Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,180 The next mission?

"Start a war!?"

The person who spoke looked depressed: "Start a war... Let's forget it, just put up with him for now..."


Many bigwigs present sneered.

Some were sneering at the insincere Shadow Emperor, and at the same time they were also mocking themselves.

If someone had dared to stop them from bullying him before, or even dared to fight back, they would have been in trouble.

But now, they can only silently endure this bitter fruit.


Just a few months ago, such a situation was unthinkable.

"Okay, let's calm down the storm and settle the families of the dead. In the future, the strategy to deal with Ye Yang should be more shrewd, and we can't be as arrogant as before. This man is both powerful and crazy. If he uses force, we will not be able to bear it."

A Shadow Emperor knocked on the table and said lightly.

"Well, you are right. To deal with him, we need to use more insidious tricks, at least we can't use missiles directly like this time."

A leader echoed.

"Then I think we should find a solution as soon as possible. They have even developed aerospace aircraft carriers and steel armor. If we don't speed up, we will be completely left behind. In the face of absolute strength, no strategy is useful."

"Haha, the world is so complicated. No matter how powerful the technology is, it is the human heart that controls the technology, and the human heart can be deceived."

The Shadow Emperor said lightly.

"So you already have a plan?"

Someone asked doubtfully.

"It has been implemented. There are too many strategies and means to deal with a country. Guns and cannons have been eliminated for a long time.

With the ultimate deterrent of nuclear weapons, he seems to have developed some mechas and aerospace aircraft carriers, but in fact they are useless. Because the two sides can't go to war directly."

The Shadow Emperor analyzed calmly.

The others nodded, but they also knew that this was just self-consolation. If there is no, there is no...

According to China's development speed, if it really develops weapons to sanction nuclear weapons in a few years, it will be dumbfounded.

But now they know that there is nothing they can do except comforting themselves here.


After clearing the small troubles beside his bed.

Ye Yang flew back to China.

Now he finally calmed down.

The phoenix also flew to the sky.

The first factory of Jiuzhou Military Industry was temporarily idle.

However, he smiled slightly, and a new task came out...

The commendation meeting was held today.

The researchers, employees, and leaders of Jiuzhou Military Industry all wore big red flowers on their chests.

There were also gold-plated certificates.

The aerospace mothership is an epoch-making achievement, and this epoch-making achievement was completed by their hands.

The feeling of this honor made them feel excited.

At a certain moment, the whole audience was silent, at the door of the award hall.

Ye Yang, dressed in a capable general's uniform, with a general star on his shoulder, stepped in.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, everyone was refreshed and stood at attention unconsciously.

They all knew that all the honors today came from this man!

What's more, many of them were transferred from the military.

They all admired Lieutenant General Ye Yang's vigorous and resolute character, his daring style of thinking and doing, and his glorious achievements along the way.

The rest of those who came from scientific research institutes also admired Ye Yang from the bottom of their hearts. Whether it was his scientific achievements or his life achievements, they were full of gratitude and admiration for Ye Yang.

Ye Yang walked through these determined eyes and stood on the podium.

"Welcome General Ye!!!"

The whole audience welcomed him in unison.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, pressed his hand, and said: "At this point, the Luan Bird Project has come to an end!

Congratulations to everyone."


The whole audience burst into congratulations.

Each of them was proud of this.

After all, this is something that can be boasted for a lifetime, the first aerospace carrier of mankind!!!


After saying some congratulations, Ye Yang was ready to say something more practical: "You deserve the honor, but after accomplishing something, you can't just be given a reputation, you must also have substantial benefits!"

"All supervisors can choose a property worth less than 30 million in any city in China."

"Directors at all levels will be rewarded with a luxury car worth tens of millions."

"Employees at all levels will receive an additional five-year salary bonus this month."


"Oh my!"


Even though most people came from the military, they were shocked by Ye Yang's super generous move.

Other people's bonuses are 30% or 50% of their monthly salary.

Ye Yang is so good, giving bonuses, and giving five years of salary directly?

You know, their salary is not low in itself. Even if they are the employees with the lowest salary, if they are given five years of bonus at once, the bonus will be more than one million!

This is the first time I've heard of bonuses being given in this way...

Ye Shenhao's name is well-deserved! ! !

"Too rich!"

Even with their temperaments, they all want to rush up to surround Ye Yang and kiss him.

Ye Yang looked at their enthusiastic eyes and shook his head in a helpless manner.

He had restrained himself in giving. After all, he had to consider the world situation now, and often had to consider balance and the overall situation.

He couldn't be so willful as when he first became rich and give as much as he wanted.

But even so, these people were still so excited.

He smiled and said, "After the project is completed, we will give everyone a five-day holiday. You can take advantage of these five days to have fun, relax, and spend time with your family."


Everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

"What? You are not happy on vacation?"

Ye Yang asked with some doubts in his heart.

"Although we don't know what it is, we all know that the country has something big to do recently, and time is tight. As a pioneer enterprise, we must have other major tasks, right?"

"Well... are there other major projects coming?"

"If so, I am willing to invest in the next project as soon as possible."

"I am willing too!"

"And me..."

"Count me in!!!"

Ye Yang was stunned. He didn't expect them to give such an answer. He felt warm in his heart.

Is this the original spirit of a great country?

It is not forced or morally kidnapped by the company's 996 culture, but is a heartfelt contribution out of a lofty personal philosophy...

The Chinese have never lacked feelings and a spirit of solidarity.

For the right things, in the right environment, everyone will have their own beliefs to stick to.

When they know that they are part of everyone, not just an employee who works hard to buy a new car for the boss, who would not want to do their part for common progress?

After thinking for a while, Ye Yang said: "There are indeed new tasks, and we are indeed doing something unprecedented.

However, no matter what you do, combining work and rest is the most efficient way of working. Take a good rest for a few days, and be in the best condition to meet the next task that may determine the ultimate fate of mankind."

(First update)

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