

People in the Western Hemisphere were staring at the screen to refresh the news.

"Just now, the Sals Consortium officially announced its collapse. There are no companies or groups under its name. Only their family's own family deposits are left, and there is no industry to speak of."

"I didn't expect that the super consortium that dominated the world for many years would disappear just like that."

"Times have changed!"

"Where are those who said that Ye Yang could never destroy the Sals Consortium? Come out and confront him!"

"It really sounded like a dream at first. Only Ye Shenhao has the ability and energy to realize these dreamlike flags one by one."

"Yes... There is no one else in the world who can do this!"

"A rare man in a thousand years!"

"In the encirclement of the four super consortiums and a group of younger brothers, he not only survived, but also rose from the ashes and became stronger. He defeated one, conquered two, and completely destroyed one!!!"

"My blood is boiling! As a member of China, I am proud of Ye Shenhao!!!"


All kinds of voices were heard from all over the world.

But this time, there were not many voices slandering Ye Yang.

After all, this battle was too shocking.

In everyone's mind, the top ten financial groups in the United States are the world's controlling existence, the world's monopoly, and the object of no resistance.

Such an irresistible mountain in everyone's mind was directly crushed with one punch.

What a magnificent feat! ?

Who dares to slander such an invincible figure?

Who dares to call him weak! ?

"In a moment, the head of the Sals Financial Group, Miro Sals, will publicly speak in Tokyo..."

A piece of news once again ignited international public opinion...

(First update)

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