The human economy will move towards a new era! ! !

Under the current economic conditions, the total cash flow in the world is only that large.

Money is not infinite. From the perspective of the entire human society, the size of the economy determines the size of the currency.

Even the world’s first and second economies such as the United States and China.

The cash flow is only at the level of tens of trillions. Ye Yang is the only one in the world who directly or indirectly holds more than tens of trillions of cash flows in his hands. There will be no other person or force that can compete with him. .

Even except for the two super economies of America and China, not many people can compare with his cash flow.

After all, except for these two super economies, the third one has been left to the west by these two.

This is the limit of humanity trapped on earth.

But now the moon has just been developed and blue gold rice has been developed. Its future output value will be able to provide at least trillions of cash flow every year! ! !

The industry scale of Blue Gold Rice alone is estimated to be worth tens of trillions at least.

The output value of several super consortiums is the highest, surpassing that of most countries.

Moreover, if there is enough time, when the next generation product of Blue Gold Rice is released, Blue Gold Rice can be exported internationally and the per capita distribution will increase.

It is estimated that it can provide tens of trillions of cash flows a year!

The industry scale exceeds one hundred billion! Even two hundred billion!

Ye Yangneng predicted that within ten years, the scale of the blue gold rice industry alone would exceed the GDP of the United States, the world's largest economy.

"It's a pity there's not enough time."

Ye Yang shook his head.

If there is no disaster, if things continue to develop like this, I don’t know how magnificent the future will be.

But now that the geomagnetic reversal is coming, it is still unclear whether we can survive this disaster alive...

No matter how brilliant the blueprint is, it has no future and is ultimately just a fantasy.


The future marine industry chain will inevitably create huge value.

As long as we survive this calamity, our future will be as bright as the sea of ​​stars.

The blue and gold rice flew into the sky in seconds, and the shock of hundreds of billions of red envelopes.

The whole world was shocked.

"This Ye Yang is amazing! One hundred billion can be given out as red envelopes!"

"You're simply not a human being!"

"Alas! China has risen too quickly now, leaving us far behind!"

"I'm so envious! It's only one thousand Chinese coins per catty, which is only over one hundred US dollars in U.S. dollars. It's so cheap! If we could sell it for one thousand US dollars per catty, I'd be very grateful to him."

"Haha, I can't even afford ten thousand dollars!"


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

All kinds of enthusiasm about blue and gold rice can be said to be lingering for a long time.

The core of creating this heat storm, Ye Yang, came to the Kyushu Military Industry No. 1 Factory and handed them the black technology upgrade technology of the submagnetic field device.


The person in charge's eyes widened. This Star Umbrella Plan is too crazy! ?

"General Ye, can this plan really succeed?"

Rao was from a military background and had always trusted Ye Yang immensely.

I couldn't help but ask this question.

After all, the plan in his hands is really too incredible.

Simply beyond the limits of human cognition.

"Yes. Don't worry, this is just the simplest task. After you finish this, there will be a more difficult task for you to do."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Is there anything more difficult?"

The person in charge was stunned.

He looked at the schedule in his hand.

He wants to build enough magnetic field generators of various types and powers in the shortest possible time, as well as enough satellites and aerospace aircraft carriers.

With the aerospace aircraft carrier as the core base station and all other satellites around the world as base points, relying on the super-strength magnetic field generator mounted on it, they complete extremely complex cooperation with each other to create a magnetic field coat that covers the entire earth around the outer space of the earth!

It should replace at least one-thirtieth of the current strength of the earth's own magnetic field!

What a crazy plan!

Isn’t the Earth’s magnetic field about to flip? ?

Then I will create my own earth's magnetic field! ! !

This involves the entire outer space of the earth, an extremely vast space, requiring extremely precise coordination, as well as unlimited funds and personnel scheduling capabilities to back it up!


Just thinking about that scene, the person in charge felt extremely trembling and excited!

He will witness one of the greatest miracles of mankind!

Installing elevators in the Himalayas, laying tiles on the Great Wall, and installing guardrails on the Pacific Ocean were once hailed as the three biggest problems in human engineering. Compared with the grandeur of the Star Umbrella, they all seem so stingy.

Or our structure is too small!

The person in charge sighed.

"I will give you black-level permission on this matter. You can mobilize all related resources. The initial budget for this project is 1.5 trillion Chinese coins, and there will be no upper limit in the future."

Ye Yang said lightly.

In the past, 1.5 trillion was a terrifying amount of money that seemed enough to affect the world. However, when faced with a super-thinking ancient project like clothing the earth, it seemed so-so.

It would be easier to eliminate other ancient sources as soon as possible and wait until the Blue Gold Rice Industry is officially on track.

Then there will be no shortage of money.

Ye Yang sighed, it would be great if the infusion of funds into his company was counted as personal expenses.

Unfortunately, the flow of funds within the group is not included in the rebate range of the system of getting rich quickly.


This activity has been put into practice.

China can only allocate so many resources, and all of them are used to do this.

"I don't know if the satellites of other countries will cooperate."

Ye Yang frowned.

Recently, he deliberately sent people to contact other countries.

It was found that countries such as the United States were not unaware of the geomagnetic reversal and the end of the world.

Some even discovered it earlier than Japan and China.

But there was no comment on it, and there was no plan, at least within the level he could find, there was no plan.

Either the other party hid it too deeply, or the other party did not do it at all.

And the reason why the other party did not do it is not difficult to think, that is, they were afraid that the news would cause panic after it was released, and there was no profit to be made by doing this.

So they just lay down and did not do it.

Ye Yang believed that the heads of the financial groups, the shadow emperors, and the leaders could do such things. In the face of a disaster, as long as it did not affect their money-making, they did not care how many low-level people who had nothing to do with them died.

However, he did not believe that they would be willing to die.

That's right...

The super rocket that Europe had built before was prepared for this, right?

Ye Yang sneered.

No wonder Europe and the United States had given up on the moon for many years, and now they are interested in it again and want to build a base on it directly.

Normally, there seems to be nothing wrong.

But with all the information Ye Yang has now.

He couldn't help but make such an inference in his heart.

The other party knew about the geomagnetic reversal a long time ago, and all this was just to facilitate their escape on the day of doomsday...

(First update)

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