Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1179: Thunderous Methods, the World's Most Ruthless Person


Ye Yang came directly to many various power bases.

These were the weapons bought by those behind them with a lot of money. On that day, missiles flew out of these bases.

Ye Yang arrived directly.

The members of these organizations turned pale and their knees trembled with fear.

"Mr. Ye, we didn't mean it! That day...we didn't even know what happened. Those missiles just..."

Ye Yang waved his hand, he didn't know this in his heart.

"I'll give you two choices. First, Thor Military Industry under my name will provide you with the same amount of missiles. You can use ten times the number of missiles that day to fight back to the country where you purchased the weapons.

From now on, you can sign a long-term contract with Thunder God Military, and all your weapons will be provided by Thunder God Military in the future. "


The faces of these stewards were livid.

Ye Yang's intention is very clear, that is to buy weapons from Ye Yang, and then use the name of their organization to drop ten times the number of missiles that day on the territory of the Shadow Emperor of the United States and the European leader...

In the future, there is no need to recognize the Shadow Emperor or the Leader as his father.

Thunder God Junwu is the only father behind them.

They will also be completely bound to Ye Yang...

"This, Mr. Ye, is a bit too much. We can compensate you a huge amount of money to make amends. I wonder if you can agree!?"

These people in charge were all human beings, so they naturally saw through all the hidden intentions behind Ye Yang's opinion.

At this time, they were all talking in succession.

"Do you think I came to discuss with you today?"

There was a hint of indifferent joking in Ye Yang's tone.

"I said, you only have two ways to go, follow the way out I give you. Otherwise, there will be only a dead end!"

A cold light bloomed in his eyes.


The people in charge all had cramps in their thighs and stomachs.

Today's Ye Yang is unparalleled in power, and they have done wrong things beforehand. How can they dare to refuse now?

"Don't worry, those people also know the ins and outs of the matter. After you bomb them, they will still live in peace."

Ye Yang said lightly.


"I'm sorry we can't agree!"

Someone said harshly.


Ye Yang nodded, without saying a word, he stretched out his palm and pierced it with a laser beam.

These informal armed forces who purchase arms from consortium arms dealers are called local warlords at best, but they are a group of bandits and robbers at worst.

Of course, according to the name of the Shadow Emperor and the leaders, they are terrorist (fpb) elements.

Ye Yang will not show mercy at all.

"Do you think that after the establishment of the Asian Chamber of Commerce, we will still tolerate a group of dogs raised by outsiders sleeping soundly next to our beds?"

Ye Yang's words were straightforward without any deviation.

To deal with these ruthless people with their heads in their waistbands, I must be more ruthless and stronger than them.

"If you want to survive, keep your eyes open! In the territory of the Asia Chamber of Commerce, do more positive things. Whatever emotions you have, let me vent them where they should!"

Ye Yang said coldly.

The person penetrated by Ye Yang lay cold on the ground.

The other stewards were overawed by Ye Yang's domineering attitude and immediately surrendered.

And although Ye Yang didn't say it explicitly, they all understood the subtext. Asia wouldn't let it get worse, and even asked them to shoot at the Shadow Emperor and the leader. It goes without saying who they would fight against in the future.

When there is a war, there is money to spend. They all considered the situation in their minds and made the final decision.

"Mr. Ye educates you!"

“We will all obey Mr. Ye’s orders from now on!!!”

"Help you solve your problems!"

"We understand..."

These stewards are all connected.


Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction and immediately threw the contract down. For these people, the contract was just waste paper. As long as he had the threat of force, the verbal agreement would not be invalidated, but there was still a process to go through.

In this way, Ye Yang visited the bases where missiles were launched that day...

Some bases are as smart as the first base.

There are also bases that are arrogant and unruly, used to being domineering, and have inexplicable confidence and courage. They feel that no one can do anything about themselves. After Ye Yang leaves, such a base will basically only be left in ruins and countless charred corpses...

Times of Day.

Ye Yang used thunderous means to deal with all the missile launch sites that day.


On this day, the world was still immersed in the shock of the debut of Lieyang-1 and the launch of Luanniao.

No one expected the shocking event that was about to come...

A few days later.

From various non-regulatory parties, complex forces and organizational bases in Asia, thousands of missiles roared into the sky and flew towards their respective targets...

What happened on this day shocked everyone.

Although the interception systems of all parties intercepted most of them.

But there are still missiles hitting their targets.

The hits of these missiles are all shocking.

There are industrial factories of the shadow emperor's family, and there are military factories under the name of the leader.

I don’t know how many disasters and lives happened and passed away amidst the roaring explosions...

At first, everyone was shocked and confused by the news that appeared one after another.

But later on, I felt numb.

"Who did it!?"

"I'm going to launch missiles at so many of the world's most terrifying targets at the same time. Is this crazy..."

"Haha, don't you know this yet? Didn't you watch the live broadcast on the day the Jiuzhou Military Industry Luanniao ascended to heaven?"

"You mean...this belongs to Ye Shenhao..."

"I didn't say anything. Whatever comes to your mind is whatever you think."


As time went by, everyone figured out the true nature of the matter.

All were stunned.

This Ye Yang deserves to be the number one madman in the world. He can really do anything and will never suffer any loss. If you dare to mess with me, I will retaliate with fists!

This ruthlessness, coupled with the terrifying power he holds in his hands, is really frightening to anyone who sees it, and they don’t want to provoke him at all...

"We, the Tailan warlords, are responsible for this 'European Leader Arms Factory Attack'!"

"Our Mirka organization..."

Soon, various warlords and organizations came forward to take responsibility for these attacks.

The Shadow Emperor and the leaders gnashed their teeth in anger.

All crazy.

During a video conference.

"This Ye Yang is so arrogant! He doesn't follow the rules at all! Destroying our base is already the bottom line, but he actually fires missiles back at us! It's so crazy! Do you really want to die!?"

"My dear friend, what you said is wrong. The one who launched the missiles was not Ye Yang."

"Okay! Who doesn't know what's going on behind the scenes?"

The angry man said impatiently.

"Oh? So are you determined to start a war?"

Someone asked with a sneer.

(Second update)

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