Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1169: Ocean Technology Chain

With his current status and strength, and as a representative of the Malay Kingdom, he no longer has any skills to pay attention to.

Even if he frankly expressed that he wanted it very much, the other party would not dare to use it to trick him.

What's more, this thing is indeed more important.

For the Malay business representative, although he now wants to sell goods, he also wants to hug Ye Yang's lap.

After thinking about it, he said repeatedly: "I don't dare to hide it from Mr. Ye. We invested one billion US dollars in this project and spent seven or eight years on research and development. Unfortunately, the finished product is of little use. Since you sincerely want it, US$1.2 billion , it’s a deal.”

"I'll give you two billion dollars."

Ye Yang said casually.

After the Sals consortium was destroyed, the large market and energy resources it left behind were plundered by all kinds of people. Ye Yang, as the main attacker, naturally got the most benefits.

At this time, he defeated the four major consortiums plus the black source.

The capital chain has reached a terrifying scale.

It would be an understatement to say that it is the pinnacle of human history...

At this time, you will naturally be generous with what you want.

"This!? Thank you Mr. Ye!"

The Malay representative was still waiting for Ye Yang to counter-offer, but he didn't expect to directly offer him 800 million U.S. dollars, and he was filled with emotion.

This is the courage of an unparalleled boss!

After the agreement here was finalized, Ye Yang directly obtained a lot of information about this technology, and he asked the black technology company to connect with the other party's laboratory.

Modify this technology.

The exhibition lasted for a full day. Ye Yang looked around the other exhibition areas and found nothing else eye-catching.

Although the basic research on the direction of magnetic fields has been in-depth, it is not actually used in any industry, so there are almost no high-tech application-level products related to magnetic fields.

"It's quite expected..."

Ye Yang suddenly thought of Ye Wenjie for some reason.

Does species serve civilization, or does civilization serve species?

Even until her death, she did not explain clearly what a world where civilization serves the species would look like. Maybe she had not thought about it clearly, right?

Perhaps she simply wanted to eliminate the current situation of "species being enslaved by civilization" first.

But it is doomed to be foolish to blindly destroy the imperfect present without being sure to establish another perfect order.


After the day's exhibition.

The next day was the official agenda.

Countries will come to the stage one after another to propose their own future economic strategies. On this day, Ye Yang did not take the stage. The first person from each country took turns speaking.

He was bored and took out a black technology card.

This was the reward he received when he made a desperate move to forcefully buy out the other five major companies in the hunting battle between the four major consortiums.

At the same time, there is also a big carousel lottery ticket as a reward.

The system's lucky wheel had been activated not long after he got the system and his personal deposit exceeded 100 billion.

It's just that there have been no lottery tickets, and I haven't been able to hold a lottery until now.

"It seems that these lottery tickets are more valuable than random black technology cards. There are some amazing things in the prize pool."

Ye Yang smiled in his heart.

Naturally, the good stuff must be left behind, so he unlocked the random black technology card first.

"Ding! It is detected that the host uses a random black technology card, which rewards ocean exploration and construction of a technology chain. The technology chain information has been integrated into the host's brain."

"Ocean exploration and construction technology chain?"

Ye Yang's heart moved.

This black technology card is obviously different from the previous one, unlocking a technology chain all at once!

He took a look and saw that from anti-corrosion materials, anti-pressure materials, undersea exploration vessels, to undersea construction vessels, to undersea base construction, the technologies are all available.

“What a technological gift package!”

He was quite surprised.

Human exploration of the ocean has always been a weakness.

Even the most advanced manned submarines currently only have a deep diving range of seven to eight thousand meters.

And it is almost impossible to do any actual underwater operations, just simply diving down.

And now the content he has unlocked is enough to give humans the ability to swim under the sea!

It feels as free as if you were on land!

This meaning is naturally self-evident.

Seventy-one percent of the earth's surface area is ocean, not to mention the ocean is so deep.

Among them, the marine resources that humans can use are extremely shabby, and the developed ones are far less than one percent of what is naturally available! ! !

Being able to freely explore the seabed will enrich human resources as never before, and it is likely that quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes! ! !

This is an extremely broad future!

His heart stirred.

With his current status, Rao is very excited when he thinks about that future.

Just when he was about to use the lottery ticket.

But was interrupted.

"Mr. Ye, please come to the stage to talk about the Asia Community plan!"

Someone kept saying.

Ye Yang nodded and stood on the podium.

"Is it finally here?"

America frowned.

Although the Sals consortium is over, it does not mean that the United States is over.

Although everyone is in awe of Ye Yang.

But he has only begun to admit that he has the qualifications and energy to be the opponent of the Shadow Emperor of the United States.

If he alone can really overturn the terrifying pressure on the United States in the hearts of everyone, it is far from possible.

"We in China have always believed in a community with a shared future. Humanity shares weal and woe. Only peace can the world develop."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Asia has huge economic energy in the world, but it has been affected by various factors for so many years and cannot form a joint force."


"For the future development of mankind, the Asian Community must be established!"

After he finished his prepared speech, he glanced at the eyes of the people in the audience.

Some people dodged, some agreed, some were excited, and some were gloomy...

The union of national economies is of great significance, and everyone has different attitudes towards this.

If the whole of Asia forms a joint force, the world economic structure will change too much! ! !

If it develops well, it will at least be another Europe!

Even with the huge variable of China, even the peak prosperity of Europe may not be able to stop it.

Maybe it will really dominate the world economic structure in the future...

"Is Mr. Ye dissatisfied with the current situation?"

"I don't think this is a good proposal. I hope Mr. Ye will think about it carefully before speaking."

Several representatives of the United States frowned and expressed their opinions.

People around were talking about it. Obviously, it was time for them to stand in line.

However, the situation is unclear now, and most people have chosen to remain silent.

Only the diehard followers of both sides have expressed their opinions and supported each side.


Ye Yang smiled, his face gradually turned cold: "My proposal seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

"Whether it is related or not, you naturally know it well, there are no fools here."

The representative of the United States sneered: "Don't be too arrogant because of some recent small achievements. The direction of this world is not yet determined by you!"

(Second update)

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