"This Kiwanis Club is a scourge and must be eradicated."

Ye Yang frowned.

However, it has a long history and is hidden in the deepest part of history and the darkest place of the world.

The organization that is exposed on the bright side of the world is even famous for its benevolence and charity, and countless historical celebrities have been its members.

If you want to truly destroy the other party, you need to know more about the other party and have more information and evidence in hand.

Otherwise, he could not predict what would happen if he unprovokedly attacked this terrifying organization that had been rooted in the deepest levels of the world for who knows how many years.

“We still have to start from all sources.”

Ye Yang is planning.

The Black Source has disappeared. If you want to know more about the Kiwanis Association, you have to deal with other source organizations.

he thought.

Perhaps, we can take advantage of this opportunity to develop another wave...

These are all things for later.

The next day, he flew back to China.

Invest two trillion Chinese coins to establish Jiuzhou Ocean Company and begin to build a marine technology chain specifically.

Although the scientific and technological content is available, it will always take some time to turn knowledge on paper into something that can be used in reality.

He just arrived at Yundingshan Villa.

General Dong Anbang has arrived.

"Brother Dong, why are you here?"

Ye Yang was confused. With his current status, it was natural for him to discuss friendship with his peers.

"Hahaha... What a pleasure! I know everything about your performance at this Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce. It's such a pleasure!"

Dong Anbang gave Ye Yang a thumbs up.

After so many years, the wish of the Asian Chamber of Commerce was finally realized, and at the same time it severely damaged the face of American business representatives and others.

It’s more than just a pleasure!

"I'm here this time, firstly, to celebrate your return, and secondly, because I have something new to discuss with you in detail."

After Dong Anbang and Ye Yang laughed and chatted for a while, they got to the point.


Ye Yang waited for his next words.

"You take a look at this report first."

Dong Anbang handed a document to Ye Yang.

After Ye Yang glanced over it, he nodded solemnly.

This is the astronomical data observed by Bai Xiaojing Research Institute, and finally combined with the data of China Institute of Geology, a joint inference report was made.

"As expected."

Ye Yang nodded.

Before, it was just Chinese astronomical data and verification from the Japanese Geological Research Laboratory.

Now there is one more confirmation.

"The geomagnetic field is declining rapidly, and perhaps the geomagnetic field will reverse within the next few years."

Dong Anbang's face showed a solemn look.

"This would be the most horrific disaster in human history."

Ye Yang nodded, as if he had known it for a long time.

Dong Anbang was not surprised. After all, Ye Yang has a high status now and is very flexible in all aspects of news.

"Do you have any opinions or views on this?"

he asked.

Ye Yang nodded: "According to the report, the prediction given by the Chinese Geological Agency predicts that the disaster will occur in about three years."

"It can be said that it is impossible to resist such a catastrophe in three years. We can only try to make up for the losses."

Ye Yang said.

"What do you think?"

Dong Anbang nodded. Only Ye Yang was extraordinary and created miracles many times. For this great change, even the think tank could not come up with a good solution. The most they could do was to build an underground shelter and try to ensure that most people People survive.

After the overturning effect is over, return to the surface and carry out post-disaster reconstruction.

But how many standard underground shelters can be built in three years?

It will definitely be a catastrophe at that time, and rebuilding after the disaster will be almost like experiencing an apocalypse.

After all, the chain effects and concurrent disasters caused by the geomagnetic reversal are extremely terrifying and may last for many years and be terrifying.

If you are unlucky, the magnetic field disappears, the atmosphere is stripped away by high-energy particles in the universe, water continues to escape into outer space, and the oceans will be evaporated...

Another suggestion is to build as many moon bases as possible, which is even more nonsense.

Even if we go all out, it is estimated that one million people can be sent up by then.

For China's huge population base, this is unbearable.

So, now, we can only hope that Ye Yang can come up with other plans to save the world in despair...

"I have a plan."

Ye Yang said.


Dong Anbang's eyes lit up: "Do you have a third way?"

"Well, I have three plans. If two of them succeed, we can only lose half of the population. If all of them succeed, maybe humanity can survive this disaster perfectly."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.


Dong Anbang stood up excitedly, even with his character, he couldn't calm down.


Ye Yang nodded, with a serious face: "But in just three years, it may be difficult to achieve even one of them."

"Anyway, at least there is a hope."

Dong Anbang was very excited now and asked Ye Yang repeatedly for his specific thoughts.

On this day, Ye Yang revealed all his three major ideas for dealing with this disaster.

We talked for a whole night.

Dong Anbang patted Ye Yang on the shoulder: "China is so lucky to have you!!!"

He stood up and said: "Now that time is running out, I will go back and list these ideas carefully, then formulate relevant strategies and mobilize the power of the whole country to support your plan!"

Ye Yang shook hands with Dong Anbang.

Sent him out of Yundingshan Manor.

His plan, if he wanted to start implementing it, was still far away.

"The only thing that could be realized in the near future is the Star Umbrella Plan."

Ye Yang sat down.

Now that he was free, it was finally time to use the big roulette lottery ticket.

"I wonder what will come out?"

He was looking forward to it.

The lottery roulette has always been mysterious. He has only got a lottery ticket so far, so he naturally looks forward to what he can draw.

"Confirm the lottery ticket is activated, the lucky big roulette starts to rotate..."

The system prompt sounded.

In Ye Yang's mind, the system page.

A golden disc kept rotating, and finally, it slowly stopped.

A card appeared from the golden disc.

"Huh? It's not just a black technology card, right?"

Ye Yang frowned.

The appearance of this card is very similar to a black technology card.

However, when he got the detailed introduction of the card, he felt relieved.

This is a technology upgrade card!

For him now, this is much more valuable than a black technology card.

"It's worthy of being called the Lucky Wheel."

He was very happy.

This kind of technology card that upgrades a certain technology autonomously is of great significance in dealing with geomagnetic reversals.

"In this way, we finally have some confidence in realizing all three plans..."

(Second update)

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