Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1188 The world's most crazy person?

Ye Yang shook his head.

The bandit mentality of this group of people is deeply rooted in their bones.

Everyone is extremely selfish and completely ignores objectivity. In terms of benefits, they assert that all this is due to their own efforts.

In terms of benefits that they have not obtained, they will tear their faces and demand equality.

Typical double-standard dogs.

But this is a group of the richest double-standard dogs in the world.

"You were born at the top of the human race. Your position means that you should be responsible for the human group."

Ye Yang was amused by these people's ridiculous words: "If you were not born in such a family, with your talent, you couldn't even go to college in the United States, right?"

He pointed at the nose of a shadow emperor and sneered.

"You are really too disrespectful to me!"

The shadow emperor frowned when he was scolded by pointing at his nose.

But what Ye Yang said was also true. Children from poor families in the United States can only go to schools with happy education, and they don't even teach any real knowledge, let alone go to a fart university.

Even if you have superior consciousness, you have realized from childhood that knowledge changes destiny and have learned knowledge very well.

But if you don't know the powerful and wealthy, and can't get their recommendation letters, you still can't get into the most advanced universities.

"I'm just disappointed."

Ye Yang shook his head.

When he was an ordinary child, he naively thought that the big guys who controlled the direction of the world were born righteous, had a vision, and had ideas. They were the people who took the world as their responsibility and had grand pursuits and ideals as written in the book.

But now that he saw it with his own eyes, he had to say that he was extremely disappointed.

If these people were not born rich, they would not be as good as butchers.

Even many ordinary people know what responsibility and justice are.

These people have no such concept at all.

"Since you are so righteous, why do you hide this news? If you really think that what you did is clear in conscience, why don't you dare to announce it?"

Ye Yang asked with a sneer.


The whole audience was silent.

The people who were righteous just now were silenced by this question.

"In the final analysis, you are just a group of thieves who brainwash themselves. Ask yourself, do you believe what you say!?"

Ye Yang said coldly.

"Ye Yang! Watch your words!"

The head of a hidden family shouted angrily.

"I think I have been as polite as possible to people like you."

Ye Yang said lightly with contempt in his eyes.

"You are a little too much!"

"Everyone present is the best in this world! You take yourself too seriously!"

The Shadow Emperor shouted angrily.


Ye Yang looked around the scene and sneered: "Then why hasn't anyone answered my question yet?"


Everyone fell silent again.

"What you said may make sense, but we will not agree with your suggestion."

"Yes, reason and reality have never been the same thing. Reason is reason, reality is reality, and we have our own choices."

"Do you think you have the power to influence the thoughts and choices of all the top people in the world present here!?"

The head of a chaebol laughed disdainfully.

"You have been shining recently. First, you defeated the combined forces of the four major financial groups, then destroyed a large ancient source, and then displayed the super-era armor and launched the aerospace mothership.

We have to admit that you are indeed a rare true hero in the human world, but it only makes us look at you sideways. If you think you have the ability to make everyone present obey your ideas, it would be too naive."

Ye Yang looked at the chaebol leader with a playful look in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

The black beard chaebol leader frowned: "Anyone here has the power behind him, which is not weaker than the four super financial groups you defeated before. You tried your best to break the blockade of the four major financial groups. Do you want to fight against all of us here by yourself?"

His voice was full of threats.

The others were silent, obviously agreeing with this person's statement.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

A heavy pressure was brewing silently. This was the pressure from the 48 top bosses in the world. No one could remain calm if they were present.

But Ye Yang was not affected at all.

"If you really want to start a war, I will accompany you to the end."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Are you crazy!!!"

Everyone present frowned.

I have heard that Ye Yang is a madman for a long time. Today, he is indeed worthy of his reputation.

You know, they basically represent the economic entity of the entire world. 70% to 80% of the money in the world has a direct or indirect relationship with these 40 or so people.

Facing the full will of such a group of top human beings.

He actually said that if you want to start a war, you will accompany you to the end! ?

"I now doubt whether you are a human being."

The Shadow Emperor laughed out loud.

After all, this was too funny to them.

From birth to now, they have never dared to think that someone would say such words to them in such an occasion.

But at this moment, he really heard this sentence.

Although the people present did not burst into laughter, their expressions were unnatural. Obviously, they also felt that Ye Yang's words were a bit too ridiculous.

"The premise is that you can withstand the consequences of the moon base conspiracy becoming public, and you put aside your past grudges and unite together."

Ye Yang sneered.

"Do you think we can't join forces? Those are the rules that apply to normal chaebol owners, but for a lunatic like you, we don't mind joining forces to destroy you!"

The leader of a chaebol looked at Ye Yang coldly.

This person is so special.

Putting them under unprecedented pressure.

The forces present are all at the pinnacle of the world. Those who have existed for a long time have passed the test of hundreds of thousands of years.

Even if they read through their respective family histories and read through the history of mankind, they would still be hard-pressed to find another crazy person like Ye Yang.

"You can give it a try."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Now that China has no nuclear bombs, it has absolute superiority in force and control of space.

I have a gun in my hand and I don’t panic.

Moreover, with the backing of the Blue Gold Rice Industry, he will inevitably reach the top of the world in the future. He is no longer afraid of going to war with more super consortiums.

Even if this thing really happened, what should he fear? ?


Everyone looked at Ye Yang's expression, trying to find any evidence of bluffing, but unfortunately, they failed.

This man is really not afraid of starting a war with them at the same time!

They feel humiliated.

But at the same time, they also know that a threat is just a threat after all and cannot become a reality, just like they will not save mankind regardless of the return ratio.

"You don't need to threaten us. China is the first to establish a lunar base on the moon. You will be the most uncomfortable when the news is spread. We don't believe that you dare to really spread the news of the geomagnetic flip and the end of the world!"

(First update)

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