Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1173: The frenzy caused by the aerospace carrier

Ye Yang patted the metal shell of the behemoth, feeling the infinite possibilities in it.

"When will the test flight be carried out?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Within a week."

The person in charge said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded.

"If it is a test flight, confidentiality is almost difficult to guarantee."

The person in charge said with embarrassment.

Ye Yang smiled.

He naturally knew this. This kind of science fiction-level creation with a wingspan of more than a thousand meters, if it wants to go to the sky, it is not like the small size of the previous lunar spacecraft.

Even the rocket going to the sky is difficult to hide.

Such a large factory has been built here, and various satellites must have been eyeing this place for a long time.

The take-off of the Luan Bird must not be hidden from the eyes of the world.

"Since it can't be hidden, it's better to let the world know."

Ye Yang said in a calm voice.

"But General Ye..."

The person in charge had some doubts.

The Luan Bird is the core plan now, and it can be regarded as the most important weapon of a great country, and it cannot be lost.

Once the world's attention is drawn to it, those with ulterior motives will definitely not be willing to accept it and will certainly stop the Luan Bird from taking off successfully at all costs.

"Don't worry about them, I will ensure everything is safe at that time."

Ye Yang now has the confidence.


After getting Ye Yang's guarantee, the person in charge also took a reassurance pill and said excitedly.


Soon, the news that China's latest science fiction-level spacecraft is about to be released spread all over the world.

After the Asian Chamber of Commerce, the image of China has changed dramatically in everyone's mind.

These people are very interested in the news about China.

After all, now that Ye Yang is rising, even the United States can't suppress it.

In a subtle way, there is a feeling that it represents the most advanced level in the world.

Even they say it is the most advanced in the world, even "science fiction level".

Wouldn't that change everyone's perception of spacecraft?

Everyone sighed and looked forward to it.

"Just after the Asian Chamber of Commerce, another explosive news came out. It's really amazing!"

"I wonder what surprises they will create this time!?"

"It's just that they showed some financial strength before! You are too good at flattering! I don't believe they can do anything else, and you don't want to exaggerate them too much! I think at most they have improved the rocket thrusters and so on."

"Then how do you explain the construction of the lunar base? Up to now, the lunar base that Europe took the lead in investing in has not even built a shed!"

"That's right! China built a lunar base so quickly, it must have its unique features. We suspected before that there must be a newer generation of spacecraft there!"

"If they are really that powerful, can they wait until now to announce it!? It's impossible that no news has been revealed at all!"

"They just do a good job of keeping secrets!"


On the Internet, various discussions came one after another, and all the voices were very excited.

They argued endlessly with each other.

However, the attitude towards China is obviously much better than before.

After all, through various events, Ye Yang has established absolute prestige in the international community.

Countless people have become his fans and trust him.

Now, even in the war of public opinion, he is not losing a few points.

Various voices are arguing endlessly.

However, the arrangement of the first show of the aerospace mothership was obviously not delayed by such public opinion.

Everyone is preparing with all their strength.

The entire venue of Jiuzhou Military Industry is working overtime to carry out various calculations and preparations.

The huge factory is extremely lively, with people coming and going, boiling like dumplings.

I don’t know how many big guys come to watch every day.

After all, this is a superpower weapon!

Once this aerospace mothership is launched!

China will be completely different immediately! ! !

Ye Yang is also looking forward to it.

In the past few days, the technological upgrade of the sub-magnetic field has been completed.

Ye Yang hid the blueprint in his favorites first.

After all, the most important thing now is the ceremony of the launch of the Luanniao aerospace mothership.

The whole world is watching this moment! ! !

"Mr. Ye, tomorrow, the aerospace mothership will be officially launched. Will we release further news?"

The person in charge asked.

The news was spread out bit by bit.

If too much was released at once, it would disrupt the rhythm.

Ye Yang nodded: "It can be announced!"

The next moment, the world was boiling!

All because of a notice posted on the official website of Jiuzhou Industry!

The notice stated that tomorrow, China's new spacecraft will be truly unveiled and start the first round of test flights! ! !

And the name of this spacecraft is Luanniao.

It is the first aerospace mothership built by China!

Aerospace mothership! ! ! ! !

Everyone who heard this name was amazed.

After all, just a few days ago, this was still called a product that only belonged to science fiction movies, but now I hear that I will see it in reality! ! ?

Isn't this too outrageous! ?

"See! I said it was an aerospace carrier! I guessed right!!!"

"Haha, with the current level of human technology, there is still an aerospace carrier? Ordinary sea-based aircraft carriers have not been researched yet, right!?"

"That's right! I thought it was somewhat credible before, but now it seems that it is just bragging! Let's see how he ends up tomorrow."

"I think it's very credible! When has China ever boasted? Every announcement posted will be realized as promised!"

"That's right! And the boss of Jiuzhou Industry is Ye Yang! Ye Shenhao, he is the president of the Asian Chamber of Commerce, the synonym of miracles in the world! How can anything related to him be a lie! Just wait and see!?"

"Haha, you are crazy about chasing stars!? Do you still have some basic fact judgment ability!? Do you know that the technology of building aerospace carriers is several levels beyond the times!?"

"Oh my god, you really dare to think! Just the engine is absolutely impossible!"

"According to the materials disclosed here, this aerospace aircraft carrier has a wingspan of more than 1,000 meters!? The load capacity is hundreds of thousands of tons!? Isn't this pure bullshit!? Even the most advanced sea-based aircraft carriers in the world now have a load capacity less than half of this!?"

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't understand what the three words "Ye Shenhao" mean! Wait to be slapped in the face!"


With the disclosure of detailed information, the discussion became more heated.

Military fans, weapon fans, and aviation fans from all over the world are participating in it. Some are even drawing blueprints to guess what the Luan bird really looks like.


Time flies by in this heated discussion.

Soon, the second day arrives.

The eyes of the world are focused on the East!

Today, perhaps we will witness a miracle of mankind!

An aerospace mothership takes off! ! ! !

(Second update)

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