Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1177: Humanity's first aerospace mothership takes off


This scene is destined to become a hot topic of discussion on the Internet around the world for a long time to come.

Everyone stared blankly.

Including the many consortium owners in the video conference, the Shadow Emperor, the leader, etc., were all dumbfounded.

"Resisting missile explosions?! And destroying hundreds of missiles in a row? This, is this really a reality!?"

This level of combat power was completely beyond their scope of cognition.

In the previous battle on the high seas of the Pacific, although Black Source's fleet looked powerful, they were all antique warships from decades ago.

The weapons loaded are simply not state-of-the-art, and the armor is lagging behind.

Even if they are all killed, it will not actually cause any psychological pressure on many big countries.

I think that although this armor is powerful, it is not so powerful that it is invincible.

There are also ways to deal with it.

They underestimated Lieyang One's overall strength.

Today, Lieyang One's performance completely refreshed their thoughts and perceptions.


"How can this be!?"


If Ye Yang could resist the Black Source fleet's bombs before, it was because Black Source's weapons were lagging behind.

So, it is now their second level weapon.

The most advanced weapons are naturally impossible to sell to outsiders.

Selling these is also the secondary weapon they load.

But, even so, Lieyang No. 1 did not pay a heavy price to solve these troubles...

Instead, it exploded hundreds of missiles in the sky like a bug! ! !

This shocking scene gave them endless psychological pressure.

Sub-level weapons are so easy to defeat, can their most advanced weapons really be able to fight against them?



Lieyang No. 1 descended slowly and landed smoothly on the stage.

The mecha automatically disintegrated, and Ye Yang walked out of it.

The silent square, after remaining silent for a moment, burst into cheers.

Ye Yang breathed out.

If it is the initial version of Lieyang No. 1, after such a wave, even if it can complete these operations, it is estimated that there will not be much energy left.

But the upgraded version solved many problems. Not only did he feel great when he cut it in this circle, but he also only lost 40% of his energy.

The main loss is to open the particle shield to resist explosion damage.

If it was the basic version of Lieyang No. 1, and the protective shield was turned on for such a long time to withstand the damage of such an explosion, the energy would probably have bottomed out long ago.

"This mecha seems to have no damage at all!"

"Isn't this too strong!?"

"Here I go, god-level equipment that transcends the times!"

"The United States is responsible for making the movie, and China is responsible for realizing it..."

"So handsome! This is the dream of many people!"

"It's absolutely amazing. I don't know how many of these mechas there are. I don't think there are too many. There are ten or eight of them. Without nuclear bombs, they are enough to truly dominate the world!"

"Are you underestimating this mecha? The maneuverability, speed, damage resistance, output... are all perfect! One thing of this level is worth much more than an entire aircraft carrier formation! It's enough! It can be called a national weapon! ! Any country can be invincible without a nuclear bomb!"


There are many talented people on the Internet, and some people quickly judged the terrifying potential and strategic-level deterrence of this mecha.

Everyone was excited.

Although today I came to see the aerospace aircraft carrier take off, the scene just now was so cool that it made the world excited! ! !

"Ye Shenhao is invincible!!!"

"Too powerful! Eternal God!!!"

"I would like to be called the patron saint of China!"


Within China, there were shouts of pride.

Internationally, there are also sighs of emotion.

Super tycoons such as Saudi Arabia even directly offered hundreds of billions of dollars to purchase a Lieyang One mecha.

But they also know that in today's world, it is basically impossible for a nuclear bomb to be invented.

From a certain perspective, under such a situation, the strategic significance of Lieyang No. 1 has vaguely surpassed that of nuclear bombs.

There's no way it could be sold...


Ye Yang smiled slightly and said with cold eyes: "The salute is over. I would like to thank the international friends who sent the salute for their support. Afterwards, I will personally come to thank you."

These words have the structure of a great power without losing its domineering aura.

Everyone was shocked.

Almost as soon as Ye Yang finished saying this, countless disclaimers were issued internationally.

Many countries have come forward to explain, indicating that this missile rain has absolutely nothing to do with them...

This also makes people sigh with emotion.

Today, Ye Yang can already shock the world with his words and deeds!

"Okay, according to the plan, there are still three minutes before launch."

Ye Yang turned over his hands and looked at Vacheron Constantin 000R with sharp eyes.

The discussion suddenly stopped. After all, the aerospace aircraft carrier is today's topic.

Although Lieyang No. 1 gave the world an indescribable shock.

But compared with the strategic level of an aerospace aircraft carrier, it is still inferior.


During a video conference.

Many top bosses all looked gloomy.

Now, we can only count on China being unreliable.

The aerospace aircraft carrier can no longer fly into the sky.


They were all talking in their hearts.

Hope a miracle happens...

"How can an aerospace carrier succeed so easily? It will probably fall down halfway through the flight, just in time to kill Ye Yang."


They were looking forward to this happening, but they also knew that the probability of this happening was low.

China never boasts.

If they dare to hold such a world-wide public first flight ceremony, they must be 100% sure before they do it.



People all over the world who watched this first flight ceremony couldn't help but count down silently in their hearts...



Boom boom boom...

The dragon roar that shocked the world came from the Luan bird engine.

China's aerospace carrier was officially fully launched!

The terrible energy wave instantly rushed to every part of the aircraft carrier.

"Boom boom boom..."

High-energy particle beams gushed out from the bottom of the aircraft carrier, and the steam flow formed by the high temperature poured out in all directions like a sea of ​​smoke. Even though it was thousands of meters away, the venue was shrouded in huge fog.

Fortunately, the high-temperature airflow has cooled down here, otherwise it would have been steamed...


The huge aerospace mothership moved slowly under the impetus of the high-energy particle flow.

At first, it was still slowly lifted off.

However, soon, the speed rose sharply.

In a short while, it changed from a huge metal monster with a wingspan of more than 1,000 meters to a tiny dot in the air...

At this moment, mankind's first aerospace mothership has taken to the sky! ! !

(Second update)

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