Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1187 The Cold-blooded Peak Bosses

"Haha, that's true."

Ye Yang investigated the moon base plan over there and found some clues.

Building a Mars base is more difficult than they imagined.

They originally wanted to establish a second human base on Mars.

But the geomagnetic reversal happened too quickly, and it was no longer enough to fulfill this expectation. We can only find a way to settle on the moon first and protect ourselves with a small magnetic field.

As long as they survive those years.

Then you can return to Earth with stored human embryos.

By then, they will not only be the bosses of mankind, but also the restarters of human civilization. They will go down in history and become god-like existences.

"The abacus was so calculated that it could be heard from as far away as the Pacific Ocean."

Ye Yang chuckled.

He couldn't let these rubbish plans succeed.

With Huaxia's current capabilities and the confidence that the power he has demonstrated has given everyone, he is confident that he can still stabilize Huaxia after releasing the news.

But he couldn't guarantee those outside.

Therefore, he still has to negotiate.

He directly released the news, either accepting the negotiations, or he would officially announce the geomagnetic reversal and their true purpose of building the moon base.

Shadow emperors, conglomerate owners, oligarchs, hidden families, and leaders: "We refused at first. The threat from Ye Yang was really too terrifying, so we had no choice but to agree."

They are the real controllers behind the scenes of this world.

A large part of the outside world is capital, and all directions are naturally controlled by capital.

They are the characters who truly represent everything.

Ruitu Country's status as a neutral country has been abolished during the wave of sanctions against Ye Yang.

Ye Yang directly designated the meeting in Magic City.

At this time, he held a big bargaining chip in his hands, and these guys naturally did not dare to violate it, and they all agreed.

Time quickly came to the end of May.

Tomorrow is Chinese Children's Day.

The controllers of the real direction of the world have all landed today.

Magic City, Empire Financial Building.

Ye Yang sat on the top floor, waiting for the arrival of the big guys.

While waiting, he drank a cup of coffee and looked out at the bustling street from the window on the top floor. This was the place where his dream began.

Just when he was sighing.

A lot of big guys arrived one after another.

After arriving, he sat behind the table and chairs.

Ye Yang is one of the wills of China, and he is fully responsible for dealing with the reversal of the earth. He is the representative of China today.


Everyone present is the deepest controller of the world.

Each one of them influences the direction of the world by stomping their feet.

Except for Ye Yang, there were a total of forty-eight people.

They have different expressions and come from every continent and country.

They all have the momentum that the spine of the world should have, but the atmosphere is slightly gloomy.

Just imagine a few months ago, who in the world could do this?

Just gather them in the same room?

The most important thing is that they can't refuse, they are forced to come.

This Ye Yang's rise was too fast, and as soon as he rose, he could not be suppressed. It was really shocking and exceeded common sense.

Most of them saw the real Ye Yang for the first time. At this moment, they were all looking at this Chinese young man.

He is so different that even if we look at human history, we may not be able to find such an existence.

"Tell me, what do you mean?"

An oligarch spoke calmly and said.


"Then I'll get straight to the point."

Ye Yang looked around and saw that this was a round table meeting.

There is no priority.

"You must have all heard about the geomagnetic reversal and the end of the world."

Ye Yang pointed out the topic directly.

"The geomagnetic reversal is only expected to occur, and it may not lead to a geomagnetic reversal. Mr. Ye does not need to be so alarmist."

The Shadow Emperor said lightly.

"Oh? Do you really think so?"

Ye Yang sneered and retorted: "What is the initial purpose of the super rocket plan and the construction of the lunar base? You don't need me to present the evidence in front of you, right?"


Many top human figures have twinkling eyes.

"Now that you know this, express your opinion."

said one of the leaders.

"You, China, are the first to build a lunar base now. You already have the ability to escape when the time comes. Why are you looking for us?"

The Shadow Emperor said coldly.

Ye Yang frowned: "Have you never thought about the possibility of saving the entire world?"

"Do you know how much this costs?"

"What do we get from saving the world? Can we make money?"

“We don’t like this world very much in the first place. After it is destroyed, wouldn’t it be good for us to return to Earth and establish a new era?

At that time we will be the gods of the new era and the fathers of the new humanity! A civilization completely in our hands! Isn’t it more fulfilling than us making some money? And, what was money then? "

"To me, it's just a bunch of dead outsiders who have no value to me. I don't feel like I have any obligation to use my money to save them, right?"

"Furthermore, with the current level of technology, it is almost impossible to combat the various problems caused by geomagnetic reversal."

"There are only about three years left. Even if we spend all the money to build an underground shelter, how many people can be saved by then?"

"We are also part of the human race. We go to the moon. By then, the human race will experience a catastrophe, and only one in a million people will be left.

We will do our best to build the population, and only one in ten thousand people will survive. Objectively speaking, it is just a change in the survival rate. What is the difference between saving them and not saving them?"


Countless reasons came out of the mouths of these cold-blooded consortium leaders, oligarchs and others.

Their reasons are different, but it is undeniable that the vast majority of them believe that they are no longer human. They think that those people at the bottom are not the same species as them, and there is no point in saving them.

Only a small number of people still have some humanity and compassion, but they think that the return on investment is too low and it is too stupid to do such a thing.

Ye Yang sneered: "You are the human decision-makers supported by human society. At this time, human beings are in trouble, but you think it has nothing to do with you?"

"Our success is only related to ourselves. Others are unsuccessful because they are garbage. If they are as successful as me, can they also escape this disaster?"

A consortium leader responded confidently.

(Second update)

Jiuyang Small Theater: If you think there are any holes in this book that have not been filled, you can leave a message here. It’s the end now, it’s time to fill them~

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