
Ye Yang took out the secondary magnetic field column that he had found at the Chamber of Commerce Exhibition for 2 billion.

“I hope it can give me a surprise.”

Ye Yang’s technology evolution card was used on it.

It would take several days to analyze and deduce the system.

He was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

The economic war ended and the Asian Chamber of Commerce was established.

Although the crisis of doomsday exists, it will be a few years later.

The conspiracy of the Freemasons will have to wait until other continents are discovered.

He decided to relax completely first and took a long-lost hot spring bath with the maids.

Looking at the black and white silks that were full of youth and wet by the hot spring water, which were swaying in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He took a bite of red grapes. Even if it was just to protect such a beautiful thing, his plan must succeed!

After the hot spring bath, Ye Yang and the maids started playing billiards.

With his skills, it was naturally very easy to score a goal, but if he played with all his strength, every maid could not survive once, it would be too boring.

He deliberately exposed some flaws to make each round last longer.

The fight was back and forth.

"Well... Master, please let us go~"

The white silk maid Lin Ruoyu hugged Ye Yang's arm and said coquettishly.

"I'm already letting you go! Otherwise, the fight will end directly."

Ye Yang said with a sly smile.


The maids all stuck out their tongues, but the concept that Ye Yang is very good at everything has become a fixed mindset.

They are not surprised.


After having fun, Ye Yang leaned against the window of the villa, drank a sip of Romanee-Conti, and enjoyed this pleasant night.

It is almost May now.

It is the most charming time of spring. The manor is full of vitality.

The gardener is building in the garden. The small lake at the foot of the mountain and the hot spring next to it all reflect the quiet moonlight.

Various seasonal flowers are in full bloom. The nose smells the fragrance of spring.

Of course, there is also the body fragrance of the maid who gave him a massage.

What a perfect night.

"Boss, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed~"

Yu Momo smiled slightly, leaned on Ye Yang's shoulder, and said softly.

Before going to bed, it is inevitable to warm up, and only when the blood circulation is smooth can you sleep soundly.

After warming up, Ye Yang felt that the house was a little dirty, so he decided to do a thorough cleaning.

Ye Yang kept cleaning, pouring the used water into the bottle.

The vase filled with water, poured it full, and filled it up again.

It was not until the sky was slightly bright that he finished the work, but the house did not become tidy, but became more messy...


Ye Yang stretched.

It was tiring to clean the house all night, but with his current physique, it was naturally no problem.

"It's time to go and see how the first step of the first plan is going."

Ye Yang thought, and boarded the plane directly and flew to the destination.

Jiuzhou Military Industry.

The first factory of the Luanniao Project.

"General Ye!"

Everyone stood at attention and saluted.

Ye Yang has been maneuvering in the international arena recently, which not only amazed foreign countries, but also made him accumulate great prestige in China.

Everyone is in awe of him from the bottom of their hearts.

This man is synonymous with miracles in the world! ! !

"How is the construction progress of the aerospace aircraft carrier?"

Ye Yang asked.

At the turning point of the economic war, he began to increase the investment in these major projects.

It has been a long time since he first unlocked the Luan Bird Project and invested funds.

"The aerospace aircraft carrier has been built almost and entered the final testing stage."

The person in charge saluted and reported the progress to Ye Yang.

"Take me to see the real thing."

Ye Yang said.


The person in charge looked excited.

They worked day and night, at all costs, gathered various resources, and finally saw the dawn of success.

Now they are going to show Ye Yang the final achievement, how can they not be excited! ?

The group came to a huge steel door.

This is a huge iron door.

It may be a hundred meters high! ! !

This is an incomparable visual impact.

This factory is huge, and all the equipment is super-large, but it is still not as visually impactful as this super-giant gate that is 100 meters high.


The big iron gate is so heavy, and the power source for opening the door is a nuclear fusion device.

The majestic air rushed out from inside, as if facing a sudden level 6 gale.

The wind made everyone's clothes rustle.

Ye Yang looked at all this calmly.

A huge black shadow slowly appeared in his eyes...

He could no longer remain calm.

With his concentration, he could not remain calm when he saw this huge mechanical creation of science fiction level in front of him!

The man had an irresistible, heartfelt love for the sense of power and magnificence revealed by this huge steel creation.


"This is the aerospace battleship: Luanniao."

The person in charge said: "It is made of a new metal. We named this new metal aerospace alloy. All its properties surpass steel, and its density is lower than steel, but it is very expensive. Just to develop and build so many aerospace alloys, we spent two or three hundred billion yuan."

"But when the technology matures and the industrial chain is fully built, the cost of aerospace metals for building an aerospace mothership will drop sharply."

He added.

Ye Yang nodded.

This Luan Niao has three bases similar to the fuselage of an aircraft, and the top is a super platform. The truth is that it is a mythical bird, but its entire body is made of aerospace metals.

The front and rear length reaches 484 meters, the wingspan reaches 1366 meters

The height is also close to 100 meters.

Ye Yang also understood why the iron gate was built to such an outrageous size.

"The empty weight of Luan Niao is 126,000 meters, the standard mission weight is 320,000 meters, and the maximum lift-off weight is 288,900 meters. In the future, its normal goal is to float between the geosynchronous orbit and the far moon orbit for strategic protection and strategic transportation."

The person in charge said fluently.

"Wow, this is much more powerful than the sky carrier of SHIELD."

Ye Yang smiled.

Once this thing is launched, it means that China officially has its own super space-based weapon.

"It is loaded with nearly a hundred missile systems and high-energy particle systems. As long as it is launched, it is capable of performing all currently known tasks when necessary!!!"

The person in charge's tone was full of pride and pride.

Such a weapon that transcends the times was built by them!!!

Ye Yang nodded.

Originally, he planned to build the Luan Bird within two years.

The reason why it can be advanced so much now is because he unlocked the spacecraft blueprints before, which brought unimaginable breakthroughs to the engine technology.

In addition, based on the high-energy particle energy utilization technology of Lieyang No. 1, the Luan Bird can have space cruising capabilities and high-energy particle weapon equipment in the first generation.

"With it, the initial plan of the Star Umbrella is guaranteed."

Ye Yang was also excited...

(First update)

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