
These few companies were the minority giants who supported Ye Yang’s plan from the beginning.

At this time, following Ye Yang’s decision, they also declared war on these companies and stood on Ye Yang’s side completely.

“Damn it!!!”

The nine giants were all under great pressure.

If they were just dealing with Ye Yang, they would still have some confidence.

But with these families and consortiums, they would feel guilty.

After all, in their assessment, Ye Yang alone could at least fight against seven top consortiums undefeated.

But now four more top consortiums have joined Ye Yang’s side.

All of a sudden, the offense and defense were reversed!

Two-level reversal! ?

They all found it hard to accept this feeling.

“I just hope those companies are just talking and don’t really do it.”

Declaring war to show their attitude is also a common method among top bosses.

But after declaring war, whether they will really exhaust their family assets to participate in the war is not certain.


Until they received the news that those companies launched an economic offensive against them in their respective areas of expertise, their inner fantasy was finally completely shattered.

These companies are really coming!!!

They came up and killed them right away!

Really beat them up!!!

They screamed in pain.

The previous arrangements were only for Ye Yang, and they didn't expect these companies to get involved, so they didn't prepare for those areas at all. For a while, they were caught off guard and were in a mess.

"Damn, why do I feel that they are more attentive than us..."

The forces under the names of the nine giants have not been united, and they can't come up with a plan to integrate resources.

These consortiums that joined later, on the contrary, united as one, as if they had discussed it before, and beat the fallen dogs.


The actions of these companies surprised Ye Yang.

He had already prepared himself to face the whole world alone, and never thought that he would have any comrades in this matter.

But today, these top human forces proved it with actual actions.

He is not alone on this road to saving mankind!

His mood suddenly calmed down.

No matter what step those companies can achieve in the end, at least their attitude made him see some bright meaning.


There are four major consortiums plus the power in Ye Yang's hands, plus the three puppet consortiums under Ye Yang.

It is basically equivalent to Ye Yang's own power, plus the seven super consortiums, fighting the Nine Giants Alliance.

This is extremely terrifying.

It can basically be called unstoppable.

The nine giants are already wary of each other and cannot work together.

Now they are being held hostage by Ye Yang with the seven consortiums.

It's not that the nine giants are not strong, but the power of Ye Yang plus the seven consortiums is too strong, which has long exceeded the scope of common sense.

Coupled with the deterrence of the aerospace mothership and the Lieyang No. 1 mecha, they dare not use black means at all.

The previous collapse of the Sals Consortium has proved one thing to them.

If they play dirty, Ye Yang will only be darker than them!

Want to play hard with Ye Yang? Sorry, he is the hardest one in the world!

"If we continue to waste like this, we will be in danger!"


The nine giants are all terrified.

Originally, they thought that if the nine giants joined forces, even Ye Yang would not be able to compete.

They were invincible. Even if they could not destroy Ye Yang, they could at least deter the giants and make them evade responsibility without having to pay a trillion dollars in rescue money.

But now it seems that if they continue to fight, their losses may be far more than the loss of a trillion dollars in assets!

Maybe, they will really be uprooted by Ye Yang!

The Sals Consortium is a lesson for them! ! !

"How about we... give in? Compromise."

A giant said.

They are called giants, and they seem to be very high-end, but they cannot escape their nature as businessmen.

Everything is based on profit.

Once it is determined that this is not the best solution for profit, the strategy will be changed immediately.

"Then where is our face!?"

The head of a consortium frowned.

"My Gossett family has stood in the world for six or seven hundred years, and no one has ever dared to humiliate our family like this! If you are scared, kneel down in front of Ye Yang!

My family stands proudly in the world, and has long been free from the constraints of rules and transcends everything!

Over the years, emerging forces have risen and fallen. I don’t know how many so-called top financial groups in the world have risen and fallen in these seven hundred years. My Gossett family has stood firm, and Ye Yang can’t bring us down either!!!"

Lulong*Gossett proudly held his chest out, with absolute pride.


The other families looked at each other.

The Gossett family is indeed the strongest among the nine giants.

But so what?

They don’t want to accompany the Gossett family to the funeral. If they are killed by themselves, it will be a loss.


Just when several of them were thinking of retreating.

A message came to them at the same time.

"Huh? Tongji Club? Why contact us at this time?"

Lulong*Gossett frowned, a little surprised.

"I also received the news."


The nine giants were all a little surprised.

As the masters of the most powerful forces in the world, they naturally had many dealings with this ancient mysterious organization that was almost the longest-standing in the world.

Even many members of their respective forces are honorary members of Tongji Club!

And the news that Tongji Club wants to contact them was also passed on by word of mouth from these honorary members...


After thinking for a while, Lian Lulong*Gesette sneered: "It seems that some of the rumors collected before are not groundless..."

"What do you mean?"

The other giants didn't quite understand what Gesette meant.

Gesette didn't explain, but just pulled the messenger responsible for contacting Tongji Club into the giant chat group.

"Dear human giants, I contacted you for a very simple reason. That is... to support you!"

He said something shocking.

Everyone was a little surprised.

"You mean, Tongji Club wants to invest to help us fight against Ye Yang?"



Several giants were all in doubt. After all, there is no gain without early rise.

Ye Yang has now grown into the world's strongest transcendent force.

Tongji Club has no reason to take the initiative to offend the other party...

There must be an internal reason.

"We don't want the world to be changed by him."

The messenger smiled mysteriously: "Besides, what other choice do you have besides accepting our gift? Aren't you going to lose soon!?"

The giants present all had gloomy faces.

Although this is unpleasant to hear, it is indeed the truth...

(Second update)

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