Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1189 One Trillion Dollars per Family, US Dollars

"So that's what you think."

Ye Yang nodded in understanding, revealing a smile that made everyone present incomprehensible.

"What do you mean? Is what we said not true?"

A shadow emperor shouted.

"I never talk nonsense."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Since I use it as a bargaining chip, I must have the confidence that I will not be backfired by it. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then I will naturally push the chips in my hand."

"If you agree to my conditions now, you will only lose some money."

"When this information is made public, you may lose your life."


Ye Yang's words made many peak beings present fidget.

Looking at each other.

It must be said that what Ye Yang said may not be false.

However, it may also be a scam.

"What good will this do for you? We are all doing business. It is not a wise choice to offend our future business partners for these ignorant lowly people."

An economic oligarch said lightly.

Ye Yang glanced at him and raised his lips: "Who told you that I am a businessman? I have never been a businessman. I just want to be myself with a clear conscience.

On the contrary, you, each of you is called the pinnacle of mankind, but you limit yourself and live in the category of so-called businessmen, unable to get out of the settings you set for yourself. You are still complacent about this, but you are just slaves of money."

Ye Yang's words made them spit fire in their hearts.

As the existence at the top of the world, when was he humiliated like this?

"I think you can only show off your eloquence! Tell me, what is your confidence? What is your plan? Just mindlessly saving these untouchables! These ordinary people!?"

An oligarch was broken by Ye Yang's ridicule. At this time, he finally couldn't help it. He stood up and shouted directly.


Ye Yang smiled: "This is the first sentence you really asked about saving mankind today."

It's really funny to think about it.

They have all reached the pinnacle of mankind.

The priority of these people is still money and interests. They are really small-minded!

They talked about the topic of the meeting for a long time, but they were willing to mention it only after he broke their defense.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He directly put the general plan of the Star Umbrella Plan on the table.

"This is my plan."

Ye Yang looked around the room and spoke solemnly.


Many bigwigs looked at each other, and the anger in their hearts finally dissipated a little.

It seems that Ye Yang came to them not only to blackmail them, but also came prepared! ?

That's right, they didn't believe that Ye Yang really wanted to save human society.

Because this doesn't conform to their common sense and their worldview.

They don't believe that they have already stood at this height, and they will really consider the life and death of those low-level creatures.

Really willing to lose some of their own interests in exchange for the so-called righteousness.

It's just stupid!


However, they changed their minds and their thoughts became much clearer.

This is Ye Yang!

They believe that he is one of the biggest lunatics in human history. Even if he does these things that violate common sense, it's nothing to be surprised about.


More and more bigwigs got Ye Yang's Star Umbrella Plan.

All of them widened their eyes.

"Are you really crazy, or are you just pretending to be crazy?"

The Shadow Emperor roared.

"This is simply insane! Delusion! Daydreaming!"

"Let all the satellites launched in the world be equipped with your magnetic field device? How do we know what device it is! This is a conspiracy! We will never agree to it!!!"

Many bigwigs had strong emotional rebounds.

Ye Yang smiled: "In a few years, the solar storm will destroy everything, and these satellites will fall down at that time. Why don't you give it a try? I think you just think the cost is too high?"

Many peak beings were hit by Ye Yang's words and snorted coldly.

Ye Yang shook his head: "I want you to participate in this plan. Even if the old satellites are not installed, at least a sufficient number of new satellites must be built, even if some satellites are built specifically for this plan."

"Who do you think you are? Let us join this plan!?"

"In your plan, even if the Star Umbrella Plan is really successful, it can only be equivalent to one-thirtieth of the current Earth's magnetic field strength. Most of the human beings will still die. I don't know what the meaning of this plan is!"

Someone sneered.

"Who told you that I only have this one plan?"

Ye Yang retorted: "This is just the easiest one to achieve among the three-step plan."

"What a lunatic."

They all shook their heads.

"Even if you know that the money in your hands now will be waste paper on the day of the end of the world, you are not willing to take out a part of it and invest it in saving mankind now, right?"

Ye Yang smiled. This group of people is simply hopeless.

He resisted the urge to directly start an economic war, sweep these people away, and integrate the world's economy.

Because he knew that this was not realistic.

To achieve that kind of strength, we have to wait until the blue gold rice industry is truly rooted in the world.

Now, it is not possible.

"I can offer a maximum of 100 billion US dollars."

Someone said.

"I can support ten satellites."

"I will provide some resources."

These big guys were reluctant, fearing that Ye Yang would really announce this matter.

China has a thorough rescue plan and is investing in it, but they can't come up with anything. If people know that these peak beings have abandoned humanity, they will probably be hung on street lights the next day.

"Are you raising fish here?"

Ye Yang slapped the table directly: "You sponsored five tiles to lay tiles on the Great Wall, and you still think you are very generous!?"

"Ye Yang, don't go too far!"

"This is our bottom line, you can take it if you want."

"Not bad."

All the big guys frowned.

"One trillion dollars a family, this is my bottom line. If you don't agree, the matter will be reported in the newspaper today, not tomorrow!"

Ye Yang stood up directly and left his bottom line: "If I don't see your consent letter before 12 o'clock tonight, the consequences will be at your own risk! Saving humanity is not my responsibility alone. If you want to throw away the task on your shoulders, I will put it back for you!"

He slammed the door and left.

Leaving the big guys with confused faces.

Although they claim to be the world's top and control the world's most powerful economic groups, the request for one trillion US dollars still makes them wonder if their ears are crooked...

(Second update)

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