
In the video conference.

All the big guys were watching the live broadcast and sighed dejectedly.

"It really took off."

"The rise of China is like this aerospace carrier, it can't be stopped."

They all understood.

At least in terms of strategic weapons, they are now completely behind an era.

For large strategic weapons, they have aerospace aircraft carriers, and for flexible weapons, they have Fiery Sun Mecha.

Without the deterrence of nuclear bombs, China is now invincible.

"No, maybe we still have one last trick to use."

"You mean..."


The aerospace aircraft carrier took off all the way.

After hovering in the low-Earth orbit, it followed the orbit and operated in space...

"The first step of the Star Umbrella Plan was successful."

Ye Yang felt relieved.


However, just as he relaxed his mind, he heard the news from the Luanniao Center.

"Many satellites are crashing into us, it seems to be a suicide attack."

Someone reported in the control room of the aerospace aircraft carrier.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and sneered.

It seems that the other party can't afford to play anymore.

"Have you figured out the source of those satellites?"

He asked.

"It's a satellite group made by a private American spacecraft company. There are dozens of them, and they all hit us."

The person in the control room said.


Ye Yang nodded.

There was a seminar before, and this extreme situation was also expected.

That world-famous group mainly operates two businesses, one is rockets and the other is electric cars.

The investment behind it is the American Space Agency. Everyone knows what kind of company it is. It is called a private company, but it is actually a gun.

It is not uncommon to use satellites to forcibly hit other countries' air stations and call it an accidental aviation accident afterwards.

This time, we must naturally prevent such a thing from happening.

Ye Yang raised his mouth.

Even if those missiles fell before, they would hurt other people in the venue, and they would not hurt the Luanniao at all.

He personally went to cut those missiles, one is to let the world see the combat effectiveness of Lieyang No. 1.

The second is to hide the strength of Luanniao.

But now the other party has even used the last trick of being shameless, and directly used their satellites to hit.

There is nothing to hide.

"When it's time to show off your muscles, you have to show off your muscles."

Ye Yang murmured faintly.


The next moment, in the geosynchronous orbit.

The Luanniao space mothership, which was in operation, instantly lit up an ellipsoidal high-energy particle shield around it.

Dozens of missile systems plus dozens of laser charging systems were all lit up.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

In an instant, those missiles burst out from the launch holes.

Under the barrage of missiles, the satellites that were colliding densely were directly blown to pieces!

After the first wave of satellites were shattered, the second wave of satellites followed.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The high-energy particle beam was faster, and instantly formed a particle beam net in the black universe. After all the satellites hit the net, they were directly cut and broken, some exploded, and some continued to hit forward in pieces.

However, under the protection of the outer elliptical energy shield, those fragments could not cause any damage at all, but only caused some small waves on the energy shield.

These impact bodies carrying huge energy were all dealt with in less than three minutes...

The huge offensive was directly disintegrated.

Only a certain space company directly lost nearly 100 satellites, and even the energy shield of the Luanniao was not penetrated.


In the video conference, many people watched this scene and were silent.

The last trick didn't work.

"This is unsolvable!"

"Both the defense system and the attack system are so strong..."

"It seems that we can't fight head-on, we have to think of some more tactful tricks."

"Not bad..."

"After all, there are many ways to collapse a country in this world, not just fighting and killing."

Some people laughed coldly.


Soon, the video of Luanniao's counterattack against the satellite wave was released, and it caused a global online discussion.

Ye Yang also took the opportunity to put pressure directly.

The other party had already made psychological preparations. After all, if the collision was successful, even if they apologized and paid money afterwards, they would not lose anything.

But unfortunately, it seems that it has no effect now, and they just lost so many satellites for nothing.

Now they are still under pressure to compensate and apologize, and they are unwilling to do so.

But who dares to confront Ye Yang head-on now?

With the full efforts of Jincheng Law Firm, it took only three days of open and covert fighting, and the other party finally had to issue an apology statement and compensate for a large amount of energy loss.

"You want us to pay 10 billion US dollars for opening the energy shield for a while? It's simply robbing money!!!"

"Alas... the situation is stronger than people!"



In the end, with the dual blessing of apology and compensation, this collision, which was judged to be an accident, was finally settled.

"It's time to deal with those 'outside organizations'."

Ye Yang sneered.

The missiles on that day were launched from inexplicable places all over the world. This matter must not be let go so easily.

On this day, the Fiery Sun Mech appeared everywhere in Asia.

Military bases on some unknown islands were directly blown up.

No matter who they belonged to or why, they were destroyed as soon as they were found.

Ye Yang knew very well who these bases belonged to, but a real war between great powers would never happen. It would be better to destroy them directly to vent his anger. The other party knew that they were in the wrong and dared not say anything. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to directly admitting that they were the ones who dropped the missiles.

They did not dare to bear such a stigma.



Ye Yang landed on a small island, and the micro-missiles on his body attacked directly, and the entire island was instantly washed by artillery fire.

All the equipment was instantly blown to pieces, and even the people who hid in the camp were directly charred to death...

"This is too cruel."

"Too unscrupulous! Even if I sent missiles to bomb him, didn't I kill anyone? He actually retaliated so cruelly! It's simply inhumane! Is he still a human being!?"

A big boss of a consortium roared.

"That's right! Even if I bombed him with missiles, he couldn't be so cruel and actually bloodbathed our island!?"


A group of double-standard bosses were very angry.

But no one talked about condemning or retaliating against Ye Yang, they were just arguing here.

"Okay, that's enough, right? Give some hush money to the families of the dead to shut them up."


A group of bosses nodded silently and acquiesced to this solution.


Ye Yang's footprints did not stop from then on. Cleaning up the hidden chess pieces around was just the first step.

(First update)

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