Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1170: Fighting against the Heavens

"Oh? In other words, do you think you have the power to tell others how to do things?"

Ye Yang asked calmly.


Representatives of the American business community put their hands in their arms. Although they did not say it explicitly, they did not refute it. They obviously acquiesced.

Ye Yang sneered: "In my opinion, you have no qualifications to talk to me like this."


Several business representatives from the United States were shocked.

After so many years, very few people have been so disrespectful to them in public! Such contempt for them!

This Ye Yang really didn't give them any face.

"Do you still think this was the world decades ago!?"

Ye Yang sneered: "You don't need to talk about what we want to do! Don't think I haven't given you face, I haven't even started denying you face yet!"


The American business representative slammed the table and said angrily: "Ye Yang! What if we just don't agree?"

"Then I will kick you out of this venue!"

Ye Yang frowned and shouted.

"you dare!?"

Several business representatives felt that they had heard a big joke.

"The master behind you is here, and he has to say nice things to me when he sees me. How dare you dogs yell at me!?"

Ye Yang sneered and waved his hand: "Sweep out!"

"Get out of here!"

Ye Yang's men rushed over and directly picked up several American business representatives.

"This is in Japan, not on your own territory! Please be clear-headed!"

"Yes, this is still a business meeting of various countries! The news will be broadcast to the whole world, you can't be so rude!!!"

The two representatives were really panicked.

He winked at the Japanese representative on the side.

However, most of today's Japanese representatives are naturally the new faction trained by Ye Yang.

At this time, they all turned a blind eye and stopped talking at all.

"You have to be lucky that this is a meeting of nations, otherwise I would just kick you out!"

Ye Yang said coldly.

"You are too arrogant! It's simply ridiculous!!!"

Several representatives from the United States roared.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I have always believed in treating others with their own treatment. If you were not overbearing before, but gentle and reasonable, I will naturally have a good talk with you.

However, you obviously don't understand your position and you are bossing around here. The only outcome is to be kicked out of the venue! "

Everyone present had their eyes widened with different attitudes.

I really need to kick him out! ?

Looking at all of human history, there is no such thing! ?

This is too awesome...

As expected of Ye Yang, if you don’t give face, you can do anything!



At this time, the top business representative from the United States finally couldn't sit still and said with a smile: "The representatives like me just said something inappropriate. However, this is a meeting of various countries after all. Mr. Ye, please think again."

Representatives from the Chinese business community also spoke out as peacemakers.

The frost on Ye Yangcai's face melted. The goal had been achieved, and there was no need to hold on to this matter.

There was a lot of discussion in the field.

The tone of this meeting was unknowingly formed in this small friction.

Obviously, even the current shadow emperors of the United States do not dare to make a full-scale enemy of Ye Yang easily, and it is difficult to challenge his edge.

Everyone knows the general trend.

I took a reassurance in my heart and knew what to say and what not to say for a while.


Obviously, Ye Yang is a terrifying and capable madman.

If you play rogue, others will be more rogue than you.

Regardless of the so-called face and rules, only the real bosses have this kind of transcendent courage.

No one else would be able to do this.

After all, madness requires capital.


Originally under external interference, the four most powerful countries in Asia:

Seal three, the sun, the great cold, and the four directions of China.

They are all afraid of each other.

But now Ye Yang has powerfully suppressed the Sun Six Consortium and Dahan's Sanxing.

The business circles on both sides also made their own choices wisely at this time.

In just one meeting, various business cooperation contracts that had been unsuccessfully signed for decades were signed.

Many small countries and Southeast Asian countries have also joined in.

Representatives from the business circles of the three Indian and Indian countries have a relatively slow attitude.

They have always wanted to be number one, and their ambitions are as high as the sky. Naturally, they are extremely unwilling at this time.

However, the business cooperation agenda proposed by Ye Yang now is indeed very tempting.

As long as you lower your head and call me big brother, we can make a lot of money, eat meat and drink together in the future.

There's even technical assistance!

They had to admit that they were excited!


The next step is to discuss and negotiate the details.

The signing of various contracts is overwhelming.

Naturally, Ye Yang does not need to do these chores himself.

This meeting lasted for a full week.

During this period, many meeting contents were also spread, and everyone felt that after this meeting, the world would inevitably begin to change!

A new economic pattern was born! ! !

A week later, the Asian Chamber of Commerce officially announced its establishment.

The business community of almost all Asian countries participated.

Up to now, I still can't see the situation. Tou Tie and Ye Yang are in opposition because they are really not clear-headed.

However, Ye Yang was too lazy to pay attention. It was because those countries that did not want to participate and were deceived were so poor that he could not think of any projects to cooperate with.

There is no need to waste time on them.


On the tenth day, the business summit concluded successfully.

Some are happy and some are sad.

When American business representatives boarded the plane, they all looked sad.

Especially the few confidants of the Shadow Emperor who were almost dragged out of the venue. They all looked back at Ye Yang who was chatting and laughing in the distance with sinister eyes.

"Just laugh and see how long you can laugh!"

Ye Yang's momentum has been too strong recently. Even if he really wants to deal with him, he has to find another opportunity to see when there is a chance to trick him.

Let him never recover from this.

"Don't look at it. If God wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy."

Another person said calmly: "He will not end well, let's wait and see!"


Several representatives nodded and boarded the plane one after another.

Ye Yang looked at the Murray plane flying away in the distance. He knew what the other party was thinking, but time was running out now, and his main thoughts were on facing the disaster of annihilation.

The United States seems to have no reaction for the time being. When that day comes, it will be unprepared.

Even without him taking action, the solar storm would be enough to destroy everything.

What ridiculous so-called struggle for supremacy is there?

His current mentality is to compete with the sky, and even the shadow emperor of the United States is not in his eyes.

If there were any other human organizations that he was afraid of.

That is the source of many sources of darkness. The Kiwanis Club covers its demonic nature with a holy veil and has been hiding in the dark, completely unable to figure out the specific situation...

(First update)

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