Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1191 The Nine Giants and the Ignorant People


Under such intense gazes, two top giants sat back with fear in their hearts.

This is tantamount to tacit admission that he has given up his attitude of refusing to support Ye Yang!

This was unimaginable in the past!

There is no way to force such top financial groups and reclusive families to bow their heads, as they have never changed their decisions.

This iron-clad rule was completely shattered today under Ye Yang's gaze!

The other human spine-level giants present looked at Ye Yang in surprise.

This young man is really...

terrible! ! !


The most frightening thing is when common sense is broken.

The wallflowers were completely resigned to their fate.

A trillion-dollar industry is really only a small part of the overall wealth they control.

He can be said to control the world and be respected as the top of the world. Which giant out there does not have a wealth of about three trillion US dollars to his name?

What's more, this is what they should do.

Just like what Ye Yang said, they wanted to evade responsibilities, but Ye Yang just put these responsibilities back on their shoulders.

The remaining nine top consortiums all sneered: "It's no wonder that you are usually called the top of the world, but now you are frightened like this by a young man. It is really embarrassing!"

"You, Ye Yang, really think you can withstand the joint attack of the nine world super consortiums?"

"Originally, this alliance was impossible to form. It was you, Ye Yang, who personally forced us to join together. It was you who dug your own grave. You will regret it when you are buried!"

"I have to say, you are crazy enough, but too crazy! If you are too arrogant, you will only destroy yourself!"

The nine people are all die-hards who believe that they are beyond human beings. They would rather fight economic war than support the construction of the Star Umbrella Project.

"If you don't have strength, that's called madness. If you have strength, that's called confidence."

Ye Yang glanced at the nine people: "You can leave, but this will be the last time you call yourself the world's top person before we meet next time."

"Haha, the frog in the well, I want you to see what is the power that shakes up the world!"

"In the past six hundred years, all the forces that offended the Gosset family have perished. Only the Gosset family has survived forever, and you, Ye Yang, are no exception!!!"

All nine people rolled up their sleeves and left with extremely gloomy expressions.

Although the harsh words were spoken loudly, if the nine families hadn't joined forces, none of them would have dared to say no to the current Ye Yang.

Ye Yang now is a bit too scary.

It has already surpassed the category of super consortium.

It has developed into an absolute giant, overlooking any consortium, oligarch, or even shadow emperor in the world.


After the heads of the nine top financial groups and families walked out, they immediately formed an alliance.

Let go of historical grudges and prepare to advance and retreat together.

These reclusive families and top multinational conglomerates have been around for at least one or two hundred years, and some, like the Gosset family, have been around for almost seven hundred years.

As the world's top forces, they fight overtly and secretly, and fight for hegemony. Naturally, there are countless unexplainable historical grievances between them.

But at this time, because of Ye Yang, they had to unite.

"He has defeated four super consortiums by himself, and the Balor Consortium among them is ranked in the top ten among dozens of top forces. Its strength is difficult to predict.

Nowadays, Japan's new chaebol has been cultivated and the Black Source and Sals Consortium have been annexed. Make Sanxing and Balor bow their heads. Now the scale of assets has expanded to an immeasurable level. "

"According to my estimation, he can remain undefeated even if he fights at least seven superpowers at the same time. But now that our nine major financial groups have united together and worked together, we will definitely win!"

"Yes, the reason why the four major consortiums lost was also because of internal discord and mutual calculations. Let's not make the same mistakes again!"

"Although I look down on Ye Yang in words, I must regard him as the strongest enemy in history and never let up!"


These are pretty respectable things to say.

But only you know what you are thinking in your heart.

Historically, these families even had blood feuds with each other, so it was impossible to work together. If we didn't take the opportunity to stab each other, we would be showing each other the greatest respect.

At noon, Ye Yang's personal account posted a message.

It once again made waves in the world.

"Announce sanctions on nine of the world's top conglomerates, chaebols, oligarchs, and reclusive families all at once!?"

"Is the economic war starting again!?"

"This!? This world is so crazy!?"

"Mr. Ye, we really can't take any time off! If we don't see him on trending searches within three days, then the world must be destroyed."

"He can always bring me some news that shocks the world!"

"Ye Shenhao is domineering! One versus nine!"

"How did these families offend him? I think he is inflated, right!? He has some strength but he doesn't know what his last name is, and he launches an economic war out of nowhere. Haha, I hope these nine families will join forces to kill him!"

"I think so! With a little money, your ambition will expand! Do you want to conquer the whole world?"

"The war between big guys at that level is definitely not over trivial matters. You don't know the inside story, so you're just typing on the keyboard here!?"

"Hehe, just knocking, what's wrong? Am I wrong!? This Ye Yang is a warmonger. He launched an economic war to satisfy his own selfish desires! He disregards the security of the world's economic structure!"

"That's right! I've always felt that he is not a good person!"


There are all kinds of voices on the Internet.

At this time, international attention has been raised. Everyone has different positions and naturally says different things.

"Boss, you are obviously trying to save them! But they!!!"

Yu Momo pursed his lips and looked at these comments, and he was so angry that his chest was stuffy.

With Ye Yang's ability, if he stood on the side of those giants, abandoned mankind, and betrayed mankind.

In the past two years, he can build a perfect small base on the moon, send all the people he cares about in it, and safely survive the doomsday.

After a few years of geomagnetic reversal, he will return to Earth with human embryos, restart human civilization, and become the father of the new human race.

But Ye Yang did not do this. He took on all the responsibilities that a human peak and a Chinese will should bear.

Even going to war with many of the world's top financial groups, chaebols, oligarchs, and hidden families for this, but there are so many keyboard warriors who don't know right from wrong and say such ignorant words...

(Second update)

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