Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1185: Shocking Red Envelope: 99.9 Billion



In the official live broadcast room of Jiuzhou Grain Industry.

Ye Yang just appeared.

"Ye Shenhao finally launched the live broadcast!"

"Haha, other anchors, look at our Ye Shenhao! Just bring Moon Rice!"

"Other anchors: Please spare us, how dare we compete with Ye Shenhao!"


As soon as it started airing, tens of millions of people flocked to it.

The number of people continues to increase dramatically.

In order to cope with the line pressure this time, Ye Yang started broadcasting on many platforms at the same time, but the Jiuzhou Grain Industry official website was the most official channel, so the largest number of people came in.

"So many good brothers are coming to compete with me for rice on the moon?"

"The water in Moon Rice is very deep. You can't control it. Please exit the live broadcast room quickly and let me control it!"

"That's right! There is radiation in this rice! Don't buy it! Just let me, sister, bear all this for everyone!"


In the live broadcast room, the audience was making fun of each other.

However, the number of people in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed, which is enough to illustrate everyone's enthusiasm for Blue Gold Rice...


"Including Sharya, Douhu, Douyin, Bilibili... these live broadcast platforms, the number of people watching the live broadcast at the same time this time has exceeded 100 million!!!

Moreover, the number of people is still rising! ! ! "

This is a spectacle in the history of Chinese live broadcast.

It can be said that there has never been a live broadcast that has exceeded 100 million online views so quickly!

In fact, no anchor’s live broadcast has ever reached this number of people! ! !

In the past, Chinese martial arts battles with various boxing champions, and the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 10 million, which is a historical record.

The lunar base live broadcast, etc., are all international live broadcasts, and it is normal for the number of viewers to exceed 100 million.

Ye Yang's record can only be broken by Ye Yang himself.

This time, another miracle was created that cannot be replicated!


"Ye Shenhao, go to the link quickly! We can't wait!"

"Yeah yeah!"

In each live broadcast room, gifts are flying everywhere, and everyone is very enthusiastic about giving rewards.

Ye Yangrang turned off the gift-giving function.

All the veterans in the live broadcast room were angry.

The country spent so much money to let us eat the rice grown on the moon. We are happy, we are excited, and we are happy to spend money. Why do you deprive us of the right to spend money to have fun! ?

Ye Yang thought for a while and realized that this was really the case.

Anyway, 18 billion is not a big sum of money. If everyone is happy, let’s just have fun together?

After a while, he distributed money in various live broadcast rooms and gave out a wave of big red envelopes and had fun together, and that was it.


The veteran in the live broadcast room became more and more enthusiastic.

It directly exceeded Ye Yang's expectations.

After a wave, nearly 300 million viewers in each live broadcast room actually bought gifts of 100 billion Huaxia coins together! ! ! !

Many anchors were dumbfounded. One hundred billion! ! !

Give away 100 billion for gifts! ! !

I wonder if the total amount of rewards in the entire live streaming industry over the years has this amount?

How old is this? ! ?

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

"It can be seen that everyone is very happy."

Ye Yang coughed and said seriously: "This time we only have one million catties of blue gold rice for sale, one million copies, equal opportunity."

"Equal opportunities, uneven Internet speed..."

"I'll squat under the 8G base station, and the Internet speed will be so fast!"


Netizens all stood up and quickly rushed to the nearby place with the best internet speed.

However, there are too many people watching this live broadcast, 300 million people, and the number is still rising!

Almost all parts of China are moving.

Hundreds of millions of people, this concept is too grand.

Every move makes the world move!

When foreign netizens watched Ye Yang's live broadcast, they all scratched their heads anxiously and wanted to get in.

After all, who wouldn’t want to eat rice grown on the moon?

According to Chinese official propaganda, this rice is extremely impressive!

Many benefits to the human body!

It can even promote hormone secretion, allowing the body to develop again, and all functions can become stronger than before!

No matter men or women, who doesn’t want to eat and who doesn’t want to become stronger! ?

"Okay, without further ado, let's go straight to the link!"

Ye Yang can be called the most worry-free anchor.

Just post the link and don’t say any promotional words.

Of course, he wasn't prepared.

Of course, even if he was prepared, he wouldn't have the chance to say it.

In the face of the terrifying base of 300 million online people, one million, a number that usually seems huge, has become a drop in the ocean.

It's like throwing a needle into the sea.

It was gone in an instant...

At most, it only takes 1ms.

Even seconds and seconds are not enough to describe this speed.

Blinking once is enough to clear this wave of blue and gold rice a hundred times!

One million kilograms of blue gold rice was sold for a total of one billion yuan.

The biggest benefit from this live broadcast is the rewards received from the public...

Ye Yang smiled. Since everyone gave him such face, he naturally wanted to have fun with everyone.

"Then let's make the excitement more lively!!!"

He directly scattered 99.9 billion in cash in various live broadcast rooms.

Even for a guy like him, this is the first time in the past few years that he has been so generous, which can be said to be overwhelming.

Who in this world has sent out 99.9 billion Chinese currency red envelopes?

Even if Su Xunzong, one of the Big Brother Emperors, subsidized so many countries in the world with his own efforts, it was only known as a 10 billion subsidy for Xun Duoduo...

"Oh my god, who has counted how much Ye Shenhao has given out in total?"

"At least hundreds of billions!"


This move directly shocked everyone's eyes.

Not only Chinese netizens were shocked, but netizens around the world were also shocked.

Hundreds of billions of red envelopes!

So generous!

Who else in the world can be so generous?

Not to mention that the money was all given by the audience before.

Have you ever seen a boss give all the money he earned in red envelopes to his workers?

What's more, it's 100 billion! ?

This kind of courage is enough to shock the world!

Only Ye Shenhao has such courage in the world!


Everyone was amazed.

Ye Yang smiled, and he was really happy in his heart.

He calculated that if everything went according to plan, at least 18 billion kilograms of rice would be sold a year.

That's 18 trillion Chinese yuan!

At that time, there will definitely be subsidies for poor households, plus price cuts after the shortage of materials.

Even if you can't get 18 trillion a year, it's still easy to make 8 or 9 trillion.

What a terrifying concept! ?

Although trillions of costs have been invested, compared with the returns, it's nothing...

It's equivalent to a payback in a few months.

"It's really a great plan."

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

No wonder science fiction novels regard going to the interstellar as an explosion point for the upgrading of all aspects of human beings.

Maybe he should change his mind.

There is no need for the interstellar era. Just by developing the moon, the world's economic model and economic structure will completely change...

The previous common sense will be rewritten!

(Second update)

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