
In the next few days, Ye Yang returned to a stable and happy life.

Jiuzhou Grain Industry’s preparation activities and planning will take two days.

In the past two days, Ye Yang also took a long break.

In Shanghai, I went out to have a meal with the girls and sang karaoke, which was relaxing and happy.

"Brother Ye Yang, you are getting better and better."

Lin Xueer joked with a smile at Machikaji Cafe.

"Oh? Has it become more powerful there?"

Ye Yang spread his hands and asked with a wicked smile.


Lin Xueer blushed slightly: "Brother Ye is really, he has become a top international tycoon, and he is still so unformed."

Ye Yang smiled: "After all, I'm so young? I'm so arrogant so early, it's better not to be such a giant."

Who said that a big man's every move must be as deep as the sea?

That's just in front of the camera.

In real life, everything is very casual.

Don't ask Ye Yang how he knew it, just ask because he has experienced it.

For example, Alibaba's Ma Yun is full of positive energy in front of the screen, opening her mouth to dream but keeping her mouth shut.

But in the private drinking party, there are always a few words on his lips: "His grandma, drink it, why don't you drink it!" ?

"Well... drinking coffee is such a beautiful thing!"

Ye Yang looked at Lin Xueer bathing in the warm light of dusk, with her white cheeks, golden rhyme, fragrant breath, and quiet environment.

An indescribable sense of beauty came to Ye Yang's heart.

"What are you looking at, Brother Ye~"

Lin Xueer's fair cheeks turned red.

"You're so pretty."

Ye Yang said seriously.


Lin Xueer was amused by Ye Yang's serious expression and burst into laughter: "Why are you so serious all of a sudden?"


Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Of course you have to be serious, people will always cherish the countdown days."


Lin Xueer knew that Ye Yang was thinking about the geomagnetic reversal again, and couldn't help but smile: "We are all leaving this world anyway. We have been counting down from the day we were born, but now the day has been advanced.

If death tomorrow will make us live today seriously, then if death is a hundred years from now, why not live every day of life seriously? "

Ye Yang smiled and pinched Lin Xueer's tender face.

"Stop talking about this, go out for a walk and relax."

Ye Yang stretched.

After a few years, we have become accustomed to each other, and our way of getting along has returned to nature.

I rarely buy anything. When I go out on a date, I just drink coffee worth a few thousand yuan, or eat a meal worth hundreds of thousands yuan, or eat some fast food worth a few hundred yuan.

They are all ordinary but warm daily tasks such as walking on the road, strolling in the park, rolling and washing sheets...

People are coming and going on the streets, and the parks are full of energy.

A prosperous scene.

We talked and laughed along the way, bought some marshmallows, one each, and walked happily from the road to the bed.

"Give me this one for you."

Ye Yang shook the marshmallow in his hand.

"No, Brother Ye Yang's penis is too big!"

Lin Xueer pouted.

"Then do you want to eat it or not?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.


Lin Xueer felt that Ye Yang's marshmallows were much sweeter than hers, and she licked her lips after eating them, feeling that she still had more to say and had a long aftertaste.


The day has finally come when Blue Gold Rice is officially launched.

In order to maintain equal opportunity for the general public.

He decided to distribute the first wave of blue and gold rice through online panic buying this time.

The price is tentatively set at 1,000 yuan per catty.

The blue gold rice shipped back from the moon this time totaled one million kilograms, which was divided into one million portions and snapped up.

Even so, it seems insignificant in the face of China's huge population base.

There is a long way to go before Blue Gold Rice can be put on the dining table of every household!

After reading the report, Ye Yang sighed in his heart.

China has close to 1.5 billion people, and each person weighs 1.5 billion jins of output...

At least one kilogram per person per month must be guaranteed, and the annual output will be 18 billion kilograms...

What a difficult task!

Ye Yang whispered.

Fortunately, the growth of blue gold rice does not have to depend on seasons like on Earth. As long as it is planted on suitable lunar soil, it can be grown in batches every two months, and six batches can be grown in a year.

Each batch must produce at least 3 billion kilograms, calculated based on the yield per mu of blue gold rice.

He wants to open up at least three million acres of grain fields on the moon.

"The original ten lunar bases seem to be far from enough."

Ye Yang thought.

At least one hundred lunar bases must be established on the moon within a year!

Send at least 10,000 people and hundreds of large planters and harvesters to the moon!

This is a huge project! ! !

He is increasingly grateful that he had the courage to go to war with many super consortiums.

Without the Asian Business Alliance, there would be no funding replenishment from the four major consortiums and black sources.

He simply does not have such huge funds to support one after another such huge projects that are unprecedented in history! ! !

Trillions of dollars have been spent on one big project after another, but it can only be said to be barely enough.

Ye Yang smiled. It seemed that going to other continents to destroy other ancient sources would be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

If all the funds from these sources are not seized, I am afraid that even if the technical conditions are available, there will be no money to complete the three major plans.

He thought inwardly.


“It’s really equal opportunity, delicious and not expensive!”

Many people were stunned when they saw this news.

I thought it would start at 10,000 per kilogram!

After all, it’s something cultivated in space, how difficult it is to make a profit! How much does it cost!

In the end, it only sold for 1,000 yuan per kilogram!

So conscientious!

“As expected of China, as expected of Ye Shenhao!”

“Quick, go to the link, I want to buy it!”

“One person is limited to one~”

“I want to grab Smecta too!”

“Only Chinese real-name accounts can buy it.”

“Baga! How can you do this! You are discriminating!!!”

“Didn’t you upload on the international forum these days that there is radiation in moon rice and it will mutate after eating it? Now this is for your sake, so that you don’t blame us after eating it and mutating!”

“Ah! Chinese people are so cunning!”

“Wow, the Hanri hybrids are out!”



As soon as the announcement came out, the Internet set off a wave of enthusiasm again.

Blue Gold Rice has been very popular recently. After all, maybe this is a major upgrade of the dietary structure!

Once it is confirmed, China will not only surpass them in technology, but also be ahead of them in the social foundation of eating and drinking! ! !

"Curse the radiation in it!"

"If you eat it, you will all become three-headed and six-eyed!!!"

"Haha, is this nuclear? You guys in the Sun Country drank so much nuclear water and didn't mutate?"

"Baga baga baga!!!"

The netizens who provoked the Sun Country broke their defense on the spot...

(First update)

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