Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1181 Running for All Humanity


In this way, Kyushu Industrial No. 1 Factory entered the vacation period.

Ye Yang then came to the second factory.

This place was originally built for the Nantianmen Project, and was used to build spacecraft for a period of time.

The spacecraft transports materials to and from the lunar base, and every time it is a confidential operation.

Therefore, the existence of the spacecraft has not been exposed to the world’s view so far...

In a strategic sense, a spaceship may not be as big as an aerospace carrier.

But its significance to mankind is far greater than that of the space carrier.

After all, the creation of spaceships means that human beings are now qualified to truly step out of the earth, break the confinement of the earth's mother star, and move towards the pre-interstellar era.

Therefore, the second factory should have received greater honor and limelight.

But due to the confidentiality strategy, they could only temporarily immerse themselves in studying the Nantianmen Space Fortress.


"General Ye!"

People in the second factory were shocked when they saw Ye Yang coming to inspect.

The person in charge of the Nantianmen Project came up and saluted.

Ye Yang nodded: "Thank you for your hard work. How is the Nantianmen plan going?"

"...The technical requirements of a space fortress are much higher than those of a space carrier."

The general manager sighed.

Thinking that Ye Yang felt that the phoenixes were all over the sky, they had no results yet, so he came over to push forward the progress of the project.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "I know."

"It will take at least two years to build a space fortress."

The person in charge scratched his head and said with a smile.

"I'm not here today to push you forward."

Ye Yang said.

"That's good...ah no!"

The person in charge smiled sheepishly.

"I'm here to give you money."

Ye Yang said: "The construction of the space fortress is of great significance. If you want to successfully develop it within a year, how much budget will you need?"


The person in charge thought about it in his mind. This matter was of great importance. This was not the time to be polite. He said matter-of-factly: "At least... 1200 billion Chinese coins are needed."


Ye Yang nodded.

Building anything from scratch is the most expensive.

From the research and development to the launch of the first Luannia space carrier, more than one trillion Chinese coins were spent.

The Nantianmen Space Fortress is at a higher level than Luanniao in terms of technology and project scale, and it will definitely require more financial support.

He said directly: "I will give you an additional two trillion Chinese currency funds."

"Ah this!?"

The people in charge were confused.

He knew that Ye Yang had been doing great things internationally recently and was almost invincible.

It swept away countless financial groups and even a large ancient source.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, it was two trillion, which was still far beyond his psychological expectations.

After all, the existence of Luan Bird is at least one era ahead of any other country in the world.

There is no reason for China to rush to build the Nantianmen Space Fortress anymore?

Isn't it necessary?

He even mentally expected that his budget would be cut, but he didn't expect Ye Yang to directly throw another two trillion Chinese coins to him! ?


He looked sharply.

Maybe those rumors he heard were true?

Now, people with high enough levels in China have vaguely heard some rumors.

The three major strategic plans proposed by Ye Yang, as well as geomagnetic reversal and the end of mankind.

Although it is top secret information.

But from the analysis of personnel transfer and various information, those who are interested can analyze something immediately.

For example, although the people in the First Factory don't know the details, they all know that China has been preparing a big time-sensitive plan in the past few years, which is closely related to everyone, and may be related to the future of mankind.

That's why they burst out with such enthusiasm.

Contributing to the righteousness of the family and the country is a natural feeling of the Chinese people.

Ye Yang patted the general manager on the shoulder.

He nodded knowingly and firmly.

"The existence of the spaceship will be announced soon. If it's soon, it may be within the next six months. By then, you will be able to enjoy the glory and legend you deserve."

Ye Yang continued.


The general manager's eyes were excited.

People may be indifferent to fame and fortune, but on the premise that it does not cause any negative effects, why should they refuse glory?

He was very moved in his heart.

Ye Yang really misses them!

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!!!"

After Ye Yang completed this inspection, everyone was more motivated...

After that, Ye Yang went to Jiuzhou Ocean again.

A lot of the industrial chain of the marine science and technology chain has been established, and production can start in a while.

After inspecting the three major trillion-level major projects, some additional funds were added.

Ye Yang returned to Yundingshan Manor.

I just lay comfortably in the hot spring.

The phone rang.

It was a call from the Moon Base Earth Contact Center.

"...can you still have fun!!!"

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. After becoming a boss, things became more complicated and life became more compact.

I've been really busy lately.

I want to get comfortable with the maid and play exciting games, but I don’t have much time...

However, he just complained a little and didn't feel any displeasure in his heart.

As his status and power increased, he gradually realized that ability and responsibility were indeed related.

Uncle Spider-Man's words are still very reasonable.

When the sky falls, the tall people who enjoy the support of the short people will be responsible for holding up the sky.

Being busy for the people of the world is also a kind of self-realization and the ultimate happiness?

"What's going on?"

He asked.

"The first batch of blue gold rice has matured! All the tests have been completed, and the results are better than expected at the beginning!!!"

"Now, some blue gold rice has been transported back by spacecraft and is on the way. It will arrive at my place before five o'clock."

A voice of good news came from the other side.


Ye Yang heard the news and stood up from the hot spring. His perfect figure broke through the water. Although the maids were used to it, they still blushed.

This abdominal muscle, this...

"I will be there before six o'clock in the evening and have dinner at your place."

After Ye Yang made the decision, he wrapped himself in a bathrobe and walked directly out...

In the hot spring.

The maid in white silk stuck out her tongue and muttered, "What big happy event is this? Why are you in such a hurry? Let's feast our eyes before we leave!"

"Haha... The boss has a heavy burden on his shoulders now. He is busy with matters concerning the fate of mankind. Let's sacrifice our own feast for the eyes."

The maid in black silk, Lin Shiyu, laughed and teased.


The maids were playing with each other, while Ye Yang had already boarded the F1000 and flew to the Earth Communication Center of the Moon Base...

(Second update)

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