Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1190: One-on-eleven, the domineering spirit

"One trillion dollars! We really have to cut our flesh!"

They all looked gloomy.

What Ye Yang said was not a trillion dollars in cash flow.

Because many consortiums cannot come up with so much cash.

Even if they spent all their wealth, only half of the people present could come up with this level of cash flow.

What Ye Yang said was to take out assets of about one trillion dollars, including production workshops, to support this cause.

"I'm ready to accept it."

An oligarch said.

"Chichikov! Are you crazy!?"

The Shadow Emperor spoke.

"I gave up on humanity before because I felt that there was nothing to do, and no matter what I did, it was futile. Since there is such a method to save humanity by percentage, even if only one percent can be saved in the end, I think it is worth it."

The oligarch Chichikov said lightly.

"Well, I am the same. Since Ye Yang proposed a plan, I support it. I agree with his concept. Humanity is going to be destroyed. We who stand at the top and control most of the resources of mankind do nothing. It is against human nature."

There are also a few giants who speak out.

Although capital can change people's thinking.

There are always outliers in any group.

These people are the ones with different ideas among these giants.


"I don't believe he really dares to spread this news!"

Someone gritted his teeth: "Whoever wants to support can support, I won't do it! I won't pay a penny for those low-level trash."

"It's hard to say for others, but if it's Ye Yang, he definitely dares to do it."

Someone said.


Others also agreed.

In the end, five giants on the scene agreed with Ye Yang's plan.

Twenty people chose to compromise because of Ye Yang's threat.

Twelve people decided to wait and see how the situation develops in the end.

The last eleven giants firmly disagreed, saying that no matter what Ye Yang said, they would not pay a penny.

The next day.

Ye Yang also saw the decisions of these giants.

He raised the corner of his mouth and was quite satisfied with the result.

This has exceeded his expectations.

Originally thought that these guys were so high-sounding, they would be die-hards, defending their own ideas to the death.

The result is that they are all fence-sitters and weaklings.

"You can only blame yourself for being too blind."

Ye Yang looked at the list of the eleven companies, and his playful eyes gradually turned cold.

Now most of the giants agree with his plan, and the remaining dozen fence-sitters are wavering.

He didn't want to spread the news in advance. After all, the news of the end of the world will inevitably lead to world turmoil.

It's just a difference in the size of the movement. If you can avoid tearing your face, try not to do it.

Since it has been decided not to announce the news.

Then, there is only one last option left.

After he made up his mind, he sat on the chair of the round table meeting.

The eleven giants all looked at him with their eyes hanging, and snorted coldly, showing their firm attitude.

"Since you are going to go against humanity, I have no other choice."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"What are you going to do?"

"What can you do?"

"Announce? Then announce it!"


The eleven giants all sneered.

They have a special status, their power has long been out of the scope of a certain country, they belong to international hot money, and they do not identify themselves as people of any country.

They think they are "superiors" who are above human society.

So what if it is announced? Will the dragon that transcends the mortal world be killed by the anger of ants?

"I will not announce this news."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The other giants were relieved.

After the news is announced, it is secondary for the betrayed humans to settle accounts with them, because they have money and it is not so easy to find them.

The most direct impact is likely to be that the end of the world is coming, and everyone starts to collectively give up, no longer work, go out and do whatever they want.

Zero-yuan shopping will be popular all over the world.

The world is about to be destroyed, what is the point of rules?

Most people start to lie down, and they can't make money...

"Haha, to put it bluntly, you still don't dare!"

"See it!? No matter how harsh you say it, in the end, you don't dare to gamble!"

A giant stood up and said coldly: "I won't play this boring psychological game with you anymore, never see you again!"

A giant who was watching the situation also wanted to take the opportunity to express his position and stood up and left.

But he heard a sneer, echoing in the round table meeting room.

"Yeah, I don't have the patience to play with you anymore."

Ye Yang's voice was quiet.

"What do you mean!?"

The giants who stood up all felt bad in their hearts and frowned at Ye Yang.

"I, Ye Yang, officially declare war on you. Now, at this moment!!!"

Ye Yang pounded the table with his fist and looked at the people who stood up with a firm look.


The scene fell silent.

All the giants opened their mouths wide.

They were so scared by Ye Yang's choice that they couldn't speak for a long time...

Those are eleven top international giants!

Declare war, declare war! ? ! ? !

They all felt dreamy, as if they were in the clouds.

“Am I dreaming!?”

“Mr. Ye…are you kidding?”


Some of the giants present were laughing and crying.

Some fence-sitters who were about to stand up sat back down again.

Ye Yang’s move was a bit too shocking.

They were completely frightened.

This man is not only a ruthless person, but also a wolf flame! ! !

He is at least dozens of points more ruthless than a ruthless person...

He dares to say anything and do anything!

“Are you crazy!?”

Although these giants have had this question in their minds more than once in the past few days, they still couldn’t help but blurt it out at this time.

“You are a bit too crazy!”

“I admire your courage to challenge eleven world-class giants alone, but too much courage is stupid!”

“You are just courting your own destruction!”

“I’ll give you a chance to take back what you said just now, and we will pretend that we have never heard anything…”

Eleven giants spoke one after another, and they all couldn’t believe what they heard.

Ye Yang raised his lips: "It's the same no matter how many times I say it. As long as you walk out of this door with a refusal attitude, you are declaring war on me, Ye Yang! If you want to die, just step out and try!"


The eleven giants stared at Ye Yang with angry eyes.

But even with the majesty of holding the highest authority in the world for a long time, the eleven of them joined forces, but they could not suppress Ye Yang.

He was still so blazing, just sitting there, his momentum could suppress everything!

It was not just Ye Yang sitting there.

It was the power of countless gambling victories, the strength of destroying the four major financial groups, the iron blood of overthrowing a major ancient source, and the domineering of holding the aerospace mothership and the Fiery Sun Mecha!

In front of such a peerless madman who cannot be found in human history.

Even if they are known as the top of the world, they only have the fear of being suppressed in their hearts...

(First update)

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