Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1168: No matter how hard you try, you still can’t find it

"This, these are all?!"

Everyone was stunned when they looked at the exhibition in front of them.

"The achievements of the business communities of various countries over the years have been organized in various exhibition areas, and various technologies extended by the economy are also displayed here. There are also many commemorative items of major events."

The Japanese guide said.

These are not unfamiliar to representatives from various countries. After all, many things here are dominated by them.

Looking at it all the way, it can be regarded as arousing memories.

There was some emotion.

Fluctuations in mood often bring about emotional fluctuations, and for a time, the atmosphere at the venue became much more lively.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, looked at the introduction of technological products from various countries.

There is a huge tear between human society, science and life.

This will make many people confused as to what level human technology has reached today.

Is it developed or still backward?

The fact is that everyone is focused on advanced applied science.

Such as aviation, shipping, military industry...

These are all applied sciences. Due to different social needs, investment requirements, and equipment manufacturing costs, there is a big gap between the products of these applied sciences.

The richest people in the world have even developed some drugs that can extend a little life, but ordinary people will find that if you get an uncommon disease, there are no corresponding drugs.

At this time, rich people will feel that human science has reached an extremely high level and can extend life span.

And the poor will feel that the human science is so boastful, but in fact it is bullshit, and the corresponding medicines for most diseases are not available.

Therefore, from the perspective of applied science, the level of human science and technology is uneven, and the advanced fields have developed to the level of sub-science fiction. However, fields that have not developed much are still using old tools from one or two hundred years ago and have not evolved.

But to objectively evaluate human science level, we should evaluate it from the perspective of basic science.

After all, all applied science is based on basic science.

Today's basic human science has reached the electronic level, which is considered very advanced.

But no matter how clever the equation is, it is not like a magic spell that cannot be recited to have an effect.

This resulted in inventions on Earth that varied greatly in era.

Among these exhibits, there are many great achievements in the scientific community, but due to cost or interest issues, they have not been taken seriously or put into production.

For example, this quantum computer prototype created by China costs an unknown amount of billions. It is impossible to produce it on a large scale, and because it is not mature, it is of little use for the time being.

Another example is the perfect graphene battery on the other side. One battery can ensure that a car can be driven for a month without charging. It seems that it can be used to replace oil. However, because its cost is too high (1g of graphene costs close to 1,800 Chinese coins), it is impossible to use it to replace oil on a social level.

"If these things can be put into practical large-scale use, maybe humans can really solve the problem of geomagnetic reversal by themselves."

Ye Yang sighed.

It's a pity that humans no longer have time...

Today's human society, from the perspective of applied physics, is still too backward...

The day the geomagnetic field reverses, it will be 100% doomsday.

"Mr. Ye seems to be very interested in technology!"

The Malay representative interrupted with a smile.

"These are the hopes for the future of humanity."

Ye Yang said.

"That's right! There is a Chinese saying that science and technology are the primary productive forces!!!"

The representatives from the Malay business community obviously did not understand the deeper meaning of Ye Yang's words and laughed.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, making the Malay representative look confused.

"Ahem, with Mr. Ye's current strength, whichever technology you choose, it will definitely develop rapidly in a short period of time. By then, you will be a human hero. The important thing is, you can also make a lot of money!"

As expected of a business representative, money is more important.

Ye Yang complained in his heart.

He is here to look for technology that has the potential to combat geomagnetic reversal, and he has no intention of messing with him.

This time, Japan has exhibited all the cutting-edge technologies and inexplicable technologies from Asia-Pacific countries. Of course, most of them are not prototypes, but models.

The quantity is huge.

I guess some have read it.

Although he has a black technology card in his hand, the technologies unlocked are very random, and it cannot be said that he will definitely be able to unlock technologies related to counteracting geomagnetic reversal.


Seeing that Ye Yang was not in a good mood, the Malay business representative scratched his head and had no choice but to directly state his purpose:

"Mr. Ye, here are also the scientific and technological achievements of our country in Malay over the years. Many of them are the results of laboratory research that we have invested heavily in building. I would like to invite you to take a look. Are you interested in investing in any of them?"


Ye Yang was somewhat interested, but he didn't have much hope in his heart.

Malay is not a wealthy country. The so-called heavy money is estimated to be only tens of billions at most.

And the technologies he mentioned were obviously technologies that seemed completely useless, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find people willing to invest after so long.

Now I just want to find him and see if he is willing to be taken advantage of.

But now he is just picking treasures from the garbage heap, and he doesn't look at them in vain.

Following the guidance of the Malay representatives, he came to the Malay exhibition area.

Looking at them one by one, it turned out that they were all useless inventions.

Just like a certain craftsman at Station B, the things he makes look cool, but they are of no use...

The Malay representative on the side also knew it well and gave a wry smile.

This exhibition is also an opportunity provided by Japan for business representatives from various countries to discuss cooperation, and selling these technology projects is naturally one of them.

Ye Yang shook his head in disappointment, and when he was about to leave, he paused.

"What is this little thing?"

He picked up a simple-looking iron pillar on the inconspicuous little counter.

"Secondary magnetic field column?"

He looked at the names written in three languages ​​(Chinese, English, and Malay) on the counter and muttered.

"Is Mr. Ye interested in this?"

The Malay representative's eyes lit up: "This thing can affect the changes in the surrounding magnetic field on a small scale, and it can also be used in multiples... However, there is no practical application environment, and the cost is expensive..."

"You said he can affect magnetic field changes?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, he really couldn't find anything after wearing iron shoes, but there is another village with dark flowers and dark flowers~

"Uh, yeah."

The Malay representative scratched his head. In actual production, there are very few products that require magnetic field changes, not to mention the small range of action and the high cost. Although more than one billion US dollars have been spent on research and development, no one is willing to do so. want.

All the pants that were part of the compensation were gone.

"I want this technology, please give me a price."

Ye Yang said directly.

(First update)

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