Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1176 Grand Fireworks Show


Missiles roaring from all directions loomed in the sky.

Everyone was a little confused listening to Ye Yang's words.

Until someone followed his gaze and noticed the increasingly clear trajectory in the distance, they were all confused.

"Fuck!!! What is that!?"

A female reporter screamed.

More and more people noticed the white bullet lines coming from all directions.


"No way! This is..."

Many people have vaguely guessed what it is, but they are still not sure. After all, seeing such an armed attack here is simply too incredible.

None of them realized the significance of aerospace aircraft carriers to the world pattern.

underestimated its influence.

I didn't expect that a major power would be so crazy and crazy. I just saw Ye Yang showing off this super weapon and had such a stress reaction!

It's absolutely terrible!

"You don't need to panic."

Ye Yang's calm voice made the panicked crowd feel at ease.

After all, this is an important weapon of China, and there are people like Ye Yang standing here, and they will never suffer any losses. Standing with Ye Yang is the safest.

"In addition to the aerospace aircraft carrier, I was supposed to show the world another important weapon today."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Since we have the fireworks sent by the enemy, let's use these fireworks to announce its existence to the world!"


"Is it a super anti-missile system!?"

"Mr. Ye is so calm, he must be 100% confident. Let's not panic yet."

"That's right, that's right..."

Only then did the people present completely calm down.


"What exactly is going on!?"

"Which party is so shameless? They just show off their high-end scientific and technological achievements, but they don't hesitate to do such things as extermination!"

"Is a world-level...super war about to break out!?"

"Will humanity be destroyed because of this!?"

In the live broadcast room, endless fear burst out in the hearts of countless people. After all, the famous scientist Einstein once said:

I don’t know what World War III is about! World War 4! It must be a stone...a wooden stick...


Within a video conference.

"He's quite calm."

"The missile interception system over there seems to have not been triggered at all. This is unreasonable..."

Originally, they felt that most of these hundreds of missiles had to be intercepted.

It would be great if a few shots hit the target.

But now it seems that there is no interception at all!

And Ye Yang looks so calm...

Make them feel uneasy.

"It feels like the other party has expected it."

"Perhaps they have anticipated our actions and must have their own plans."

"Now, it depends on who can win in the end."

They all hoped that at least a few of these missiles would hit the venue and destroy the space carrier.

on site.

Ye Yang watched the missiles flying coldly: "It seems that we didn't let you clearly understand the situation that time in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean. So, this time, you have to watch carefully."


The onlookers didn't quite understand what Ye Yang said. After all, not many people knew about it that time.

In the video conference, many big guys heard this sentence, but their hearts seemed transparent.

He knew exactly what Ye Yang meant.

"Is it possible that he plans to..."

These people all had wrinkled faces, feeling that it was simply impossible.

"Does that mecha really have that kind of ability..."

Everyone frowned and felt a chill in their hearts.

Ye Yang looked at the panic and expectant eyes of the people in the audience, and wanted to say something coquettishly, "In fact, I am an iron man," or something like "Fire Sun Armor" to satisfy his former middle school fantasy.

That will be very handsome.

He shook his head, squatted down directly, and then jumped into the air. The stream of light rushed from all directions and attached to Ye Yang's body in full view of everyone.

The Sun Mecha is completely possessed.

The next moment, blue high-energy particle beams rose from Ye Yang's feet, causing him to suddenly fly high into the sky.

"my God!!!"

"It's him!"

"iron Man!"

“The mysterious volleying black shadow that cut off the Sals Consortium building that day!!!”

"I'll go, I said it feels a bit familiar, this..."

"I asked why the space carrier has come out. Has China secretly entered the science fiction era!?"


This is the first time that the Lieyang No. 1 mecha has been officially displayed in front of the public eye around the world.

Everyone who saw this scene took a breath and was stunned.

After all, it’s amazing!

Ye Yang rose into the sky and flew directly towards the nearest missile.

It's too fast.

The sonic boom instantly resounded throughout the square.

Only afterimages were left in the sky. After the Lieyang No. 1 mecha was upgraded, its acceleration became extremely fast, and its ultimate speed was also greatly increased.

In just the blink of an eye, Ye Yang was already a thousand meters away.


Soon, Ye Yang's figure disappeared into the blue sky.

Because the speed is too fast, and also because it is too far...

"Look! There's a missile exploding from the north!"

"Hiss...there's more than one! It's a bunch!!!"

Someone exclaimed.

In the sky, bombs exploded in mid-air, and, starting from the first one, almost at the same time, the bombs next to it also began to explode.


"What happened!?"

"The fire was too big, too far away, and it was completely unclear..."

"Could it be that Ye Shenhao went up and chopped these missiles one by one!?"

While speaking, it was unknown how many missiles exploded directly in mid-air.

The upgraded Lieyang No. 1 mecha has now soared to 20 to 30 times the speed of sound. With the sky as the blueprint and the factory as the center, it has drawn an extremely large circular trajectory in the sky.

The blue photon sword in his hand cut, and one missile after another was cut and exploded by him.

There were countless grand fireworks left in the sky...



Ye Yang left a grand explosion record in the sky.

When he flew back, the sound was stepped on by him behind him.

There was only a circle of fire circles where missiles exploded one after another blooming in the sky, which made everyone's heart tremble...

It's so shocking!

This scene is so shocking! ! !

Isn't this really a movie? ?

However, when the sound waves and strong winds after the missiles exploded, they felt the reality of the scene.


Many people were shocked by the rumbling sound of thunder coming from behind.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated.

Everyone gradually calmed down.

Those dense and fierce missiles were actually stopped by Ye Yang alone! ! !

Moreover, it only took a moment! ! !

(First update)

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