Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1192 Crow Mouth Lulong. Gessette

"Don't pay too much attention to it."

Ye Yang shook his head.

After all, most people don't know the inside story of this matter, so it's understandable to be led by the rhythm. Just write it down in a small notebook first, and settle the score later.

"Haha, this kid is really, before the official war, he was directly scolded by public opinion."

"Let's add fuel to the flames!"

"That's right! Let him be completely killed on the moral high ground!"

"Hahaha... Don't they have an old saying in China that an unjust army will be defeated!"


The nine top giants all sneered, looking at the surging discussion on the Internet, they were all gloating.

After all, now they are standing on the opposite side of Ye Yang, and these ordinary people attacking Ye Yang is helping them.

"It's really tragic for Ye Yang. He was originally trying to help these low-class people survive, but now he is being scolded like this."

"It's ridiculous. This is human nature. He can't see this clearly, and still has undue pity and ridiculous justice in his heart. It's ridiculous..."

The nine giants were talking to each other, and their words were full of ridicule.

However, soon, different voices appeared on the Internet.

At first, only Ye Yang's die-hard fans and people who believed in him spoke out to support him.

But as time changed, many ordinary people also expressed their opinions.

"These guys that Mr. Ye is attacking are the big bosses who are exploiting us. They kill people without bloodshed and eat people without showing their bones. Shouldn't they be sanctioned!"

"Whose side are you guys standing on?"

"How ridiculous! You can tell at a glance that they are the water army of those companies!? After so many years, someone finally dares to resist these powerful people and top financial groups. Isn't attacking them helping us?

I don't care what the reason is for Mr. Ye to launch this economic war, but I believe that this is a war that is beneficial to us!"

"Yes... I was led by the rhythm before! I just realized it now..."


Many people woke up and started to fight back.

Those who criticized Ye Yang before were all called running dogs of the financial group.

The two forces argued endlessly, and for a time, all parts of the world were caught in a wave of discussion.

As time fermented.

Another force appeared on the Internet!

"It is said that the internal cause of this war is very complicated, but for some reason, Mr. Ye cannot explain it, but according to absolutely reliable information, this is beneficial to us ordinary people!"

Once this statement was put forward, it quickly swept the world as if there was an invisible hand behind it.

Every corner was occupied by this voice.

"Is the power of public opinion in Ye Yang's hands so strong?"

The nine giants were all dumbfounded.

It is completely unbelievable that the construction of public opinion channels consumes a lot of energy and resources.

Without time as a basis, no matter how powerful Ye Yang is, he can't really use the public opinion resources in his hands to fill every corner of the Internet world!

Even the public opinion power shown in the previous economic war with the four super consortiums is not enough!

Don't say that they are confused, even Ye Yang himself is a little confused.

Who did this! ?

There must be a pusher behind this powerful voice.

But he didn't instruct his public opinion channels to build momentum?

Soon, he raised the corner of his mouth and completely understood the logic behind this matter...

It's them.

Those other giants who did not participate in this economic war.

They are speaking for themselves.

After all, they are afraid that they will lose the war of public opinion too thoroughly, then they may be desperate and directly make the truth public!

So, they all used the public opinion resources in their hands to help Ye Yang.

The nine giants soon figured out the inside story.

"Well, there is only this way..."

These giants control most of the resources in the world. If they use the resources accumulated in their hands, they can achieve the current effect.

"Damn, these fence-sitters!"

"What's the difference between this and going to war with us directly!? Although they didn't go to war with us directly! But they are cheering for Ye Yang!!!"

"They are damned..."

The nine giants were all so angry that their teeth itched.

"Just be thankful that these fence-sitters didn't follow suit and declare war on us because of Ye Yang's declaration of war. If that were the case, we would really have a headache."

Lulong*Gessett, the head of the Gessett family, said coldly.

"Well... indeed."

It is hard for the other giants not to agree with what the head of the Gessett family said.


Just when they were comforting themselves.

A bunch of announcements quickly became hot searches.


[The Barol Group officially imposes sanctions on the following nine groups, families, and economic groups! ]

[The Sanxing Group officially imposes sanctions on the following nine groups, families, and economic groups! ]

[The Japan Emerging Group Federation announces its full support for Mr. Ye! Sanctions on the following nine groups! ]


"These lackeys!"

"This Ye Yang really raised a few good dogs!!!"

The nine giants were all so angry that their teeth itched.

Before, they were the ones who let the dogs bite people, but now they are bitten by other people's dogs in turn. Of course, they are in a state of collapse.

And it is extremely unhappy!

"Ahem, it's expected. Fortunately, it's just a few dogs he raised that followed him to punish us, so the worst situation hasn't happened yet. It would be the most terrifying thing if other giants also followed Ye Yang to punish us. "

The head of the Gosset family, Lulong Gossett, waved his hand, indicating that this was all a minor problem.

However, just after he said this.

[The Kesmerlon family announced sanctions against the following nine major consortiums and families! 】

[The Arab League announced that it will target the following nine major financial groups and families...]

[Oligarch of Russia, Chichikov’s personal account is confirmed, regarding the following nine major consortiums...]


Several more consortiums announced one after another that they had joined Ye Yang's anti-nine major consortium alliance...


The nine major financial groups were completely confused.

"Ahem, fortunately..."

Lulong Gosset, the patriarch of the Gosset family, coughed a few times and was about to say something.

"Shut up!!! You are such a crow's mouth!!!"

"That's right!"

"You are the greatest help to us if you don't speak!!!"


The other eight giants are still worried.

This Lulong is really a crow's mouth, and he is still at the level of a regular weapon. He will get whatever he says...


Lulong Geset sneered and said no more.

The Gossett family is the most powerful existence in the current Nine Giant Alliance, but these people are so disrespectful to him!

It made him feel very unhappy.

"No one else has declared war, right?"

He muttered.

[It is reported that one of the leading consortiums in Europe, the Moss Consortium, is interested in...]

"Depend on!"

Lulong Geset was so upset that he hit the table and began to suspect that he was the reincarnation of a crow spirit...

(First update)

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