Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1182: The craze caused by blue gold rice


Lunar Base Earth Contact Center.

After Ye Yang landed, he saw the parking spacecraft parked indoors.

"It seems that the blue and gold rice has been sent back."

Seeing Ye Yang's arrival, all the people in charge ran over to greet him.

"Take me to see the blue and gold rice grown on the moon."

Ye Yang was looking forward to it. Although he had tasted it before, it was grown in a simulated environment after all.

He is looking forward to what real moon rice will be like.

Surrounded by everyone, they arrived at the core room.

The grains of rice, with blue and gold lines and as crystal clear as jade, were caught in Ye Yang's hands.

"Well...the fragrance of this kind of rice is truly unprecedented."

He smelled it.

Even if it is not cooked yet, the fragrance of this rice can be clearly smelled.

In the past few years, he has eaten almost all high-end ingredients and top-quality foods on the planet, and naturally has tasted top-quality rice from all countries.

But compared with the grains of rice in my hand, they all pale in comparison.

Compared with those grown in a simulated environment, the grains of rice are plump and the brilliance seems to be restrained inside, giving it an indescribable feeling of mystery and perfection.

"After these days of research and exploration, it has been confirmed that the efficacy of this rice can enhance human immunity. In the long run, it can improve the nutritional structure of the human body. Minor illnesses and disasters will no longer come to your door. It can even be used to some extent. Improve physical fitness. The effect of these blue-gold rice grown on the moon is several times better than we expected."

The scientist added from the sidelines.


He has heard about these effects, but scientists are generally cautious in using their words.

The actual effect will have to wait until rice becomes more popular and a specific report will be obtained.


However, even with the cautious words used by scientists now, blue gold rice can be regarded as a food-grade harmless human body upgrade agent.

It's just that the effect is much weaker than the genetic potion he exchanged in the system.

Changes are all subtle...

Ye Yang nodded.

It sounds mysterious, but it is actually a higher-end food.

When China was poor a few years ago, people did not eat well, so they generally grew thin.

Now that we are rich, we eat meat, eggs and milk every day, and everyone begins to grow taller and taller.

Blue gold rice is a food that is more advanced than meat, eggs, and milk. After eating it, the quality of the food group will be improved to a higher level.


After Ye Yang ate a bowl of blue gold rice, he felt it carefully. He was a master of martial arts and a super warrior, and his perception of the body was extremely subtle.

In his concentrated perception, he discovered that there was a kind of magical radiation energy in this blue gold rice. If it was taken for a long time, it was unknown what effect it would have on the human body.

But according to his observations and feelings, this radiation should be beneficial, or at least harmless.

"General Ye, please take a look at this Blue Gold Rice promotion plan."

The person in charge handed over a report.

Ye Yang nodded.

Nowadays, the cultivation technology of blue gold rice has been proven to be feasible. If human physique has improved in recent years, it should be easier to deal with disasters.

The promotion of blue and gold rice was put on the agenda.

However, this kind of rice cannot be supplied in large quantities for the time being, and even if it is available, the price is difficult to determine.

The current cost is very high. Even if the price is forcibly lowered for promotion, it will cost at least several hundred yuan per catty.

"Perhaps we can first let the people mix blue gold rice and ordinary rice for every meal. In this way, one or two kilograms of blue gold rice should be enough for a month. After a few months, other lunar bases will be developed and spacecrafts will be launched. With a few more ships, the production volume will increase and the price can be appropriately reduced.”

Someone suggested.

Ye Yang nodded, this suggestion is indeed feasible.

"Furthermore, we need to prevent some speculators who dare to put their monopoly and reselling hands into the blue gold rice industry. We will kill them directly!"

Ye Yang's eyes were serious.

Blue Gold Rice is a strategic banner that involves the improvement of the physical fitness of the whole people, and no private individuals are allowed to use it for personal gain.


Everyone present was talking.


Ye Yang gave some instructions and checked the construction progress of other lunar bases before leaving.

That night, Jiuzhou Grain Industry Branch was established under the name of Jiuzhou Group.

This is the third largest branch after Kyushu Industrial and Kyushu Marine.

Specially responsible for blue gold rice.

The next day, news from the great eastern country once again shocked the world...

"The food grown by China on the moon has been successfully transported back to Earth!!!"

This news shocked everyone.

Experts from various countries who had insisted that growing rice on the moon were just a daydream were now completely confused.

I feel a burning pain on my face.

"This is impossible!"

"The lunar soil doesn't even have basic moisture, how can it be possible to grow rice?! Is this a joke?"

"There is no atmosphere on the moon, all kinds of cosmic radiation, and the environment is harsh. Can plants grow on the lunar soil? I'll go, don't be ridiculous."

"Where are you bragging again? It seems that rice can't be grown on the moon, so we can only insist that it does!? Anyway, we don't have a moon base yet. No matter how he brags, we can't confirm this, right? "


All those who had opposed Ye Yang's plan to grow rice on the moon jumped out to defend their original views.

"I think you should stop being stubborn here. China has even developed aerospace aircraft carriers and future mechas. What's the big deal about growing rice on the moon?"

"Haha, what do you know? Aerospace aircraft carriers are scientific products made in accordance with the laws of physics. Growing rice on the moon? Unless I went to college for nothing! No matter how powerful Ye Yang is, he has changed the laws of physics? Then he is not God? What kind of human being is he!"

"I, Ye Shenhao: There are limits to being a human being, so I don't want to be a human being!!!"

"Don't play clichés there! I don't believe it either! This is not in line with common sense!"

"Hahaha... It's been several years, and there are still people talking about common sense with Ye Shenhao?"

"That's right! When did I, Ye Shenhao, follow common sense? According to your common sense, the Iron Man suit should not appear in reality!"

"You! Haha... Anyway, I will never believe it until I see the solid evidence!!!"

The matter of blue gold rice has set off a huge wave of exaggeration on the Internet.

After all, building a base on an alien planet means that people have gone there, but growing food on an alien planet means that humans have truly left the Earth!

In the most extreme case, if the Earth is destroyed, those people on the lunar base can have food and shelter, survive, rebuild civilization, and reproduce...

So, if the blue-gold rice thing comes true, it means that humans have officially become a binary civilization! ! !

The significance of this is far from enough to describe it with the three words "cross-era"...

(First update)

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