Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1167 Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Opening

"You bastard, you didn't stop me!"

"This Ye Yang doesn't understand the rules too much! We have already given him enough face, but he doesn't want to save any face for us!"

Several shadow emperors were furious after learning the news.

They did not want to see the Sals consortium killed before the Asian Chamber of Commerce came to an end.

That's why he helped in secret.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang didn't understand what they meant at all, so he took action directly and completely destroyed the Sars Consortium.

"You are so frivolous. Even if you stand firm, you will have to pay the price in the future!"


Several shadow emperors were extremely dissatisfied with Ye Yang's actions.

But now that Ye Yang is in the limelight, these guys are a little reluctant to confront Ye Yang head-on.

The price is too high!

The Sals Consortium has given them a lesson.

At least now that the four major financial groups have joined forces, they may not be able to kill Ye Yang.

Do you want more than five large consortiums to join forces?

almost impossible.

"Huh... Now we can only wait and see the situation and see if our people can turn the tide at this business conference this time."

These shadow emperors all said in a deep voice...


In front of a camera.

Ye Yang and the former Shadow Emperor, Milo Sals, sat opposite each other.

"My guarantee to the world business community has been fulfilled. The Sars consortium has been destroyed, and the world economy has once again fallen into stability and peace."

Ye Yang said calmly: "However, any war will always end when one party surrenders or one party is completely wiped out."

He said quietly.

Countless people are watching this live broadcast.

Everyone wants to see how this economic war, destined to be recorded in history, will end.

"So, I invited Mr. Milo to bring an end to this economic war."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand lightly and asked Milo to speak.

Milo Sars's voice was heavy. Although he was holding on to his momentum, anyone could see that he was now dejected and disguised.

"I... hereby admit... the destruction and failure of the Sals Consortium."

"The Sals family promises to withdraw from the business world for fifty years, not to get involved in any industrial disputes, admit defeat and accept Mr. Ye's conditions, and not hold grudges or revenge. This war is over..."

In the end, Milo still couldn't hide his inner sadness perfectly and sighed.

Ye Yang made it very clear that if he didn't issue this statement, it would lead to another ending.

Beheaded to death!

This guy can definitely do this kind of thing...


This statement instantly caused huge waves on the Internet.

How terrifying and powerful was the Sars Consortium?

Now, officially equated with his last boss, the name Sals Consortium has completely become the dust of history, dispersed by the wind...

Completely gone.

This scene made many people sigh and sigh.

At the same time, he was even more in awe of Ye Yang.

This man created an unprecedented miracle! ! !

After Milo Sars finished speaking, he stood up and left.

He couldn't stand this feeling.

Ye Yang didn't stop him, he just smiled and stood up.

Finally solved this problem completely.

Now I can focus my full attention on the Asian Chamber of Commerce...


Ten o'clock in the morning.

The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

The venue prepared for the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce is already bustling with people.

The Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce will not only participate in Asia, but also countries in the Pacific region.

Those who participated were all the top bosses and business representatives from each country.

Moreover, they can almost all represent each other's officials.

This is an Asia-Pacific economic strategic layout conference...

The people who come are very simple.

They are all official cars of various countries, the red flag of China, Toyota of Japan...

As far as the luxury of the vehicle is concerned, it is not as good as the night when Ye Yang launched the virtual reality game warehouse and auction in Magic City.

But in terms of lineup, it was much better than that night.

Because of Ye Yang's existence, this Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce has become extremely special.

Many elders who had been reclusive for many years came out directly to participate.

After all, maybe the world economic structure will be completely changed by this, and they want to witness it! ! !

This conference has never attracted so much attention and eyeballs as it does now.

There are people paying attention to this place from all over the world.


This time, Japan has won the qualification to host this Asian Chamber of Commerce, and naturally Japan is the one to start the event.

The Prime Minister of Japan took the stage and gave a speech, basically talking about how honored he was to host this chamber of commerce and welcoming super bosses from all over the world.

Official phrases such as wishing the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce a success.

Most of the people in the audience were drowsy after listening to it.

However, naturally we have the confidence to hold this kind of conference, so naturally we cannot remain so unconventional.

"Everyone must also know that Japan has obtained the qualifications of the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and the Asia-Pacific Business Expo at the same time. We have also decided to hold these two events at the same time. This is not unreasonable."

"After the speech is over, everyone can go to the exhibition site of the Asia-Pacific Business Expo. There, everyone can get closer to each other, like tourists, and relax first so that subsequent negotiations can proceed smoothly..."

After talking a lot.

The Japanese Prime Minister stepped down.

Applause broke out from the audience.

Everyone here is the top person in each country.

However, they will not make too many moves in the public eye. The specific matters will naturally be handled by the business representatives of each country.

For China, Ye Yang will naturally be the business representative.

After the meeting, everyone came to the exhibition site under the leadership of the Japanese beauty in black silk professional suit.

Along the way, business representatives from many countries wanted to get close to Ye Yang, but unfortunately, although many of them were business representatives of a country, they were not qualified to come to Ye Yang.

After all, many countries are poor and weak, and the economy of the whole country combined is not as much as the output value of a group under Ye Yang.

Although they are also business representatives of a country, their status can be said to be very different.

Those who can stand next to Ye Yang are naturally the strongest representatives attending this meeting.

The business representatives of the United States are closest to Ye Yang.

It seems to be harmonious and friendly, but in fact, there is a confrontation between the words.

Everyone else could hear the sharp edge between the two people's words, but they didn't dare to point it out, just smiled.

Soon, the group arrived at the exhibition.


Many people exclaimed in amazement.

Some of the countries behind them were very poor and weak, and they couldn't build such a grand exhibition hall with their whole country's strength, let alone there were so many novel things in the exhibition hall...

(Second update)

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